From 23 to 24 June in the Moscow National Hotel (15/1 Mokhovaya St.) the first exhibition of the DecoRus design exhibition was held
The exhibition DecoRus can be considered the younger sister of the annual London Decorex. The world famous English textile manufacturers brought to Moscow both their new collections and those already known in Russia. Company SANDERSON presented the 50s Fabrics collection dedicated to the style of the 50s of the 20th century, in which modern designers rethought drawings from the company's archives. Textiles and wallpaper MORRIS&CO They were bright and rich in details: embroidered linen, upholstery jacquard, recreated according to archival samples, paper wallpaper with floral motifs characteristic of the English decorative tradition. Company booth ZOFFANY пестрел разноцветными вышивками, в которых соединились как традиционные, так и современные интерпретации всевозможных природных орнаментов, выполненных в различных техниках и стилях. Кроме обычных жаккардов, тканей с принтами и вышивками на выставке был вязаный текстиль для дома - пледы, покрывала и другие аксессуары из нежного кашемира компании C&C MILANO, а также разные кисти и подхваты WATTS OF WESTMINSTER, able to decorate the interior and add personality to it.