David lâdro

The owner of the china company LLADRÓ talks about the present and the future of the company

Passing the gallery

Materials prepared: Nikolay Fedyanin

Magazine: (103)

Famous china company LLADRO They were founded by the brothers Juan, Jose and Vicente Lladro - descendants of simple peasants, who themselves learned to be sculptors and have come a long way from the clay kiln in the yard of their father's house to the huge factory. In an interview with the magazine SALON-interior Давид Льядро, a representative of the second generation of the glorious dynasty, talks about the present and the future of the company

SALON: It is true that the factory LLADRO - is it not just an enterprise, but a whole city?

- Yes it's true. Porcelain City (Ciudad de la Porcelana) is located near Valencia, it occupies 100,000 square meters. meters, and in its territory are workshops, offices, laboratories and houses in which live sculptors and craftsmen of the factory. We also have a school where talented young artists study. The best of them remain in our factory. It is very important for us that the people who work with us share the company's philosophy.

S: What philosophy are you talking about?

- At the very beginning, back in the mid-50s, my father Vicente and my two uncles decided that all the sculptures LLADRO will be devoted only to the positive aspects of human life. They called their philosophy "the circle of life." This idea continues to be the main source of inspiration, but we also want to show how the life around us is diverse. That is why we have created collections dedicated to Africa, India and China. Fashion is changing. In my opinion, the next global cultural theme in the interior will be Africa or India. We associate Africa with strong emotions, and this is exactly what modern man wants.

S: What do you mean?

- The last five to seven years in fashion has been minimalism. In my opinion, this trend has already ended. And it ended precisely because it was too neutral. In the past three years, an interest in baroque, that is, to expressive things, to such things in which there is a strongly pronounced character has become increasingly apparent. Our sculptures match this trend. We believe that every sculpture has its own character, it has a soul. For example, I have a samurai sculpture at home. When I look at it, I see not just a statue, but a person, a warrior with the highest concept of duty and honor.