
Curtains for gazebos: types and features

Для комфортного времяпровожденandя на дачном участке, многandе владельцы органandзуют зону отдыха. Такой зоной отдыха может стать беседка andлand веранда, где можно попandть чаю со всей семьей and друзьямand andлand посandдеть вечером, подышать

Arbors for giving from polycarbonate

Что может быть прекраснее, чем проводить теплые летние вечера на собственном дачном участке? Особым комфортом могут похвастаться обладатели дачных беседок. Это замечательное сооружение позволит в полной мере наслаждаться природой и, в то же время,

Arrangement patio in the country

A patio is a kind of room, but it is not limited to four walls and a ceiling. We can say that this room is located in nature. Recently, it has become fashionable to design such sites in the back yards of the dacha plots. And no wonder - the patio can

What are summerhouse arbors

The word "cottage" for most people is associated primarily with fresh air, birds singing and a pleasant summer breeze. Dinner in the open air - isn't it great? But, unfortunately, nobody has yet learned how to make custom-made weather. Both rains and

Construction of arbors for giving

Cottage is a favorite vacation spot of our compatriots. Every year with the onset of heat for the city lovers of rest on their own site move. Summer troubles are planting and caring for them during the entire period of ripening, and collecting

Arbor projects with barbecue

The cottage provides an excellent opportunity to provide yourself with vegetables and fruits for the autumn-winter period. In addition, at the cottage you can have a good vacation or weekend, relaxing in the shade of the garden or having fun behind a

Country arbors from metal

When you look at the photos of summer houses, it is hard to stop at any one option, all are beautiful and original in their own way. But there is one important note - it is worth choosing a gazebo only taking into account the entire ensemble of the

Country arbors with a brazier

Всем известна народная традиция приготовления шашлыка на открытом воздухе. В настоящее время владельцы частных домов все чаще стараются обустроить свой участок, сооружая на нем беседки с brazier. This type of gazebos is one of the most popular,

Construction of arbors of bricks

Дачные беседки относят к малым архитектурным constructionм, которые занимают центральное место в любом ландшафтном дизайне и обладают рядом функциональных преимуществ. Особенно это касается беседок, выполненных из кирпича, ведь именно они отличаются

Beautiful gazebos with barbecue to give

To make your stay in the country house really enjoyable, you should think about building a gazebo with a barbecue. This construction of wood or brick is a kind of canopy, under which there is a table, several chairs or benches, as well as the brazier
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