Any private plot or cottage can be considered as equipped and well-groomed only when they are decorated with flowers. Only flowers are able to create beauty and comfort, complete the style of the site, give a good mood, give life energy. One of the islands with which you can revive and decorate the backyard territory, can be called a flower bed. It is a flower bed can be the final touch that will give the site a special highlight and personality.
- 1 What is a flower bed?
- 2 Klum types
- 3 Choosing a place for a bed
- 4 Rules for creating a beautiful flower bed
- 5 In conclusion
What is a flower bed?
Flowerbed is called the type of flower garden, which has a small size and is located on the site of one or several separate islands. Beds can be given a variety of forms:
- round;
- oval;
- in the form of a flower;
- butterflies;
- one floor;
- multi-tiered.
In general, any, which only have enough imagination from the owners of the estate. In order to emphasize the beauty of the flower garden and make it an accent, a flower bed is surrounded by a lawn and arranged so that it can be clearly seen from all sides.
Klum types
The flowerbeds, which are most often used for floriculture, can be divided into several types:
- Regular
- Irregular
- Elevated
- Vertical
- Monoclumbaba
- Arabesque
Regular flower beds characterized by a strict geometric pattern and simple shapes. The pattern that the plants placed on it form must be symmetrical with respect to the center or the optical axis. For such beds are selected plants with the same period and a long flowering period. Planting is carried out with observance of clear boundaries between the parts of the flower bed that form the pattern. Such flower beds most often decorate parks and squares. Their clear symmetrical lines create a special atmosphere of order and aesthetics. They are rarely used to decorate the backyard plot.
Irregular клумба - This is a flower bed with more free placement of flower plants on it. Its creation does not require significant labor costs. But nevertheless, you first need to seriously consider the procedure for placing plants on it. Most often, such a flower bed is planted with perennials, picking up plants so that the flowering in the flower bed lasts continuously throughout the summer.
Elevated flower bed can decorate both the city park and the summer cottage. Raised flower beds are often made in several levels. Their borders are the walls of:
- stone;
- masonry;
- other material, beautifully laid beforehand.
Small, raised flower beds look very neat and aesthetically pleasing. Plants for such flowerbeds can be used both floral and vegetable, decoratively similar to flowers.
Carpet flower bed with proper selection of plants can be a real decoration of summer cottages. But the process of its creation and care for it requires a serious and competent selection of plants, knowledge and great patience. This flowerbed is made with the help of dwarf ornamental plants. Planting is carried out in such a way that, with proper care, they grow, forming a beautiful uniform carpet with an original pattern.
Vertical flower beds - these are living sculptures. This beauty is increasingly used in gardens. But the device of such a masterpiece requires special knowledge, hard work and constant care. And without prior creation of a special framework, this matter cannot be realized at all. Only after the frame with fixtures will be mounted, will it be possible to fix the vases for plants. A vertical flowerbed is a perfect way out for flower growers who do not have a large area land to create your own corner of beauty. For these purposes can also be used screens and tapestries of various configurations. Even the wall of the house may well come in handy as the basis for creating such a flower bed.
MonoclumbabaPerhaps the most cost-effective in terms of time and money. Such a flowerbed is made of plants of one species. But despite this, the hostess with fantasy can even in this case create a small miracle, pleasing the eye. Flower composition can be made up of any flowers - roses, asters, chrysanthemums, dahlia ... To make it more natural, you should not give it a certain geometric shape. And if you pick up an interesting color scheme, even if only one type of plant, you can get a bright, attractive flower bed, pleasing with its beauty.
It will be interesting to look at the garden and arabesque - the volume bed, created in the form of an insect, animal or plant. Such a flower bed of complex shape looks very original on the site, but its creation requires certain knowledge. In order for the flowerbed to look elegant, you need to correctly make a selection of plants for the timing of flowering, plant height and color range.
Choosing a place for flower beds
Before determining which type of flower bed to use, it is necessary to choose the place where it will be located. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account how protected the place is from the wind, whether it is sunny or shaded most of the day, and what aesthetic load it should bear. All of these factors influence which plants will be needed. use when landing:
- photophilous or shade tolerant;
- high or low;
- what timing flowering;
- color and shape of the flower.
If there is not enough experience, then the first years, until knowledge and experience come, it would be more expedient to use more simple plant species and create the simplest design flower beds. Before planting the soil, be sure to carefully dig up the soil and select weeds, fertilize the soil with fertilizers and select a flower garden with a border or a decorative fence.
Rules for creating a beautiful flower bed
To create any type of flower garden, you need to know a few rules. For starters, it is desirable to draw planned composition on paper, taking into account the height of plants, colors and timing of flowering.
Rule one - the selection of colors.
When forming a flower bed, both facelessness and excessive variegation should be avoided - flowers should complement and emphasize each other, create harmony.
The background on the flowerbed should be flowers of violet, green, lilac or dark blue. Orange, red, pink or yellow colors will help to emphasize. If you have created too colorful flower garden, you can make it more calm with the help blotches of white, pale blue or pale yellow colors. It is desirable to place the plants in colors so that the transition from one color to another is smooth, calm.
Rule two - when forming a flower garden, it is also necessary to take into account how friendly plants are with each other, whether their neighborhood influences well the growth and development of flowers in neighboring parts of the composition. Considering the rules for placing flowers, the highest plants are placed in the middle of the composition. Further flowers are planted. from the center of the flower bed to its edge. The first in the center are the highest plants. Then the rest of the flowers are gradually planted in height from the highest to the lowest at the edge of the flowerbed. Usually most of the flower beds in this case are occupied by medium-grown plants.
Rule Three - Regarding the timing of flowering plants. To flower bed throughout the entire period from early spring to late autumn to please the eye, you need to choose plants that will bloom all season. Or competently plan the plantation of planting with such an account that after the flowering of some plants they others were blooming, and, thus, the flowerbed constantly blossomed and had a beautiful well-groomed appearance.
Fourth rule - planting density. It is believed that the more the plants are planted in a flowerbed, the more luxuriant and rich it will look. But at the same time, the fact that each plant needs a certain area of nutrition and enough light for normal growth and development is overlooked. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the well-known norms of planting:
- low-growing 7–10 plants are planted per 1 m² of area;
- sredneroslye plants per 1 m² can be placed 5−7 pieces;
- large or high per 1 m² of area you can plant no more than 3 plants.
Perhaps at first the flowerbed will look poor, but over time, when the plants grow, it will acquire its real look.
Fifth Rule - the flowerbed should be fenced from the rest of the garden area by a border. Successfully selected curb, as a frame for stone. She can emphasize the beauty of the flower garden and enhance its charm. The frame of the flower bed should match its style and be combined in height. The material for the curb can serve as a stone, brick, wood stumps, even car cameras. Often for these purposes use stunted plants (boxwood, for example).
Sixth rule - in order for the flowerbed to look wonderful from all sides, it must be placed on some background. This background can serve as a well-kept lawn, a solid wall of a building.
Flower bed form may be different: round, oval, rectangular, square. But the flowerbed of any irregular shape looks best of all.
When choosing any form of flower bed you need to remember that in a small area it will be better to look at a small flowerbed. If the area is large, it can accommodate one large flower bed or several small flower beds.
To give a flower bed a highlight, it is possible to harmoniously enter into it a small conifer or decorative shrub. Or arrange a flower bed around perennials, using them as a background or base.
To give a special charm and charm beds can be decorated with garden the figures, decorative stones, fountains or lanterns.