Time to see

Furniture for audio and video equipment: current design, advanced technology and thoughtful design

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Elena Prytula

A photo: Kirill Ovchinnikov

Magazine: N4 (71) 2003

More recently, stands for audio and video equipment were considered to be purely functional pieces of furniture and, as a rule, really were a rather nondescript design of two or three shelves, and especially advanced models were supplemented with boxes. However, with the development of modern designer electronics, such views have undergone a radical revision. So today it is recommended to watch not only on the TV screen or the audio system, but also on where they actually stand. There are many new products, and now is the time to see them. Just a few years ago, one of the most difficult problems for architects and designers was the problem of integrating audio and video equipment into their interior. However, recently the situation has obviously begun to change: whether the prayers of architects were heard, or the leading electronics manufacturers accidentally distracted from the endless improvement of technical parameters and noticed the existence of design - one way or another, the aesthetic side of the issue has recently become increasingly discussed. Of course, in the production of Hi-Fi and Hi-End devices, design enthusiasts have always been interested in how stylish, say, a box with speakers looks like, from which divine music can be heard, and also how well the stand has been selected for it. And yet they were in the minority. Now the possibility of "non-violent" integration of equipment and related furniture into the interior is considered as an important part of the company's philosophy. The most consistent in this sense are companies that produce both audio and video equipment and furniture for it - for example, LOEWE or BANG&OLUFSEN, которые сами разрабатывают подставки для собственных моделей телевизоров, музыкальных центров и акустических систем. Естественно, многие ведущие производители мебели - такие как MAXALTO, HENREDON или FRANCESCO MOLON - предусматривают в своих коллекциях необходимость установки аппаратуры, добиваясь того, чтобы появление телевизора или DVD-плеера выглядело не как бесцеремонное вторжение, а как стилистически безупречное решение. Наконец, компании, специализирующиеся на производстве мебели для аудио- и видеоаппаратуры, - GALLOTTI&RADICE или LI KO DESIGN - предлагают не только актуальный дизайн, но и продвинутые технологии, материалы и продуманные конструкции. Вывод очевиден: внимание к дизайну - это очень модно. И очень продуктивно, согласитесь.World without borders It’s not so easy to determine where, in essence, ends up the company's BeoVision 5 TV. Bang&Olufsen and the Cabinet Finish stand, specially created for it by the company's designers, begins [1]. When the eye gets used to the spectacular color of the magenta, two doors are found at the bottom of this futuristic artifact - this is the stand. Salon "Enfilade".Secret box Xelos (Loewe) Stand [2] they are distinguished by the simplicity of a cubic form and the complexity of its implementation: all openings on the front panel are deaf, from the inside they are covered with black plastic. However, one of them is quite real: it is both a hole for the infrared sensor and a handle for opening the door. Upper swivel shelf is adapted for mounting different models of TVs. Aventos TV, Loewe. Salon "M. Video".Systems approach to the creation of designer electronics and related furniture is visible in the stand Cube-2 [3] Loewe to the naked eye. Apparently, the developers of this line finally found a middle ground between technology and aesthetics. The “porthole” on the TV is an infrared sensor, and the “windows” on the stand are the handles for opening the drawers. Stand Cube-2 color brilliant basalt. TV Articos-32. Concertos-2 satellites, outdoor version. All - Loewe. Salon "Enfilade".Clean lines peculiar to design Bang&Olufsen, distinguished by a booth under the BeoSound-3000 music center [4]. On the front side there are sections for CD. Salon "Enfilade".Behind the glass Thelo TV Stand [5], созданная дизайнерами компании Schroers&Schroers, полностью выполнена из стекла. Невероятно, но факт: допустимая нагрузка для этой модели составляет 100 кг - она точно соответствует размерам и весу аудио- и видеоаппаратуры. В основание подставки вмонтирован шарикоподшипник из прочной стали, который позволяет поворачивать ее корпус на 360°.Салон "М.видео".Two in one Yuppi-bis TV Stand [6] от итальянской компании Gallotti&Radice: перфорированные стенки - это не только и не столько актуальная дизайнерская тема, сколько необходимость в вентиляции. Сочетание светло-серый металлик плюс стекло по-прежнему актуально.Салон "Интерьеры Пайл".Double standard - this is good if we are talking about the double rear panel of the Sunrise Telesystem [7], designed by the well-known tuning bureau AHB based on Loewe plasma display. This time, the specialists in the production of television brabus surpassed themselves: a hydraulic lifting mechanism was built into the equipment stand, which allowed the screen to be lowered into the cabinet and raised from there. Focus to show from the remote control - the effect is stunning. Salon "M. Video".Secret materials used the company Maxalto when creating a cabinet of pine [8]: door panels consist of two glasses, between which a metal grid is inserted. Salon "Furniture Exclusive".Good old england with its soothing-resistant conservatism comes to mind when seeing a wardrobe made of alder wood [9] with 180 ° opening doors. Despite the classic style, this cabinet meets all the necessary technical requirements - for example, in its back wall there is an opening for the output of wires. Henredon.Salon Park Avenue.The power of tradition В модульную систему Italian&French Country Collection, выпускаемую компанией Francesco Molon по индивидуальным размерам, входит шкаф для телевизора и других аудио- и видеокомпонентов из массива ореха [10]. Manual woodcarving and technology of artificial aging - know-how companies. Salon Francesco Molon.Transparent hint the fact that modern electronics should not be hidden, but, on the contrary, should be strongly emphasized, is contained in the stand for Trimedia equipment [11] Li Ko Design. The shelves are made of transparent glass, the pillars are made of polished aluminum, and the base is made of dark labrador. Plasma PDP-503PE silver, Pioneer.In the foreground The same trend fits the Light stand for Hi-Fi components, created by Spectral. However, it is possible to place something else on it - for example, the display of the smart home control system. Salon Neo.