Dog enclosures: design options

AviaryWhen a person starts a dog, the question of its content is decided first. The nature is so provided that the dog always has its “own” place, its own personal territory, therefore the construction of the enclosure will be the right and good decision. An open-air cage is a place where a dog feels like an owner and can fully relax there without worrying that someone might step on it, for example. Most often, the enclosures are built for large breed guard dogs.

TOлассический вольер для собак обычно имеет 2 либо 3 крытые стены и одну открытую, представляющую собой metal grill. You can open the enclosure with a door that rises or moves toward the door. Also in the aviary there is a doghouse and a feeder.


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of installing an aviary
  • 2 Types of enclosures
  • 3 Design of the enclosure
  • 4 Making a dog enclosure for yourself
  • 5 Review of the enclosure for the shepherd

Advantages and disadvantages of installing an aviary

TO pluses include the following characteristics:

  • Aviaryдля собакиSome breeds of dogs, such as the German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Irish Wolfhound, it is desirable to build an aviary, and other breeds, such as Alaskan Malamute and Tibetan mastiff, an aviary. These dogs are excellent guards, they love to be on the street, due to the peculiarities of their breed, therefore it is very important for them to have their guard "post".
  • Individuals also need an open-air cage; the open-air cage is perceived by them. safe place where you can raise your offspring.
  • The dog does not sit on the "chain" and does not feel limited in space and "enslaved."
  • By building an aviary, you will get rid of constant "wool" home and gnawed pieces of furniture.

TO minusam include the following:

  • The dog still needs to get used to the new place, “sniff” it and live it, at first it can cause minor difficultiesas the dog will try to get out.
  • It is necessary to periodically clean up the aviary, but still the aviary will not create too great inconvenience.

Types of aviaries

Aviaryдля собакAccording to the material of manufacture, the enclosures can be:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • combined.

It is possible to divide open-air cages into types to size:

  • small;
  • average;
  • big ones.

And also depending on degree of openness and how warmed they are:

  • open;
  • частично open;
  • partially insulated;
  • fully warmed over the entire surface.

TOонструкция вольера

It is important that the construction of the cage itself justifies its purpose, for this purpose it is necessary to locate it in such a place that the dog can survey territory, that is, you need to create for her a kind of "security point". It is important that part of the aviary was in the shade, and the other part, where the couch or area of ​​walking is, was in the sun. Also, do not have an open-air cage where many people walk, new objects and smells will cause unnecessary anxiety to the dog.

To create an aviary with your own hands you need to decide on size of territorywhere it will be located and then create a drawing.

Aviaryдля собаки комбинированный The size of the enclosure depends on the size and breed of the dog. For small dogs the size of the enclosure does not exceed 6 m2. For dogs of medium size not more than 60 cm in length will be enough aviary 8 m2. Big dogs will need a cage, size from 10 m2.

If the size of the territory allows, it is better to make a booth, a platform and a stove bench. A lounger outside the booth will allow the dog to sunbathe in the afternoon or just spend time on the air. On a large space you can do aviary with walking, having protected the territory with a grid.

When building an open-air cage, the most attention should be paid to the floor, roof, doors to the open-air cage and booth.

Gender in the aviary is usually done from asphalt or concrete. Concrete is better to additionally cover the top with wooden planks to avoid the development of rheumatism of the limbs of the animal.

The floor should be slightly tilted to ensure hygiene conditions in the aviary, and it should also be raised above the ground for ventilation.

Aviaryсостоит из трех металлических и одной решетчатой стены, чтобы собака могла наблюдать, что творится вокруг ее вольера. Стены из металла обшиваются деревом, а затем обрабатываются special solution. If the enclosure is warmed, then in addition you need to lay the walls with foam.

Metal walls must be made at a very high quality in order to prevent the occurrence of burrs, which can injure the animal, in the process of using. The distance between the metal bars should be from 10 to 15 cm, orienting is, of course, the size of the animal. To close the enclosure should use constipation, installed on both sides, which must weigh heavily so that the dog could not knock him out by weight.

AviaryHeightened attention should be paid to the roof, it is imperative to make noise insulation, as dogs have very good hearing and during rain or hail they will experience strong pressure on their ears.

As a roofing material is better to use. slate or metal tile. TOрыша должна иметь склон, достаточный для самоудаления погодных осадков. Для безопасности лучше не использовать гвозди.

The booth should be the most convenient place in the aviary, respectively, it should be built in such a way that it does not fetter the animal, and so that it can rest easy there, stretching to its full height. To do this, it must be designed as follows: measure the growth of the dog, measure the distance from the tips of the front paws to the withers and measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the tailbone. And then, to the obtained values add 10−15 cm. So we get the data on height, depth and width, on which you can build a booth.

Making a dog enclosure for yourself

Installation of the booth occurs in the following order:

  1. First put the bottom of the booth.
  2. Then the rear wall is attached.
  3. Then overlap mount the side walls.
  4. At the end install the front wall with a jumper.

Aviaryдля собакиFor the convenience of feeding the dog should be done outside. small hole, it will allow, without going into the aviary, to feed the pet, because the situations are different, someone is afraid to approach the dog or, for example, if you are late for work and afraid to get dirty, going to the aviary.

Behind the aviary is necessary meticulous care, because the health of your pet depends on the cleaning. The aviary is a kind of apartment of an animal, therefore, in an amicable way, you need to clean it at least as often as you clean your own house. Cleaning is recommended at least once a month.

Approximately in 1,5-2 years it is necessary to check the condition of the wooden floors, since their lifespan is approximately 7 years.

"General" cleaning should be carried out in a cold period once every 3 months, and a warm time - once a month. Aviary should be disinfected 3% formalin solution. In the spring, the corners of the aviary are treated with formalin solution from parasites. Run the dog in the aviary is possible only after the complete drying of the territory.

Thus, in an open-air cage, the dog feels safe and in “his” place, and the owner may not worry that his pet may run away or harm someone.

Review of the enclosure for the shepherd