Construction of arbors for giving

ArborCottage is a favorite vacation spot of our compatriots. Every year with the onset of heat for the city lovers of rest on their own site move. Summer troubles are planting and caring for them during the entire period of ripening, and collecting abundant, useful crops in the fall season. But this is not limited to staying out of town - in addition to working in the garden, you also need a good rest. And this relaxation in the open air, when the lungs are filled with oxygen.

Such luxury throughout the year can not be arranged in a city apartment. For a comfortable and relaxing holiday, you must have a special place of pastime. The best option for this is a gazebo. This simple design for many is the center of their dream garden. You can comfortably sit in it with a cup of tea, a book, receive guests, hold family meetings. In the summer heat, the gazebo creates coolness, and in the rain it serves as an excellent shed.


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of gazebos for summer cottage
  • 2 Options arbors for giving
  • 3 Materials for the construction of arbors
  • 4 How to build a gazebo in the country
  • 5 Construction technology

Advantages and disadvantages of arbors for giving

The advantages and disadvantages of this country house structure depend on several factors:

  • targetwith which the arbor was built;
  • materialused for construction;
  • the size - its compliance with the site.

Arbor для дачиНедостатки соответственно зависят от удачно выполненного строительства, от расположения — беседка не должна мешать передвижению по саду. Она должна выполнять именно ту target, с которой и создавалась, если эта target больше не преследуется, то целесообразно беседку разобрать.

The material must be qualityto gazebo served for many years, while not suffering from a sharp change in temperature and seasons. In general, with the right construction, the gazebo has only advantages - as a wonderful resting place for the whole family in the warm season.

Arbor options for giving

According to their design, arbors for summer house are divided into two main types:

  • collapsible structures. Их сооружают из легких materialов с креплением. При любой надобности их можно с легкостью разобрать и перенести в другое место or убрать на зимнее хранение;
  • having stationary basis. They are erected on the foundation, the analysis of the structure with subsequent assembly is no longer possible.

Also arbors for giving can be classified on:

  • Outdoor gazeboopen - they can be operated only in the summer heat and in warm weather;
  • closed - their design is designed to rest not only in the warm season, but also with a slight cooling.

Options are also possible. "Live" arborswhere the walls are covered with live plants. Their operation is also only for the summer period. And for a large company it is possible to build a gazebo with barbecue Their size is much larger than that of conventional gazebos, and compliance with fire safety rules is required when drawing up a construction plan.

Materials for the construction of arbors

The pergola for the suburban area is also decoration, and therefore it is important to take care of the external component of the structure.

The most used materials for the manufacture of arbors:

  • The main options for arbors, sold through a trading network, are designs made from polycarbonate. They have a certain number of advantages - there is no need to build a foundation, they are easily transferred to a new place. They are practical to use and quite comfortable. They have high resistance to aggressive effects, they are not sensitive to sudden temperature changes. Have an aesthetic appearance, can be covered with paint of any color.
  • Wooden structures also have great popularity. This inexpensive and practical material for many years is not inferior to others in its price category. A gazebo made of wood can be built by yourself, for this you need to familiarize yourself with the construction technology of country houses. In its own way, this material is the most successful for the gazebo. It is in perfect harmony with nature at the dacha. Especially if the bath or house is also built of wood, and observing the style of construction, you can create an excellent composition in your summer cottage. Construction options are possible from logs, boards, or simply from rods of strong branches. The most important thing before the construction will be puzzled by the protection of the tree from rotting and damage by insects, mold and rodents. To do this, select special solutions, varnishes and coatings.
  • Brick arborAnother material for the construction of arbors is a rock or brick. They are durable, have sufficient strength and endurance. Easily resist any natural phenomena and aggressive environmental influences. Neither insects, nor rotting, nor rodents are not afraid of such an arbor. They are fireproof, and therefore suitable for the installation of barbecue or barbecue. Arbor will serve its owners for a long time and will delight for long seasons. For such constructions it is necessary to build solid foundation - bases with sufficient depth of occurrence. Especially well located next to such a resting place, the so-called rock garden or alpine hill. Also, this gazebo has a good combination with a paved stone platform. Aesthetically beautiful appearance and durability are the main qualities of this arbor.

How to independently build a gazebo in the country

To make an arbor for the country country site is not difficult. It will take not much time, in the worst case you will have to spend a couple of days off on construction. The first thing you need to decide on size and location будущего сооружения. А это уже зависит от ее назначения, количества людей которые будут в ней отдыхать. Arbor может использоваться как гостевое сооружение or как место индивидуального отдыха. Также возможно использование под детскую игровую площадку. Кто-то любит применять место в беседке для ежедневных обедов и ужинов, проведенных семьей. Кому то удобно там принимать большое количество гостей.

Arbor на дачеThe best place will be the site where there is a good all-round visibility. Where there is no close room, and the gazebo should not be on the path of frequent walking in the garden. Its size must also be taken into account and harmoniously fit into the suburban area. It should not be distinguished by its size in relation to other buildings and structures.

Are common recommendations pergola placement:

  • Beautiful view on the garden and plants is one of the advantages.
  • The sun must necessarily get at least on one side of the gazebo
  • A very good option would be water availability near the place of rest. A small pond, river or any other body of water will create a natural coolness.
  • It is important to find a place where there will be strong winds. That is, elevation and open space are excluded.

Once you have decided on the location for the future design, you can begin to create drawings. You can use the sketches from the Internet for this and attach a personal fantasy. It is important to remember that all wooden structural elements before construction must be treated with means that prevent rotting and protect against pests and mold.

Construction technology

The construction of a simple gazebo to give looks like this:

  1. initially marked location designs. The top layer of soil is removed to a depth of about 10 centimeters. Break out the pits under the future foundation. Their depth should reach 50 centimeters. Pillars as a support are taken from a solid wooden beam. The length of the order of three meters. The end that will be drowned in the ground, you need to pre-process to slow the process of decay. At the same time, the pits on the bottom should have a layer of carefully compacted rubble. After submerging the timber, gravel is poured in several layers and concrete is poured. On fixing you need to take about two days.
  2. Arbor constructionWalls and roofing. You can create walls from wooden slats or planks, it depends on personal preferences. They are fixed on the screws. The roof can be made shedding, and you can more interesting. For the construction of two-sloped roof four rafters are needed. They are carried away from the gazebos and connected to each other. From the inside it will be right to trim the roof plywood, and on top of the material that does not allow moisture. For example, slate or soft tile. It is important not to forget about rainwater runoff.
  3. Paul in the gazebo may be located at ground level, and may be slightly elevated. For a simple option, you can pour concrete or lay paving slabs. If the base of the gazebo wants to lift above the ground, then you need to create a base. Then from the entrance to make steps.

Thus, you can quickly and easily build a comfortable summerhouse.