Каждый огородник знает, как важен качественный полив для получения хорошего урожая. Выполнение этой работы вручную отнимает немало времени и сил. Поэтому появление систем automatic watering было с радостью встречено дачниками. Сейчас такие конструкции, приобретенные или созданные своими руками, оказывают существенную помощь на многих огородах. Тем, кто еще не обзавелся такой системой, стоит присмотреться к ней повнимательнее. Есть several types этих устройств, из которых можно выбрать оптимальный вариант.
- 1 Automatic watering system for greenhouses
- 2 Greenhouse irrigation systems and their types
- 3 Varieties of drip systems
- 4 Equipment drip irrigation system greenhouse do it yourself
System automatic watering теплиц
Sprinkler irrigation systems have long been used in agricultural enterprises. But for greenhouses such structures are not very convenient. Watering the entire area leads to weed vegetation, we have to spend a lot of water to moisten the soil. Nowadays, constructions are increasingly used to ensure high-quality hydration with the help of drip irrigation.
No wonder that the systems were developed in Israel. Agriculture in this country is given special attention, which allows it to feed the eight million people and export products. This method of irrigation, in addition to saving time and effort, provides:
- reduced water consumption;
- increase in yield by 70−80%;
- lack of weeds;
- elimination of soil erosion;
- reducing the risk of plant diseases.
When watering plants from watering cans to ensure the penetration of moisture to the root system has to spend a lot excess water. The system delivers it directly to the roots, which significantly reduces the amount needed. Thanks to the automatic irrigation, the soil is always moistened, which guarantees good plant growth. Water is supplied only to the root area, the rest of the space remains dry, which prevents the weeds from growing, which means that weeding is excluded.
Many plant diseases are spread with moisture flowing from the leaves. The system of automated watering supplies the water to the roots, the foliage remains dry. Reduced incidence plants and due to the supply of fluid at the optimum temperature, as it warms up in a barrel before entering the system.
Greenhouse irrigation systems and their types
The design of the automatic irrigation system for greenhouses consists of a water tank located at a certain height and a network of hoses placed in the greenhouse. In them at a certain distance from each other droppers are located. They can be external or embedded inside the hose. Water that comes from the barrel through the hoses drips out of the dropper drop by drop, saturating the root zone with moisture. Systems can be equipped with pumps, use a water supply system, an artesian well for water intake.
In the systems used several types droppers:
- uncompensated;
- compensated;
- miniature.
They can have several outlets to increase water consumption. The choice depends on the type of plants, their needs. All droppers have modes self-cleaning, are calculated on the long term of operation. Built-in elements have a more complex design with valves and filters. Despite the fact that thinner hoses are used for inline droppers, they last longer. In the people, they are called "ribbons", since when they are wound on a reel they become flat.
System automatic watering may be:
- groundwater;
- drip.
The greatest efficiency is different subsoil irrigation. In such a system, hoses are laid in the ground. This ensures the supply of moisture directly to the roots. With this method, water consumption is significantly saved, since it is not necessary to impregnate the top layer of soil, no evaporation of moisture occurs. But this kind of system is more costly. Therefore, it is used infrequently.
The most popular are drip systems in which the pipeline in the greenhouse is equipped above the ground. This takes into account the required distance between rows, the number of plants in them. Over each is a dropper.
Varieties of drip systems
Drip irrigation systems can be:
- without automation;
- semi-automatic;
- automatic.
System без автоматики рассчитана on 60 plants. At a height of one meter is a barrel of water. A hose is attached to its tap. At an hour 3 liters of water are spent. Turning on and off the water supply, it is necessary to refill it in the barrel manually.
The semi-automatic system turns on and off automatically at a specific time. It is only required to pour water into the barrel once a week.
Automatic system does not require human intervention. It is installed electronic controller. It regulates the intake of water and its flow. At night, liquid is piped from the plumbing. It heats up during the day. A photocell is installed in the system, which in the evening will “command” the system to begin watering.
Equipment drip irrigation system greenhouse do it yourself
A simple device automatic drip irrigation system greenhouses allows you to create this design with your own hands. It will require:
- capacity;
- hoses;
- droppers;
- automation.
The installation of a water filter in it will help ensure the system’s long life. You should not try to simplify the system by using holes in the hose instead of droppers. In this case, water will flow out in a stream or jet that does not provide quality soil moistening.
When calculating the volume of capacity that will be required for the system, the height of its installation, it is necessary to take into account that in the lines consisting of hoses with a diameter of 9-15 mm create pressure not less than 2 m water column. Capacity is installed on the goats.
Calculate the required length of the hose will help pre-designed scheme. Need to pinpoint location of plants, guided by agrotechnical requirements for their cultivation. Knowing the number of plants, rows, the distance between them, we can determine the location of the passage of the hoses and the placement of droppers in them.
In the watering, you can use the standard garden light tight hose. To create the entire system in a greenhouse, mikrofitings will be required: angles, crosses, tees, plungers, plugs.
According to the scheme, the hose is cut into the necessary pieces, holes are made in it with a special hole punch or awl and droppers are installed. When creating the holes you need to take into account that the droppers should hardly be inserted into the hose. Otherwise, they will fall out under the pressure of water.
In equipping the system with automatics, you need two devices: controller and solenoid valve. You can buy them on the radio market. The program of watering sets the controller. It is installed on the pipeline through which water is supplied to the system. The solenoid valve opens and closes at the command of the controller.
Для создания в своей теплице более сложной системы automatic watering, которая будет не только увлажнять почву, но и удобрять растения, потребуется создание sprinkler irrigation system. It is well suited for the care of plants whose roots are close to the ground. The system will be controlled by sophisticated automation with a remote control panel. To install it, you need to dig a hole about 2 meters deep, brick it or make concrete walls. The console with which the system will be controlled can be placed in any convenient place. If necessary, make dressing, processing chemicals, it is necessary to establish the capacity for these drugs and bring them to the communication system. Equipment such a system will require assistance. specialistwhich will correctly configure the automation.
The feasibility of installing an automatic irrigation system for the greenhouse can be assessed immediately after planting. The time that was previously spent on this work can be used for recreation and hobbies. Automatic system allows leave your site for several days without worrying about the condition of your plants. Harvesting a rich harvest will be a worthy reward for work on equipping the system.