Hozblok - an indispensable building for construction and suburban areas. In fact, this is a special building consisting of one or a couple of blocks, thanks to which it will be possible to place not only various accessories here, but also to organize a toilet with a shower.
- 1 Advantages of summer hozblok
- 2 Varieties of cabins
- 2.1 Hozbloki for giving a tree
- 2.2 Metal cabins
- 3 Guidelines for installing hozblokov
- 4 The organization of the soul in the cabin
Advantages of summer hozblok
If you need a temporary construction, engage in building a utility block in the country. Such a design will become truly indispensable until a dwelling house and a shed appear on the summer cottage.
Advantages of summer hozblok:
- compact size;
- functionality and convenience;
- environmental friendliness and safety;
- affordable price;
- speed of assembly
Country cabins, equipped with a toilet, take up really little space. In this case, you can spend the night there, as well as store various equipment, prepare food and do water procedures. Most often hozbloki for giving are made of wood, which ensures the sustainability of the building.
Varieties of cabins
Any summer housekeeping taken divide into 2 varieties.
- The collapsible design is an ideal temporary option for summer cottage, because the shed can be moved around a large section almost every week. The main thing is to perform the installation correctly.
- The modular version is a finished building, which is transported to the dacha using special equipment. The advantages of this toilet with a toilet are functionality, reliability and usability.
In addition to the above-mentioned classification, it is common to divide all country huts in two groups depending on the material used.
Hozbloki for giving from a tree
This model is recognized most affordable and affordable. To create the design used clapboard or parallel bars, as well as boards and professional sheet. The foundation is organized from blocks laid on a sand pillow.
In order to keep warm in such a bungalow, you should give preference to double glazed windows. Frame doors are additionally sheathed with hardboard or other material.
Metal change houses
Hozblok for giving, выполненные из металла, считаются действительно долговечными и прочными. Здесь можно хранить различные инструменты и оставаться с ночевкой.
To create cabins sheets of metal are usedwhich additionally sheathe clapboard, PVC panels or MDF sheets. Thanks to this finish, it is possible to achieve a certain temperature and humidity level.
The skeleton of the power block for the garden is a metal frame that can be welded by yourself using corner stands and a curved channel bar. The walls, represented by metal sheets, are additionally warmed.
The advantages of this type change houses for giving:
- affordable price;
- огнеустойчивость;
- speed of assembly;
- durability;
- resistance to temperature extremes.
In addition, metal hozbloki not afraid of rodents and do not need special care. They fit perfectly into any landscape cottages.
Guidelines for installing hozblokov
As change houses do not need the capital base, their assembly can be executed independently. First you need to prepare a place in the country and lay concrete blocks or bars on a layer of gravel.
Hozbloka assembly itself performed in stages.
The prepared frame is sheathed with wood, and then the roof, represented by sheet iron, is fixed.
- Outside, the construction is finished with a professional sheet. If necessary, fit a layer of insulation. Most often it is mineral wool. On top of the fixed plastic film, which is a good waterproofing.
- Then there is an installation of windows, a door and internal partitions in a change house.
- Next comes the turn of the toilet.
- If the presence of a shower compartment is provided, it is necessary to fix the pallet, water tank and heater.
To make the design functional and reliable, you need remember simple recommendations.
- Windows of a change house should be located so that in the summer in the room it was not too hot, and in the winter they were not blown by the wind.
- If a modular design is used, it must be installed, taking into account the place where capital construction will take place.
- To build a shed not suitable nisin or wet terrain.
The organization of the soul in the cabin
To build a shower in the summer blockhouse, it is necessary to purchase special equipment. First of all, we are talking about the pump. The best option would be a portable model. It can be used for water treatment, as well as washing the car and watering the garden. Such equipment provides a power supply, a hose with a shower head, as well as an immersion shaker.
It’s enough for a shower in the power block lower the pump into the water tank. Such capacity can be made of various materials.
Polypropylene helps to avoid water blooming.
- Steel construction is usually quite roomy and durable. It can even be used for a summer shower. The disadvantage of this suburban option is susceptibility to corrosion.
- Galvanized steel tank is considered more durable, but it also rust over time.
If desired, you can purchase heated tank. Similar products are equipped with TENG. In some models, this element must be installed independently. Also on sale there are polypropylene containers with thermostat and steel structures with electric heating. If such equipment is too expensive for you, you should pay attention to water heaters. The budget option for the hozblok will be a cumulative version that works from the outlet. Flow heaters are more convenient to use, but they do consume a lot of energy.
Change house equipped with shower and toilet, will become an irreplaceable design on any site, because here you can store inventory and solve hygiene issues. If you give preference to a modular variety and additionally warm it, then you can come to the cottage or building site with an overnight stay, even in winter.