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Pond - IRADALAT.COM - Interior and Design. The best photos of the interior. Apartments design.


Choosing a vacuum cleaner for the pond

If your territory has an artificial reservoir (pool or pond), it must be periodically cleaned. This is due to the fact that such a structure does not have natural filters that could provide clean and clear water. Resourceful gardeners solve this

Decorative plastic pond

Any water bodies are attractive place for people. Water gives a feeling of freshness, peace and coolness. Perhaps the best rest is the rest by the water. However, not everyone has the opportunity to choose the nature at any time, depending on their

Water plants for pond

Very often, decorative ponds of various shapes and sizes are used to decorate suburban areas. And in order for this element of the landscape to look beautiful and natural, it must be supplemented with a variety of plants. Such plants perform not only

Pond in the country with their own hands

It is wonderful when there is a lake or a river near the country house, because water has long been considered the element, symbolizing peace and tranquility. In addition, according to ancient beliefs, the owner, near the dwelling of which the

Decorative pond for giving

The natural reservoir at the dacha is a gift, but very few can boast about it. For those who do not have such a natural landscape, an artificial pond will be a great option. In hot weather, it will humidify the air, create a favorable climate for

The decorative fountain for giving

Each owner of a country house is trying to make a personal plot more attractive. After all, it is a place of rest, and this is most contributed to its unusual landscape design and decorative design. The fountain in the country will be not only an

How to make a pond with your own hands?

The landscaping of the backyard plot implies not only landscaping the territory, a breakdown of flower gardens and lawns, equipment for pavements, the presence of gazebos, but also the arrangement of an artificial reservoir. It has long been known
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