Scandalous news

The creators of SCANDAL showed what happens if you combine furniture design with fashion

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A photo: Sergey Morgunov - from the archives of the press services

Leading headings: Marina Volkova

Magazine: (136)

Creators of SCANDAL, member "INTERIOR SHOW" -2008, showed what happens if you combine furniture design with fashion

SCANDAL brand is very young. Not even a brand. This is a new project, a line of interior items, launched by an Italian company. MOVE the year before last, in 2007. Responsible for the art unit SCANDAL invited Isabella Sodi. She is a designer, only from a different, non-furniture sphere: she has worked for different fashion houses for more than 20 years. SCANDAL creations are distinguished by non-standard: mirrors and candlesticks in stingray leather, carpets made from pieces of animal skins of various animals, chests of silk doors (decorated with multicolored silk strips) ... maximum gloss, and special varnish is applied to the wood, making it feel like velvety fabric to the touch ...