Curtains for the living room (100 photos)

In the modern interior of the living room curtains are not only functional, closing the room from the sun and prying eyes, but are an important element in its design. Curtains perform a very difficult mission to become a link between all elements of the interior, sometimes belonging to different styles. Here you will learn about the solution of this problem, about the styles and elements of the decor of curtains, about fashion this year in the article. And also see a master class on making curtains with your own hands.

The content of the article
  • The choice of curtains depending on the style
    • Features of modern style
    • Classic in the curtains
    • Hi-tech style
    • Стиль provence
    • Minimalism
    • Curtains in the oriental style
    • Eclectic or what kind of curtains to choose in style without style
    • Vintage or curtains from grandma's chest
  • Design features curtains in the living room with two windows
  • The choice of curtains in the living room with a balcony
  • Types of curtains
    • Curtains with lambrequin and without
    • Short and long curtains
    • On grommets or rings
    • Curtains for bay window
  • Fashion trends curtains for the living room in 2018 |
  • How to sew curtains do it yourself

The choice of curtains depending on the style

The final touch in the design of the living room, like any other interior, will be curtains. Of course, they must match the style of the room, make it more comfortable and beautiful.

Each style corresponds to a certain type of curtains and should be guided in this so that unsuccessfully selected curtains do not “fall out” from the overall picture of the living room design.

Read more about the design of curtains for different rooms.

Features of modern style

Modern interior style is a mix of other styles: hi-tech, minimalism, eclecticism. This is a way to express yourself, show your individuality, taste and perception of comfort. The main features of the modern style are ease of perception, light colors, ease of use. Curtains in modern style are usually straight, without stitches, on loops or grommets. The color scheme of curtains can be in tune with other colors of the interior, but it must be bright: beige, coffee with milk, ivory. Or accent: red, purple, blue, green. But these colors must be clean, fresh. Fabric for curtains in modern style fits any: from natural with a pronounced texture to made with the use of modern technology: metallic threads, laser cutting. Drawing: monophonic or geometry.

Curtains for the living room in a modern style 1

Curtains for living room in modern style 2

Curtains for a living room in modern style 3

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Curtains for the living room in a modern style 9

Classic in the curtains

Classic never goes out of style. The interior in a classic style will always be popular, besides an indicator of the excellent taste of its owners. Classic-style curtains are a combination of heavy opaque fabrics with an air organza. They are very functional: light fabric does not prevent the penetration of sunlight into the room, and opaque curtains can hide it from excessive sun and prying eyes. The classic style allows the use in the manufacture of curtains of all types of fabrics, any texture and pattern, using all sorts of decorative elements: lambrequins, braid, cords. In this style, it is important to withstand the color and texture of the curtains, in tune with the interior. Otherwise, it will be scattered and unattractive, because in the classics curtains are the main accent element of the interior.

Curtains for the living room in a classic style 1

Curtains for a living room in a classic style 2

Curtains for a living room in a classic style 3

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Hi-tech style

High-tech style is a tribute to the modern lifestyle in the age of industrial progress. In the interior, made in the style of hi-tech, there is nothing superfluous, each thing has its own place and purpose. This rather cold and unpretentious style, originally designed for office space, is gaining more and more fans who use it in residential premises. Making windows in high-tech style bears only functional load, no decor. Strict and simple, curtains should be transparent, have a metallic luster. Such curtains will be appropriate only in the interior of high-tech style. In tailoring curtains of great importance is the choice of fabric. It should be the most modern and high-quality material, possibly with a metal thread or laser cut. The color scheme is appropriate: the color of the metal, from gray to gold and platinum.

Curtains for the living room in high-tech style 1

Curtains for the living room in the style of high-tech 2

Curtains for the living room in the style of high-tech 3

Curtains for the living room in the style of high-tech 4

Curtains for the living room in the style of high-tech 5

See also photos of the kitchen-living room design.

Стиль provence

Стиль provence приближает нас к природе, это скорее стиль кантри с поправкой на Францию. Ведь назван он благодаря ее южной провинции. Стиль отображает деревенский быт, что означает скромность и простоту во всем. Это натуральные материалы в элементах интерьера, деревянные полы и потолки, шторы простого покроя на все окно. К слову – в классическом стиле provence окно должно быть от потолка до пола. Незамысловатые рисунки на шторах – это цветы или букетики всевозможных размеров и пестроты, красно-белая и сине-белая клетка, полоска. Ткани – лен, набивной ситец, вышитые или связанные крючком полотна. Цветовая гамма provenceа – светлые, сочные, но не кричащие краски, основными цветами считаются охра и терракота. При выборе штор для стиля provence необходимо помнить, что в оформлении provenceкого интерьера обязательно присутствует синий цвет, потому декор окон должен быть гармоничным с этим цветом. Узнать другие особенности стиля provence на примере дизайна кухни можно тут.

Curtains for the living room in the style of Provence 1

Шторы для гостиной в стиле provence 2

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Curtains in a minimalist style, as in high-tech - this is only a functional element of the interior. No decorations, clear lines and conciseness - this is their distinguishing feature. And because the choice of fabric should be approached responsibly. The fabric should be light, monotonous, maximally transmitting light from large windows.

Curtains for the living room in the style of minimalism 1

Curtains for the living room in the style of minimalism 2

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Шторы для гостиной в стиле minimalism 6

Curtains in the oriental style

Мода на восточную культуру пришла в Европу давно. Она полностью изменила наше представление о функциональном наполнении дома. Легкий, stylesстически законченный, японский minimalism уместен в любом помещении. Японские шторы, так называемые панели, применимы не только в восточном стиле, они уместны в сочетании с minimalismом, good, эклектикой. Помимо своего прямого назначения декорирования окон, они часто используются для зонирования пространства.

Due to the peculiarities of its design, Japanese curtains can hide a room from unwanted eyes, while at the same time letting sunlight in from the outside. Well-chosen texture and color of the fabric can visually increase the space. After all, most of the material used for the manufacture of such curtains has a reflective effect that, when used on curtains, it is able to visually push the walls or lift the ceiling.

The Japanese curtains are not one integral cloth. They consist of a set of rectangular canvases, which is very convenient if you need to partially update the curtains or change one of them due to damage or stain. This is the only type of curtains with which you can constantly change the interior, in different ways moving the canvas and changing them. Fabric and pattern for Japanese-style curtains depends only on the imagination and taste of the owner of the living room in which they will be.

Curtains for the living room in oriental style 1

Curtains for a living room in oriental style 2

Curtains for a living room in oriental style 3

Curtains for a living room in oriental style 4

Eclectic or what kind of curtains to choose in style without style

Стиль eclecticism – это сочетание несочетаемого, разнородных по стилю и противоположных по смыслу элементов интерьера, выпадающих из условного stylesстического объединения. Очень интересный стиль для людей творческих, желающих проявить свою индивидуальность и испытать свой вкус. Ведь при кажущейся на первый взгляд простоте наполнения помещения в стиле eclecticism, существует все же несколько правил, чтобы хаотичность была только кажущейся, а несовместимость деталей идеально гармоничной. Иначе вы обречены на то, что ваша eclecticism превратится в китч. В остальном ограничений в выборе качества ткани, цветовой палитры, рисунка, элементов и количества декора для штор нет. В декорировании штор в стиле eclecticism возможно применение не только общепринятых элементов, часто использующихся при их пошиве, но и совершенно неожиданных. Это могут быть перья, ленты, бисер, камешки и кружева, высушенные и искусственные цветы. Полету фантазии нет предела и что особенно приятно – декор можно менять постоянно, периодически реализовывая свои фантазии.

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Шторы для гостиной в стиле eclecticism 2

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Vintage or curtains from grandma's chest

New style, which appeared quite recently, but long awaited. After all, our ancestors had a lot of high-quality and good-quality things, which with such pleasure we today copy and use in our lives. The name of the style came to us from France, where they call it so-called expensive wines of excellent quality, prepared in the most successful year for winemaking.

Дизайнеры очень хитро поступили, придав этому слову свой смысл. Все самое модное, стильное, взятое из прошлого – это vintage. Но это не значит, что нужно действительно доставать из старых сундуков пыльную и выгоревшую на солнце the cloth для штор. Оттуда необходимо доставать идею для них, а the cloth можно подобрать современную. Идея заключается в том, что в наш modern интерьер, иногда холодный и неуютный, вместе с vintageными шторами придут тепло и гармония.

Для создания штор можно взять парчу, плотный шелк, атлас, бархат, тюль с плотной золотой вышивкой – ткани должны быть струящимися и тяжелыми. Рисунок набивной, жаккардовый или гобеленовый. Для декора подойдут тесьма, бахрома, кисти, помпоны. При использовании тканей со всевозможным рисунком следует обратить внимание, что в vintageном стиле он должен быть созвучен с общим фоном. К тому же здесь существует жесткое правило: чем больше рисунка на ткани штор – тем меньше элементов декора на них. Допускается многослойность штор, отличающихся по плотности и прозрачности тканей.

Vintage curtains in the living room 1

Vintage curtains in the living room 2

Vintage curtains in the living room 3

В приведенной ниже таблице указаны styles и их особенности.

stylescolor spectrumthe cloth
modernbeige, coffee with milk, ivoryany: natural with a pronounced texture or modern 
classicany, созвучная с интерьеромтяжелая для портьер и transparent органза
goodmetal color: from gray to gold and platinumtransparent, с металлической нитью или лазерной просечкой
provencelight, rich, not flashy colors, ocher and terracotta are considered as primary colorslinen, cotton with simple patterns: flowers or bunches of various sizes and variegations, red-white and blue-white cells, strip
minimalismlight, monophonictransparent
vintageanybrocade, thick silk, satin, velvet, tulle with dense gold embroidery 

Design features curtains in the living room with two windows

If there are two or more windows in the living room, then you should consider a few simple rules for decorating them with curtains:

  • The fabric on all windows should be identical. Not allowed fabric with the same pattern, but different in quality and texture.
  • cornices must be made of the same material. The approximate color of each of them is not allowed - only the same.
  • The method of fastening the curtains to the ledge on each window is the same.
  • if the windows are located side by side on the same wall - a more interesting variant of their decoration is to create the central part of the curtains in the middle of the wall, rather than each window individually.
  • with a separate design of each window, the curtains should be similar to the twin brothers: ideally the same in every detail and decoration elements.

The right choice of curtains for two windows in the living room is that they should be harmonious in space, sometimes too small for two windows, and not dominate the rest of the interior with their decor and pomp. Ideal - curtains in the classic, Japanese style.

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The choice of curtains in the living room with a balcony

Great when the living room has a balcony. But in this case, you should think about which curtains will be the most effective, because the balcony door often opens and the curtains are subjected to more testing than usual:

  • jalousie. Ideally solve the problem. The most practical, but create the impression of office space. Even beaten in color do not give the living room home comfort.
  • sliding curtains. The balcony is always next to the window and decorated with it. Ordinary straight curtains on the loops or grommets are easy to move, drape and do not deform due to the fixing features.
  • Lifting east curtains are good the fact that it is possible zoned them to use. After all, for the balcony and the window is always worth its own system of curtains.

The choice of curtains for the living room with a balcony is. The main thing is to take into account the style of the interior and try not to hang classic curtains in a high-tech room, even if they seem to be the most convenient option for frequent use of the balcony.

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Curtains for a living room with a balcony 2

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Types of curtains

Curtains with lambrequin and without

Lambrequin is a decorative element that is located in front of the curtain and is used to hide the eaves. But besides this function, the lambrequins successfully cope with the mission of visually raising the ceilings, changing the proportions of the windows. Lambrequin can be soft and hard. Soft sewn directly to the curtain and serves only as a decorative element. But hard, attached to the wall above the eaves, hides it and adjusts the size of the window.

For the manufacture of lambrequins suitable any fabric, except openwork and fine. Often for the manufacture of lambrequins use fabric for curtains of identical structure, but different in color. A hard lambrequin can be used in any interior style, even in hi-tech, by applying a photo print on it with a picture suitable to this style. A soft lambrequin is more suitable for styles of a romantic or classic character.

Несмотря на то, что большинство людей предпочитает украшать гостиную шторами с ламбрекеном, все еще есть сторонники minimalismа во всем, даже в декоре. К тому же, сейчас такое разнообразие красивых современных карнизов, являющихся самодостаточным элементом декора, что прятать их за жесткими ламбрекенами никак нельзя. А если сама the cloth для штор великолепна, привлекает к себе внимание, то ламбрекен может быть излишеством. Тем более при высоких потолках и пропорциональных окнах его визуальные функции не нужны.

Curtains in the living room with lambrequin 1

Curtains in the living room with lambrequin 2

Curtains in the living room with lambrequin 3

Curtains in the living room with lambrequin 4

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Curtains in the living room with lambrequin 7

Short and long curtains

Чаще всего в дизайне интерьера гостиной используются длинные шторы. Да и многие styles требуют длину штор до пола.

The advantages of long curtains:

  • visually raise the ceiling;
  • placed under the ceiling, conceal a small window;
  • located from wall to wall, visually push the space, creating the impression of a large and bright room.

If in some circumstances it is impossible to use long curtains: the furniture is too close to the window, the window sills perform the function of a table, and the radiators under the window, then the use of short curtains is acceptable. But still most often short curtains are used in the kitchen interior.

Short curtains for the living room 1

Curtains for the living room to the floor 1

Curtains for the living room in the floor 2

Curtains for the living room in the floor 3

Curtains for the living room in the floor 4

On grommets or rings

Cringles recently appeared in curtain design, but already appreciated. The cringle is a metal or plastic ring that is inserted into the fabric and the cornice is passed through it. Curtains with eyelets are very airy and elegant on the eaves, because these rings are completely invisible, it seems that the curtain is flowing in the air with neat folds. This type of fastening curtains universal, suitable for all styles for any premises. Almost any fabric can be used for sewing curtains with grommets. And thanks to the huge color palette of eyelets, they can be easily matched to the color of the curtains. Sometimes designers beat grommets with eyelets, making them contrast with curtains or in color eaves. Such a small, at first glance, detail can bring together the entire scattered interior, if its color is harmonious with the color of the furniture or other, more dominant elements of the interior.

Curtains for the living room on the rings 1

Curtains for the living room on the rings 2

Curtains for the living room on the rings 3

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Curtains for the living room on the grommet 1

Curtains for the living room on the grommet 2

Curtains for the living room on the grommet 3

Curtains for the living room on the grommet 4

Curtains for bay window

Bay window, a ledge in the wall, is not only fashionable, but also very practical. This architectural design allows the owner of an apartment with a bay window to get extra meters at his disposal. In addition, the bay window visually expands the space of the room. To decorate this space with curtains can be to your liking, adhering to the style throughout the living room. It is only important to take into account the shape of the bay window so that the curtains fit harmoniously into it. If the bay window is a trapezoidal shape, then the curtains should be sewn separately on each window in it. For a semicircular architectural form, one curtain will fit on the eaves, repeating the radius of the bay window. If there are radiators under the windows of the bay window, you can hang short curtains in it to make the most of the heat.

Curtains for the living room with bay window 1

Curtains for living room with bay window 2

Curtains for the living room with bay window 3

Fashion trends curtains for the living room in 2018

Repair is coming to an end. The final touch in the design - curtains. And, of course, I want them to be fashionable. This year's trendy:

  • a combination of incompatible in different structures of fabrics and in color scale;
  • minimalism in everything: in decor, in ornament, in color;
  • the curtains decorated by falling threads with beads, bugles, stones;
  • Japanese panels;
  • curtains with appliqué, prints, embroidery;
  • Curtains from natural fabrics: cotton, flax.

Read also about how to choose curtains for the hall.

Curtains in living room interior 1

Curtains in the interior of the living room 2

Curtains in the interior of the living room 3

Curtains in the living room interior 4

Curtains in the interior of the living room 5

How to sew curtains do it yourself

To sew modern curtains do not have to finish long courses of cutting and sewing. Watch a video that will teach you the basics of sewing curtains.

Choosing curtains is enough to remember two things: they must be practical and fit your taste. Only then will you be comfortable and cozy in your living room.