Decorative plastic pond

Decorative pond из пластикаAny water bodies are attractive place for people. Water gives a feeling of freshness, peace and coolness. Perhaps the best rest is the rest by the water. However, not everyone has the opportunity to choose the nature at any time, depending on their own desires. Therefore, one of the solutions to this problem can be the construction of an artificial reservoir in his summer cottage.


  • 1 Types of artificial ponds
  • 2 Pond from the finished plastic form
  • 3 Installation of decorative pond
  • 4 Video installation of decorative pond

Types of artificial ponds

Decorative pondExecution of an artificial reservoir on the site is possible in several versions. By and large, much depends on the size of the site, the wishes of the owner, the purpose of the reservoir and, of course, the financial component. During the improvement of landscape design, many varieties of reservoirs were invented. They give beauty and completeness to any site. Appropriate use of water features will make the garden charming and interesting.

To choose the right place for a garden pond is not an easy task. It is worth starting with the choice of the type and purpose of the reservoir.

Dynamic type. These include water bodies that are in constant motion. They create a special atmosphere, the murmur and splashing of water not bad lift the mood and vitality. "Moving" reservoirs are of several types:

  • A source. Perhaps this is the easiest version of the execution. Most often, its size is not large, and the arrangement will not require a significant amount of funds. In order that the perception of such a source does not suffer, you can pay special attention to its decor. Not bad, if you can lift it above the ground level, and it is better to have it as close as possible to the rest area.
  • Creek. This body of water is usually small and with a narrow channel along which water moves at a certain speed, depending on the terrain and slope. One rule must be observed: the higher the flow rate of water in a stream, the more it should be. Accordingly, the slower the flow, the channel can be made wider and more convoluted.
  • Waterfall. In fact, it is a stream, in a certain place where water falls from an artificial ledge down. Parameters such as height and design may be different. The waterfall is much more complicated "construction". For its arrangement, a natural or artificial difference in elevation of relief is required. To obtain beautiful jets, you may need special tools (for example, stones with a special shape), you may also need drainage, be sure to strengthen the waterfall bowl. It is necessary to calculate the distance of the flight of the spray, in particular, in windy weather to avoid excessive splashing.
  • Cascade. This is a single landscape form, consisting of several waterfalls, possibly of different heights.
  • Fountain. If the previous forms of artificial reservoirs are close to natural ones, then the fountain is rather a decorative source of coolness, with jets of water ejected upwards or to the sides. The fountain gives a special chic to the site where it is installed. To create water pressure, a special pump is often used. Flowing water is collected in one or several bowls, or simply flows into a pond.

Static type. Water bodies with stagnant water are included in this type. Such reservoirs provide an opportunity to experience peace, relaxation and tranquility. They are also able to increase the contemplativeness of other decorative elements of the garden. Static reservoirs also come in several forms:

  • Bolotce. The basis of this reservoir is standing water with an abundance of water and simply moisture-loving vegetation. Most often, the marsh is small in size with an emphasis on vegetation. His natural fullness, support is required only in the dry summer.
  • Artificial pond in the gardenПруд. Perhaps the most common artificial reservoir in gardens and park areas. It has an arbitrary shape and size, can be combined with any dynamic type of artificial reservoirs. The pond requires periodic cleaning, using special means. In such a reservoir, you can breed fish.
  • Pool. This reservoir is designed to satisfy the desire of a person to swim. In the pool a lot of attention is paid to sanitary and hygienic requirements. To use the pool you need to acquire special equipment for cleaning and heating water.

Creating an artificial reservoir is not something unrealizable and complex. In particular, there is a relatively simple way to get a living area on your site. For example, you can create plastic pondrequired size and appearance.

Pond from the finished plastic form

For the manufacture of molds for artificial pond used high pressure polyethylene. Forms come in a variety of configurations and sizes. They differ in volume. The minimum displacement of such a form is about 135, the maximum - 2000 liters and more. Most often, large forms are made from fiberglass.

Plastic mold for pondMain benefits such a foundation is easy to install, low cost of materials and speed of installation. There is no need to calculate and make terraces, and also to strengthen the coast. Registration also does not require a lot of effort. However, the coast configuration is set by the manufacturer, it can not be changed. The advantages also include resistance to ultraviolet radiation, environmental friendliness and a sufficiently long service life - about 15 years.

Installation of decorative pond

Installation of the pond in the garden plot can be divided into several stages:

  1. Как обычно, в начале нужно определиться с местоположением. Decorative pond оптимально располагать так, чтобы прямой солнечный свет падал на него в течение всего нескольких часов за день. Это позволит save water from blooming longer at the same time without overheating it. Do not install a pond near a large cluster of trees, as the fall of the foliage will contribute to the rapid pollution of water.
  2. Then proceed to markup. It is very convenient to turn the shape upside down and just draw around the contour. The form is removed and draw a line 15−30 cm further from the marked. Further along the marked contours, a pit is dug, 20 centimeters deep more than the depth of the plastic mold.
  3. Dug hole carefully cleared of stones and roots. The bottom and walls are rammed.
  4. Installation of plastic pondThe bottom of the pit withsprinkled with sand approximately 20 cm, the sand is carefully rammed. Thus, the level of the edge of the form coincides with the level of the ground. At this stage it is very important to ensure that the platform under the pond is clearly horizontal. To determine this, a building level is used.
  5. The space between the plastic mold and the ground, remaining empty, is also filled with sand. This should be done gradually. First fall asleep 20-30 cm, песок проливается водой, чтобы равномерно заполнились все образовавшиеся пустоты. Так как форма достаточно гибкая, для избежания ее деформации, заполняем ее водой на такую же высоту. Then снова засыпается и проливается водой песок и доливается вода на нужный уровень. Повторяем до тех пор, пока не останется пустого пространства между землей и формой.
  6. After a day you need to check the resulting structure and to fill up the settled sand.
  7. Next, pump out the water from the pond, clean and fill it with clean water.

After work on the installation of an artificial pond, it remains only decorate its shores are in accordance with their wishes and taking into account the general appearance of the space adjacent to the artificial reservoir. For example, you can make a small beach near the reservoir. To do this, it is necessary to pour a part of the coast with coarse sand or pebbles, completing the image by adding a few small boulders.

Small plastic garden pondIf a small pond is planned in the garden to complete a design project that does not involve the breeding of fish, you can get by with a plastic no more than 60 cm and occupying about 2−5m2. Such a plastic "bath" will cost from 1 to 10 thousand, depending on the specific size and shape, plus the cost of sand for installation and decoration material. If you do everything yourself, then the cost of this, in general, and ends.

Do not forget about care. Since the water in the reservoir is standing, it will need to be periodically completely change, in order to avoid such troubles as blooming and spoilage of water, entailing, at a minimum, an unpleasant smell and neglected appearance.

Installation video of the decorative pond