Many people like to skate, but not everyone can afford a visit to special stadiums. In order not to refuse such pleasure, it is worth figuring out how to make a skating rink in the yard or on the street with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to know the technology and follow simple recommendations.
- 1 Preparatory activities
- 2 How to fill the rink?
- 3 Organization of lighting
- 4 Skating rink care
Preparatory activities
If you decide to make a skating rink on the street yourself, first select the appropriate section. Here you need to determine the boundaries of the site and lay out the sides height of at least 7-10 cm. To make such fencing can be using soil or small boards. Only after that you can begin to level the site. If there is a lot of snow it is removed to the side, making a semblance of a roller. Such an element must be poured with water in order to subsequently achieve an even layer of ice.
When the area with the fence will be ready, you need to start tamping. So, snow compacted using special equipment or doing it with their feet. Naturally, you need to remove debris from the territory, as well as stones and sticks.
How to fill the rink?
The most difficult task is the fill. It can be started only when the ground is frozen to a depth of at least 6 cm, and the air temperature makes no more than -3 ° C .
Naturally, the rink is poured in several receptions. Ideally, a smooth layer of ice with a thickness of 10–17 cm should turn out. To do this, each irrigation is done after the previous layer is frozen. If the weather is good, then in a day you can achieve a thickness of 15 cm. To fill it with your own hands, the easiest way is to use a hose with a spray. In case of its absence, you can use the usual shower head.
To do everything right, it is important to watch the corresponding video and take into account the subtleties of pouring technology.
- First you need to "spray" the first layer of water.
- After half an hour, the second watering is done. A break can be in some cases even 1-2 hours, because the previous layer does not always have time to freeze. If during this time a lot of snow attacked, it is carefully removed to the sides of the site. In a situation where dredging has formed on the frozen ice, they should be filled with snow.
- Then a few more waterings are repeated until the ice layer is at least 10 cm.
- The next step involves grinding the coating with your own hands. For this purpose, fit the usual rectangular boxes. They can be replaced by boards 3 m long and 0.7 m wide. The lower part is covered with rubber, after which the boards are tied to a tire and a water barrel is placed on top. During the movement of the box or boards on the rink, the liquid will evenly distribute. With this solution, you can do with your hands a really smooth rink.
Lighting organization
Particular attention should be paid to lighting, because it gets dark early in the winter. Naturally, such a problem will not arise if the site is located in the courtyard, where there are several lamps. Otherwise, first of all, you need paint the ice white. To do this, sprinkle the area with a solution of chalk or lime, and then pour it with clean water.
If you wish, you can install the wooden poles around the perimeter of the site and fix the lamps on them. Some people prefer hanging lamps or spotlights. 10–12 lamps designed for 500 watts are sufficient to illuminate a medium-sized or large-sized skating rink.
Skating rink care
In order to maintain a self-made playground, in good condition, it is necessary prepare inventory.
The first will require wide shovels. They can be made of thick plywood and sheathed edges with tin.
- Additionally, you should prepare iron scrapers. They will help remove all irregularities from the ice layer.
- Brooms and shovels will be needed for snow removal. To simplify its transportation, it is important to prepare several sleds
The main rule concerning the care of the roller, provides regular ice cleaning. It must be swept, and if necessary, topped up and polished. Potholes often appear on the surface after active riding. Sometimes a thaw leads to their appearance. To eliminate such holes and cracks very cold water is used. So, snow is poured into the tank, water is poured, and then the potholes and traces of skates are filled with this mixture. When all froze, you need to scrape the surface and fill the site. If desired, you can do smoothing the ice. To do this, a rag, thrown over a mop, is poured with hot water, and then passed through the entire area of the rink.
It is necessary to regularly engage in the elimination of traces of snow. The easiest way to do this use a special machineequipped with a brush. If the ground is small, it can be cleaned with the help of shovels and shovels. Snow itself is better to take out of the rink, otherwise the size of the site will decrease.
Making your own rink is a snap. The main thing is to choose a suitable site and take up work in cold, clear weather. In order to keep the ice layer even, it must be cleaned of snow and periodically filled with cold water.