Бенджамин Аранда (Benjamin Aranda) и Крис Лаш (Chris Lasch) — американские интеллектуалы, много размышляют и выступают с эффектными проектами. Деятельность дуэта Aranda / Lasch разнообразна, они проектируют суперсовременный парковый комплекс на Бали (проект Budidesa), в Майами придумали технологичный фасад, покрытый ламелями для магазина Tom Ford, периодически выпускают экспериментальную мебель и по всему миру читают лекции.

The general public knows them through urban installations - metal lace groves (Morning Line, a project together with M. Ricci) or a pile of fractals look avant-garde and attract the eye.

Aranda / Lasch
American designers and architects. Both are under forty. They work under the brands Aranda / Lash and Terraswarm. MoAMA commissioned an installation for the high-profile exhibition Design and the Elastic Mind. In December 2009, the main pavilion of the Design / Miami exhibition was issued.
Graduates from Columbia University (forge specialists on digital technology) at first and did not think to engage in architecture and design. They wanted to conduct research on promising urban studies.

The first joint work was the experience with a pigeon that flew with a mini-camera on its head, while young scientists analyzed the pictures. But then they got carried away with design, so today they perform under two brands: Aranda / Lasch (for houses, tables and art objects) and Terraswarm (for creative search for a universal code and secret rules that live everything). The first activity is assisted by the artist Matthew Ritchie, the curators of the PS 1 museum and the dealers of Jonson Trading Gallery. In the second - theoretical physicists, mathematicians and engineers.

“We use a variety of technologies based on calculations, on formally regulated manipulation of images and signs. Technology does not advance us anywhere, rather, they allow us to change our point of view and see a very stable, little-changing world a little differently. ”
Among them are "mantras", for example, snowflakes. “This crystalline form demonstrates the idea of infinite diversity,” says Chris. In 2006, colleagues wrote a book Tooling. In it, they shared all their projects on the sequence of phenomena peeped in nature: spiraling, packaging, weaving, mixing, splitting and spraying. “Our principle is simple: to see the world around, peer inside and see how it works. A flower grows or a molecule forms - these processes can be expressed in the form or technology of an object. But we would not call this approach biomimetic. ”

They were glorified by the work of Feuteuil, a chair of the era of Louis XIV, performed in aluminum imitating the structure of manganese, a substance discovered in the year of the king’s death. “A couple of years ago we designed baskets with artisan from Southern Arizona, Terrol Johnson. For him basket weaving is a process that unites people: the neighbors to whom he supplies them, with the ancestors who taught him this business ... ”

“It's funny, of course,” Ben continues. “But I admire design objects from afar.” I prefer to do without them. In general, it is a shame to live in New York for the sake of things. This city gives another - people and ideas. Our working day begins and ends with a trip to the subway. It is divided into coffee breaks. In the morning we listen to the news on the radio, from lunch to evening - music. If there are Russian stations that we can catch, tell me: we are constantly searching for new music.