Yard and plot

Change houses and hozblok with a shower and a toilet for

Hozblok - an indispensable building for construction and suburban areas. In fact, this is a special building consisting of one or a couple of blocks, thanks to which it will be possible to place not only various accessories here, but also to organize

Dyes for paving slabs

Dyes for paving slabs are powdered materials that allow concrete to be painted in different colors. Coloring is carried out by mixing the powder with a viscous liquid such as a concrete mix. These dyes are obtained by grinding materials of different

Children's playground: ideas and projects

Perhaps each person spends his first ten, or more years of life on the playground. That is the first feeling of joy and the first taste of victory, when you can fully go through the "hill" and the proud glances of mother and grandmother for the first

Dog enclosures: design options

When a person starts a dog, the question of its content is decided first. The nature is so provided that the dog always has its “own” place, its own personal territory, therefore the construction of the enclosure will be the right and good decision.

Curbstone: dimensions and characteristics

Today it is impossible to imagine the streets without borders. They can be seen everywhere: at bus stops, along highways and pedestrian paths, in parks and squares, around flowerbeds and lawns. Garden and summer cottage areas were no exception. The

How to make a tui transplant in the fall?

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant, which gardeners, landscape designers and gardeners are very fond of. It is able to decorate with itself any dacha, it is used to create a hedge. In addition, thuja produces aromatic essential oils. The tree is

Automatic watering of greenhouses

Каждый огородник знает, как важен качественный полив для получения хорошего урожая. Выполнение этой работы вручную отнимает немало времени и сил. Поэтому появление систем automatic watering было с радостью встречено дачниками. Сейчас такие

Climbing plants for garden

On the garden plot can grow completely different plants, ranging from lawn grass and ending with fruit trees. Far from last place are climbing plants. They are a wonderful decoration for the garden, and also help to hide the defects of buildings.

Features and the creation of mixborders

When was the first time a man started planting flowers next to his house? We do not know, and are unlikely to know. Everyone has the need to see nature's delights next to them, which is why many centuries there are flower gardens, parks and gardens

Wicker fence with your own hands

Wattle - great, fresh idea to give or a country house. Yes, yes, this is exactly the wicker fence - a mandatory attribute of rural landscapes of past centuries - a reminder of the carefree summer in the village. Wattle is a fence, woven from twigs
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