Star status

Moscow apartment with an area of ​​350 m2

Passing the gallery

A photo: Zinon Rasudinov

Text: Olga Vologdina

Project author: Ekaterina Ilyina

Magazine: N6 (150) 2010

Emerged in the first decades of the last century, ar-deko forever secured a star status. Over time, it still remains one of the most sought-after styles in the design of private residences, country houses and apartments

Планировка дома, вернее отдельные ее особенности, оказала влияние на архитектурную концепцию. Квартира, состоящая из двух, занимает половину одного из верхних этажей дома в современном жилом комплексе. Окна выходят на три стороны - восток, север и запад. Несмотря на явные достоинства, естественного света все же было недостаточно. Project author Ekaterina Ilyina decided to functionally divide the premises into “daytime” zones, emotionally joyful, flooded with sunlight, and “evening” areas, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, utility rooms, not particularly in need of lighting. As a result of the redevelopment, the central part was given to the children: there are spacious children's bedrooms, a bathroom, and a hall with a guest bathroom. In the right wing they organized a public block - a living room, a dining room, a kitchen. The left wing became a private space of the parents, consisting of a small living room, bedroom, bathroom and dressing rooms. However, all these transformations entailed the emergence of a long corridor, which inevitably arises with a similar apartment configuration. In the corridor, we made two small round halls that preceded the entrances to separate rooms. Due to this, he ceased to be perceived as a long narrow space.

The glass stained glass windows allow light to enter the apartment: a large stained glass window is made in the wall between the small living room and the dressing room; transparent partitions are between the hallway and the corridor, the dining room and the kitchen.

To make an apartment in style ar-deko The architect decided not by chance. Customers themselves offered to base the artistic image ar-dekobut without excessive decoration, restrained, partly even minimalistic. With a large area to achieve the task lacked only height. Catherine admits that this was really a problem. Moreover, it was necessary to place the channel air conditioning so that it does not “eat up” the height of the ceilings too much. In order to visually increase the volume, the architect designed the doors with decorative transom and trim. The most recognizable replicas ar-deko steel chandeliers made from sketches of the author. The rest of the decor, made exclusively from natural materials (marble, onyx, teak, granite, glass, carved wood), as intended, only remotely resemble historical prototypes. But together with the fine elaboration of the color scale, leather furniture and luxurious textiles, they create the feeling of an expensive, modern, without the obvious pathos of an exclusive interior.

Project author Ekaterina Ilyina:“Since this was our third joint project with the customer, he gave us complete freedom in organizing space, in choosing colors and materials. It was very interesting and pleasant to work on the interior: many details and elements were designed specifically for this apartment. ”