The decorative fountain for giving

Decorative fountainEach owner of a country house is trying to make a personal plot more attractive. After all, it is a place of rest, and this is most contributed to its unusual landscape design and decorative design. The fountain in the country will be not only an interesting design element of the garden plot, but also a great place to sit and relax.


  • 1 Types of decorative fountains
  • 2 Варианты design фонтанов
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages of decorative fountains
  • 4 Characteristics of some types of fountains and their cost
  • 5 Installation of a decorative fountain in the country

Types of decorative fountains

Before you choose a fountain for the suburban area, you must be familiar with the main types of these devices. They differ in the type of installation and the form of water supply.

By type of installation fountains are:

  • submersible;
  • stationary.

Submersible fountainSubmersible fountains могут быть использованы, если на участке есть водоем. Это может быть декоративный пруд или бассейн. Submersible fountain представляет собой специальную насадку, через которую по трубопроводу подается вода. Он устанавливается внутри водоема и берет из него воду с помощью специального насоса.

Stationary fountains can be installed anywhere in the suburban area. They have a spray through which a jet of water flows and falls into the bowl of the fountain. Usually they are made of artificial stone - durable and frost-resistant material. The stationary fountain on the site should be part of the landscape design. Its design can be very diverse. Now on sale there is a large range of decorative fountains for the most demanding customers.

According to the form of water supply distinguish fountains of the following types:

  • "jet";
  • "bell";
  • "hemisphere";
  • "tulip";
  • "ring";
  • "fish tail";
  • fountains sprayers.

In them, water is supplied through special nozzles and forms jets of bizarre shapes. Nozzles for fountains of various types can be purchased in the trade network. Sometimes the fountain does not come with one, but several nozzles that can be changed, getting the desired shape of water jets.

Варианты design фонтанов

Decorative fountainToday, the trading network has a wide range of decorative fountains of various designs. When choosing this device to give, you need to pay attention to the following aspects of its design:

  • design style;
  • number and shape of bowls;
  • the presence of architectural elements;
  • additional effects;
  • backlight.

Selecting a fountain for the garden, you need to strive to ensure that its appearance is combined with the general appearance of the site. Style fountain "classic" It will look ridiculous in an overgrown wild ivy corner. A fountain in natural eco-style will be appropriate here. On the contrary, the classically decorated fountain will look great on a plot equipped in the “classic” style.

Lovers of architectural elements easy to choose the appropriate design of the fountain to give. There are many models of garden decorative fountains with sculptures for every taste.

Существует множество моделей с различной формой чаш и их количеством. Small fountain в укромном уголке сада или возле стены дома может иметь одну чашу. Сад, наполненный различными архитектурными композициями, можно украсить более сложным и оригинальным фонтаном with several bowls. The shape of the bowls can also be different. The overall classic landscape requires strict geometric shapes. Rectangular or square fountain bowls are appropriate here. The baroque style can be complemented by a fountain with fancy round or oval shapes. If the whole landscape resembles a corner of wildlife, the fountain here should be equipped with a bowl of irregular shape, resembling a natural lake.

Illuminated fountainIn the evening, after sunset at the cottage is very beautiful and festive look. fountains with lighting. Usually lamps for illumination are placed in the water of an artificial reservoir or inside a fountain bowl immersed in the ground. Illumination of the fountain can be both static and multicolored dynamic. You can also choose a fountain with special effects, for example, with light music.

Advantages and disadvantages of decorative fountains

Thanks to the many advantages of decorative fountains, they have become very popular and popular. The main thing, because of what they get a fountain for giving - his decorative function. Garden fountain immediately becomes the object of attention, the main decoration of the site. Even just sitting beside him and watching the jets of water is very nice. A garden with a fountain immediately takes on a completely different look. Its landscape can be called integral, complete.

In addition to decorating the garden fountain is also of practical importance. Stationary garden fountain is natural air humidifier. And in the heat around it will be fresh and cool. If the fountain is installed in an artificial reservoir, aquatic plants will grow well in such a lake, and the fish will feel comfortable. The movement of water in the pond will enrich it with oxygen.

Garden fountainHowever, the ill-conceived location of the fountain can create many inconveniences for the owners of the problem. When using any nozzles, the jet of water should fall into the bowl of the fountain or into the reservoir where it is located. It is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the wall of the house, garden furniture or plants.

Excessive moisture can lead to death of plants and damage to things. But even if the fountain is working properly, splashes of water from it can fall on nearby objects. Therefore, you can install the fountain no closer than 50 cm from walls, furniture and other items that may become unusable due to continuous excessive moisture.

Characteristics of some types of fountains and their cost

Submersible fountains для искусственного водоема на дачном участке характеризуются pump power which is used in this system, performance and height of the water supply. Buy a small submersible fountain with a height of water supply up to 1 m and a capacity of about 1.6 cu. m / h can be at a price from 2 to 3 thousand rubles. A more powerful fountain costs 1,5−2 times more expensive. You can also find fountains with light and light. Prices for immersion fountains are not too high compared with the cost of stationary products for the garden.

Stationary decorative fountains differ variety of forms. They are made in various styles, their range is very wide. Their prices vary depending on the size and model of the fountain, as well as on the material of its manufacture. So if a small fountain of artificial stone can be purchased for the price from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.the fountain of the same size, made of natural stone, will cost 5-6 times more expensive.

Installation of a decorative fountain in the country

Buy a suitable fountain to give is not difficult. And to install it is not necessary to invite professionals. This is not a very complicated process, it is quite possible to conduct it yourself.

Usually in stationary fountain set The following components are included:

  • fountain bowl and decorative items;
  • water pump;
  • electrical cable.

Small fountainПеред установкой фонтана следует выбрать подходящее для него место. Small fountain может быть расположен в любом тихом месте сада. Желательно обеспечить его обзор с нескольких сторон. Также не следует забывать о том, что фонтан будет подключен to the electrical network. Therefore, you need to think in advance how to lay the cable so that it is not noticeable.

After the place is selected, proceed to foundation laying. Usually, a concrete foundation is poured in for the fountain, which provides a flat surface, strength and reliability of the structure, eliminates soil subsidence and distortion of the fountain. If the construction of the fountain involves digging a bowl into the ground, it is necessary to dig a pit and build a foundation at the bottom. For very small fountains, the foundation can not be equipped.

After equipping the foundation, you can begin to install the fountain. Modern garden fountains are already finished construction with built-in water pumps, which only need to be included in the electrical network. The cable to the fountain pump is best laid inside plastic pipe. This will provide the necessary security and prevent accidental damage to the wiring. After that, you need to fill the reservoir of the fountain with water and plug it into the network.

A skillfully selected fountain for a dacha will not so much transform a plot as create an amazing one. unique charm. It will not be evident, will become part of the landscape of the suburban area, and at the same time it will be its main decoration, the “highlight” of the suburban area.