The word "cottage" for most people is associated primarily with fresh air, birds singing and a pleasant summer breeze. Dinner in the open air - isn't it great? But, unfortunately, nobody has yet learned how to make custom-made weather. Both rains and heat are common phenomena for our summer. You can spend time in the house, between the walls with glazed windows, but it’s not necessary to sacrifice precious summer days of rest, if there is a gazebo.
Сегодня нет недостатка в стройmaterialах, да и сборно-разборные конструкции имеются на любой вкус. В зависимости от бюджета и персональных предпочтений, любой дачник может выбрать беседку из большого множества вариантов — от простого сварного каркаса с крышей до утеплённой всесезонной the buildings from brick или wood.
- 1 Pergolas of various materials
- 1.1 Wooden arbors
- 1.2 Brick arbors
- 1.3 Polycarbonate gazebos
- 1.4 Metal arbors
- 1.5 Shod arbors
- 2 Forms of arbors
- 3 Construction of a summerhouse with their own hands
Pergolas of various materials
Wooden arbors
Benefits woodas material for the construction of an arbor, are obvious. Wooden construction is a broad concept, it can mean both light openwork trellis with a girlish grape, fixed on a frame of timber or logs, or a solid warmed log building. Depending on this, the method of preparing the base should also be chosen - a small gazebo will withstand the foundation of cinder blocks, whereas under a heavier structure it is best to pour the concrete base.
In any case, the tree - material, which not only gives an incomparable sensation of living warmth and comfort, but also has a high decorative effect. The wooden arbor fits in almost any landscape.
Brick arbors
This option is distinguished by its strength and durability. Brick - not the cheapest material, but the arbor built from it can be considered a full-fledged capital construction. It can be glazed and used as a summer kitchen or a place to sleep.
For the buildings беседки from brick необходимо соорудить монолитный или ленточный фундамент. Процесс её строительства более длителен и трудоёмок по сравнению с прочими вариантами, но затраты окупятся красотой, долговечностью и удобством.
Polycarbonate gazebos
The most significant advantage of arbors from polycarbonate is their lightness. They are pre-fabricated and can be installed on any foundation, which helps save both time and money.
High-quality polycarbonate has a high durability and resistance to temperature extremes. In addition, this material is transparent and elastic, which increases the number of different design solutions, giving plenty of imagination. Polycarbonate stronger стекла, а по лёгкости с ним и вовсе вряд ли можно сравнить какой-либо другой стройmaterial.
Metal arbors
This option will cost cheaper total for those who own the tools. A welding machine, a grinder, a perforator - with the help of this equipment and the ability to work with it the construction of a small metal arbor will take very little time and will not empty the wallet. Of the benefits metal as a building material, first of all, it is necessary to note strength - an openwork decorative frame will be able to withstand quite a massive roof.
Should not think that welded designs look ugly. A well-made metal pergola can complement any design intent. For example, it can be used as a trellis for climbing plants - such a “living” building cannot but please the eye.
Shod arbors
This type of construction is usually considered separately. Although on practical qualities forged arbors is no different from the above metal, they are distinguished by a high decorative effect. Cleverly selected elements will help to get an exclusive, unique construction. True, the cost of such an arbor is appropriately high.
Forms of arbors
- Rectangular беседка. Самый простой вариант. Правильная форма позволяет легко рассчитывать необходимое количество стройmaterialов и избегать их перерасхода. Помимо удобства, прямоугольная беседка обладает свойством легко вписываться в любую planировку. Несмотря на кажущуюся банальность, многие стили ландшафтного дизайна тяготеют именно к такой форме.
- Hexagonal gazebo. Such a structure looks festive and elegant in a special way. The six-sided arbor combines the unusual shape and ergonomics. It is worth noting that honeycombs have the appearance of hexagons, and bees know a lot about rational use of living space. With this form, however, there may be certain difficulties in the construction, due to the fact that building materials are designed, for the most part, to erect rectangular structures.
- Canopy arbor. This species should pay special attention. A canopy-gazebo is a lightweight collapsible structure, the frame and base of which consists of pipes with special connections, onto which the fabric is stretched. It is like a tent or tent - it can be broken on any level ground in a matter of minutes, and then also quickly collected and put into a car’s house or trunk. Special strength and durability from a canopy-gazebo should not be expected, but portability makes this option indispensable in many situations.

Construction of a summerhouse with their own hands
Of course, each arbor project requires its own plan строительства — ведь технология the buildings зависит как от выбранного materialа, так и от формы будущей the buildings. Однако можно выделить основные шаги, общие для большинства случаев, которые нужно пройти каждому, кто решил построить беседку своими руками.
- Planning. Сюда включается создание чертежей беседки, расчёт бюджета и количества стройmaterialов, необходимых для the buildings и декорирования.
- Location selection. Arbor is necessary to "fit" in the area is not only beautiful, but also practical.
- Foundation construction. Как уже отмечалось выше, разные типы беседок требуют разных основ в зависимости от размера и массы the buildings.
- Frame construction. Если на первом этапе всё было правильно заplanировано и рассчитано, то здесь проблем возникнуть не должно.
- Roof structure. Один из самых трудоёмких этапов. При выборе materialа для кровли необходимо учитывать прочность каркаса.
Of course, the gazebo should not only be a shelter from rain and heat, but also decoration plot. However, there are no general guidelines for decorating. It can be a coating on the outside or inside with varnish or paint, arrangement of trellis for climbers and so on. The main thing is that the resulting gazebo fit harmoniously into the landscape and give comfort, that is, fulfill its main purpose.