Country toilet do it yourself

Country toiletYour family has a summer cottage, and with it immediately a question arose - where to start? The answer to the question of what building to build on it in the first place, suggests itself. In the country can not do without the toilet. Even if in the future it is planned to build a house with all the comforts, at the initial stage a regular toilet is simply necessary. Even if the toilet is arranged in the house, on warm summer days, when summer residents spend almost all day outside, it is easier to use the outdoor toilet than to run into the house every time. This toilet has a simple design, so it is quite possible to build it yourself.


  • 1 Types and features of country toilets
  • 2 Basic placement requirements
  • 3 Construction of powder - closet
    • 3.1 Foundation, base and floor for toilet
    • 3.2 Fabrication and trim frame
    • 3.3 Mount the roof and door
    • 3.4 toilet seat
  • 4 backlash

Types and features of country toilets

There are 2 options for arranging the toilet on the street:

  1. The toilet is equipped according to the grandfather's method, a cesspool.
  2. Пудр-клозет.

Basic placement requirements

Toilet in the countryWhen arranging the toilet outside the house should fulfill a number of conditions. The place for construction should not be located closer than 30 m from the source of water intake (well or well). The distance from the toilet to the house - not less than 5 m, and before the fence of the neighboring section is at least a meter. When choosing a place should be considered main wind direction so that the unpleasant smell does not reach either yours or the house next door.

When there is already a well or well on the site, they should be located above that place where the toilet will be built. If you intend to do it with a cesspool, you need to ensure the entrance of the recovery truck.

Powder Construction - Closet

Пудр-клозетWhen the occurrence of groundwater in the area passes close enough, It is not recommended to dig a cesspool, as the contents of the pit may fall into the water. In this case, you can build a powder-closet. Behind such an interesting name is a usual toilet house. Only instead of a cesspool, it is equipped with a special capacity for faeces.

It can be a regular toilet bucket, which is sold in any hardware store. True, if you have a big family, you will have to endure it. almost daily. Can replace such a bucket more bulk capacity or build a special sealed box with a hinged door to remove accumulated waste (as in the municipal garbage disposal).

Waste products endure on the compost pile, falling asleep with compost, or buried in the ground in a specially selected place. To eliminate unpleasant odors in the toilet, feces fall asleep peat. Instead, you can use wood chips or sawdust. If you have a paper destruction machine at work, sliced ​​into strips papers are quite suitable for filling in the capacity of powder-closet.

Foundation, base and floor for toilet

Scheme of a country toiletAny construction begins from laying the foundation. It would seem that for such a small structure as a toilet, it is not needed. Many gardeners do this by installing a closet on concrete blocks or stones. Over time construction starts to warp and not only loses appearance, but also threatens your health. Therefore, let us approach the construction of the toilet thoroughly and begin with the foundation.

The small weight of the building makes it possible to get by with the simplest, shallowly recessed strip foundation with a height of about 10 cm and a width of up to 25 cm. The dimensions of the toilet each determine itself. A toilet with a cesspit is smaller than a powder closet, where need to provide place for the tank with backfill.

Sand, gravel, cement, plywood or formwork boards cord and pegs for marking, concrete mixer, or a container for kneading mortar. Denote with pegs with a cord stretched between them. boundary of the future foundation.

  1. We dig out the ditch around the perimeter, carefully leveling it and ramming it.
  2. We make sanding to a depth of about 7 cm and thoroughly ram. To do this, you need to prepare a small log or timber with handles.
  3. Fall asleep gravel or rubble to a depth of about 10−15 cm and again ramming.
  4. On the border of the tensioned cord set the formwork.
  5. Knead the solution in the proportion of 1 part of cement and 3 parts of sand. It is advisable to add gravel or crushed stone to the solution.
  6. Fill the solution in the formwork layers. For each layer we make a separate batch. Each layer should be allowed to harden, and for the latter to knead a more liquid solution.

To subsequently fasten the base the toilet, in the corners in the foundation are inserted studs with thread. After the foundation has hardened and settled, you can start to mount the base on it. It is usually made of timber. with a cross section of 150 × 150mm. We roll the framework to the size of the foundation, treat the wood with an antiseptic and drill holes for the studs. Under the base on the foundation is desirable lay a layer of roofing material. Then we “put on” the base on the foundation and wind the nuts on the protruding parts of the studs.

Now you can proceed to the deck of the floor. For him, you can take the board 30 mm, and optionally can be thicker. Saw off the boards of the desired size, treat them with an antiseptic and nail to the base.

Manufacturing and trimming frame

Toilet bodySince we build the toilet with our own hands, construction needs to be done as easy as possible. Let's start with the assembly of the front and rear frames and make them from a bar 50 × 50 mm. To water or snow didn't linger on the roof front frame make 10−12 cm above the rear. In the front wall, leave an opening for the door. We process all parts are antiseptic and fasten the frames to the base, tying them from above with a bar of the same thickness.

External toilet trim can be performed from various materials. This may be lining, siding, block house or other suitable material. The skin is attached to the frame with nails or screws.

Mount the roof and door

Our toilet is almost ready. The next step will be roof crate. Since its area is small, it will be enough to nail a few boards. The easiest way to use roofing material onduin. His sheets are much easier to slate, so lay it on the roof is not difficult. Secure it with special nails with plastic plugs. For our toilet will be enough 2 sheets.

Further collect frame for the door, we sheathe it with the same material as the toilet. When assembling the frame, do not forget to make it a bit smaller than the door opening. The gap above, below and on the side must be at least a couple of centimeters. Remains attach hinges and hang the door.

Toilet seat

Toilet seatIf using a toilet bucket for you not very comfortable, it is necessary to equip the seat in the closet. Let's make our design rectangular shape. First, we assemble the frame and oboshhem front and top.

You can sheathe from one side, and the second should remain free to put under the toilet seat container under the feces. At the top of the cut hole. Our toilet is ready!

If you decide to make a toilet with a cesspool, then first consider whether you will resort к услугам ассенизаторов. To clean the cesspool itself is not very pleasant.


The difference between the backlash closet from the rest of the country toilets is that it equipped in a warm room inside the house, and most of the graveyard is outside. Arrangement of such a toilet has a number of features:

  1. Presence of ventilation backlash channel. The air from the toilet through the sewer is sent to the cesspool, then through the channel with heating - into the atmosphere. Traction is created by a chimney located near the channel from a cooker or any other heat source (for example, electric lamps of small capacity).
  2. В сточную трубу, сделанную из чугуна, асбестоцемента или керамики, вставляется керамическая, эмалированная или фаянсовая воронка. Вентиляционное hole backlash channel располагают на 300 мм выше конца сточной трубы. Сама труба герметично заделывается в перекрытие.
  3. The backlash channel has a cross section of 150 × 150 mm. Its height should be 0.5 m above the chimney. Top channel cover from the penetration of precipitation.
  4. A sand cushion is poured at the base of the cesspool, which is poured with concrete, and so that the cistern is waterproof, it is plastered with cement mortar inside its wall, and outside it is covered with clay up to 40 cm.
  5. At the top, the vault is closed with reinforced concrete floors, leaving hole для его очистки. В hole вставляется двойная утепленная крышка, которую укрывают слоем гидроизоляции, а вокруг крышки насыпают грунт.

Backlash closet pretty laborious work which takes a lot of time and effort. Making it yourself is much more difficult than powder-closet. Therefore, what kind of toilet to equip in their summer cottage, everyone decides for himself.