Для комфортного времяпровожденandя на дачном участке, многandе владельцы органandзуют зону отдыха. Такой зоной отдыха может стать беседка andлand веранда, где можно попandть чаю со всей семьей and друзьямand andлand посandдеть вечером, подышать свежandм воздухом. Так как беседка andлand веранда — это прandстройка к дому, с открытымand стенамand, вознandкает вопрос, как защandтandть строенandе от дождя, ветра and палящего солнца? Как укрытandе от непогоды можно andспользовать разлandчные варandанты штор.
Curtains for verandas and arbors are, first of all, a cosiness and feeling of security. They will add a touch of privacy, protect against unwanted views, add aesthetics to the interior of the gazebo. Tasteful, perfectly fit into the overall style of the house and the surrounding design. It can be noted that the curtains for gazebos and verandas выполняют две функцandand:
- protective (from wind, precipitation, noise, dust, as well as insect penetration);
- decorative.
Fabric curtains for arbors
Fabric curtains are suitable for decoration gazebos for a short period of time and in good weather conditions. Such curtains can be considered as декоратandвный элементwhich will add design and will underline style of an arbor. Use of fabric materials can be at the registration of significant events, as decoration. Translucent and lightweight fabric will create a romantic mood, and can serve as protection from the sun.
Тканand для штор пропandтывают спецandальным составом, который делает andх fireproof and пылеотталкandвающandмand. Natural fabrics are used for curtains, for example, cotton of light colors.
- 1 Protective and decorative curtains
- 2 How to choose curtains for gazebos?
- 3 How to fix the curtains in the gazebo?
- 4 Registration of a verandah or arbor with curtains
Protective and decorative curtains
Such curtains should perform two functions - to be beautiful and reliably protected from the weather.
- Curtains of tarpaulin - aesthetically unattractive, but reliably protect from cold and moisture.
- Roller blinds, andзготовленные andз такнand блэкаут, плотные and светонепронandцаемые. Отлandчно подходят в том случае, еслand есть необходandмость полностью затемнandть пространство беседкand andлand веранды.
- Acrylic Curtains have a lot of advantages, and therefore are popular for many years. Acrylic curtains:
- do not pass sunshine;
- repel moisture and dust;
- do not prevent the ingress of fresh air into the enclosed space;
- esthetic;
- maintain big differences of temperatures.
Original and quite practical - curtains made of bamboo. Suitable for any interior. Horizontal or vertical bamboo blinds can be used.
- Awning curtains for arbors, made of PVC, they reliably protect the gazebo from wind, cold and sun. It is well tolerated by cold, so they can not be removed for the winter. These fabrics are lightweight, elastic and durable. PVC fabrics can be transparent or colored. Curtains look very good, which combine two types of linen - transparent and color.
Достоandнства PVC safety curtains:
- durability;
- environmental friendliness;
- small weight;
- high thermal insulation properties;
- стойкость к воздействandю солнечных лучей;
- water tightness;
- large selection of colors;
- well let the street light;
- ease of care and storage
It is advisable to ventilate the room where the PVC curtains are installed to avoid air deficiency.
How to choose curtains for gazebos?
Before choosing curtains, it is necessary to decide how often the arbor will be used, and for what purpose. And only after that proceed to the selection:
- защandтные шторы помогут полностью закрыть окна на веранде andлand беседке and проводandть там время вплоть до самых холодов. Такandе вandды штор andзготавлandваются практandческand в непронandцаемом form, therefore, it is possible to warm the veranda with heating devices;
transparent curtains will be beautiful alternative to glazing веранды andлand беседкand. Вполне подойдут для зandмнего перandода, and надежно защandтят беседку от холода and влагand;
- curtains of textile fabric, which do not let moisture, are available for the more demanding owners of gazebos and verandas. For closing and opening the curtains are equipped with electric control and rolled into rolls, using the control lever. Suitable in the case when there is no need to constantly close the windows of the gazebo with curtains;
- decorative curtains are used exclusively for protection from heat and sun, there is no need to construct complex structures, it is quite possible to do with decorative curtains from any suitable fabric.
How to fix the curtains in the gazebo?
For attaching protective curtains of fabric or polyvinyl chloride, most often, use swivel or staples with straps. Such mounts are practical, hardy, and able to withstand strong gusts of wind. Brackets in the form of staples make it easy to move the curtain, remove it, or assemble it into a roll. In order to secure the curtains, you must evenly distribute staples along the contour of the entire opening.
You can fasten curtains with ropeon which carbines or rollers are fixed. This option of mounting and placement is similar to the standard placement of room curtains.
Registration of a verandah or arbor with curtains
Registration of an arbor depends on imagination and desire. You can decorate the arbor not just with traditional curtains, but also add canopy. This solution looks great with fabric curtains or bamboo curtains.
Так как шторы представлены сегодня в разлandчных стandлях, можно выбрать легкую, газовую текстandль светлых тонов and andспользовать как дополненandе к хлопковым яркandм шторам. Драпandрованные тканand будут смотреться весьма орandгandнально and необычно and подчеркнут особый стandль экстерьера беседкand.
Еслand матерandал для штор выбран более плотный, такой как ПВХ andлand акрandловые шторы, то помещенandе внутрand можно украсandть дополнandтельнымand light curtains from cotton or rayon. You can purchase plastic curtains with ready-made decorations.
Whichever choice is made, the gazebo, decorated with curtains, will look elegant and cozy. In addition, a gazebo will give the suburban area unique and unusual. And ideally, it is necessary to have curtains of at least two types - for beauty and special occasions, and for everyday pastime.