Copenhagen apartments, restaurants and even offices are a special theme of modern design. In their love for minimalism, natural gamma, cozy lighting, the Danes are on the side of the Scandinavians, while much higher than the Finns, Swedes and Norwegians hold the mark of ancient European life, diligently cultivating their native neoclassicism, restrained bourgeoisness and traces of past eras.

Danish interior designers have developed their own monochrome, their own interpretation of black and white graphics, a special mix of antiques and super modern design. Of course, everyone uses the Scandinavian hits of the twentieth century, but preference is given to Danish masters. For decades, do not get tired of the lamps of Paul Henningsen and the chairs of Finn Julia. The chic of Danish design combined with modesty and the highest detail culture - the plinth, window constipation or the width of the gaps between the boards form an undeniable style.

KiCK (Копенгагенский международный центр творчества) несколько лет назад переехал в исторический особняк Hansen Mansion. Основу центра образуют две компании — Danish Fashion & Textile (оказывает поддержку примерно 350 фэшн-компаниям) и Kopenhagen Fur (аукционный дом по продаже мехов). Обе решили заселиться вместе, став точкой притяжения творческих людей города и важным адресом крепнущей датской фэшн-индустрии.

The house itself is great. In 1835, it was designed and built by the neoclassical architect Jørgen Hansen Koch on the order of a successful Danish merchant. One of the most fashionable architectural bureaus in Copenhagen, founded in 2011 by architect and designer Helle Flou, worked on the interior renovation.

Working on the project, she developed the concept of a “northern diamond”. She was inspired by Scandinavian design, nature and a special northern light. “The diamond must be strong, but at the same time elegant, with beautiful edges,” says the designer. As a result, she succeeded in stylish business spaces, standards of modern interior.

Historical building - design deliberately relevant. There is not a single vintage item here. All the lamps, tables, armchairs and sofas are made by modern authors or are released today by well-known companies that have the rights to reprint the cult authors of the 20th century (Finn Yulia, Arne Jacobsen, Charles and Ray Eames). The style contrast is also manifested in the combination of unusually festive, tinted with gold paint profiles of ancient walls and ascetic boardwalk. As well as strict black office furniture (executive office) and lowering the official tone of home carpet with a faded orange pattern.

The Scandinavians are well aware of how to light up at home so that the long winters maintain a pleasant atmosphere. It was the Danes who were the first to use the scheme of diffused light, actively use table lamps, floor lamps and not only in homes, but also in working interiors.

In line with the accepted practice, Helle Flow has placed different types of lamps. Their authors are completely famous designers from Tom Dixon and Michael Anastassiades to the Austrian studio Atelie Oï. Large ceiling chandeliers too. In form, they are extremely avant-garde, but no matter how bold their geometry is, each one is mounted on a molded decorative rosette. Extravagant concept looks great.

Helle Flow was inspired by the “Northern Diamond” image. Every now and then in the decor appear the brink. They are visible in the pattern of carpets, in patterns on glass partitions, and also in white relief - a work of art that adorns one of the meeting rooms.