At the end of 2016, the Oxford Dictionary included the word hygge in the list of the most popular. Initially Danish in the sense of "welfare", it spread to all Scandinavian countries, and then conquered the rest of the world. In Russian, the word sounds like “Hugge” and today in a very crude translation means “comfort”. It is important that we are talking about comfort in the Scandinavian understanding of the word - it means very leisurely, stylistically flawless and verified, warm home comfort. Spending time with your family, simple quiet household chores, walks through the winter forest and reading books is a real “hyugge”.
By topic: Silence - all for relaxation
In the interior, this trend continues the broader theme of Silence. The desire of modern man to escape from the bustle of the outside world in their own home. Fill the house with soft, as if enveloping things, natural materials and pastel tones.
Apartments in Paris, designer Francois Champsor. Bruissement pattern (2016), director Raphael Navot, De Gournay. Bath in a textile case, design JAB Anstoetz, Bette, 2016. Venezia collection, Rubelli, 2017.