Yard and plot
Hedge in the country
Hedge является отличной альтернативой глухим заборам и ограждениям из камня, кирпича, металла, ведь она экологична, привлекательна и естественна. Кроме этого, живая изгородь отлично сочетается с различными элементами ландшафтного дизайна на даче:
Arrangement of the pool at the dacha
Each owner of the suburban area seeks to maximally ennoble him and create all conditions for a comfortable and enjoyable pastime. Therefore, it is not surprising that today the issue of arranging your own pool has become extremely relevant. More
Styles and types of rockeries: photos and specifications
Rockery is a small stony garden, a modern element of landscape design. It combines the beauty of ordinary flower garden and stones. In terms of their appearance, rockeries are very similar to rock garden, but they have two distinctive features:
Making and laying pavers do it yourself
В последнее время огромной популярностью пользуются строительные материалы, из которых создаются тротуарные дорожки, площадки, подъездные аллеи к домам и гаражам. Paving stone, про которую идет речь, имеет большое многообразие форм и решений по
How to autumn correctly produce pruning tui
Thuja is a genus of perennials belonging to the cypress family. It is very popular among landscape designers, because it has a decorative crown shape, does not make high demands on its growing conditions, and also has a great variety of varieties.
High beds: ways to create, the pros and cons
Russians love to work on the ground. Most of our fellow citizens have country or household plots on which they grow a variety of garden crops. Any gardener seeks to get a rich harvest from their land, but this is not always possible due to the lack
Growing greens in the greenhouse all year round
Greens must be present on the table. It gives dishes a special taste and aroma, while saturating them with various vitamins. It is especially important to use it in the winter when the human body suffers from a lack of vitamins. That is why many
Tile for tracks in the country
One of the most popular and sought-after building materials used for the improvement of the villa area is tile. The tracks laid out of such material are durable and beautiful, while the technology of their installation does not require special
Construction of the fence on screw piles
Those who at least understand a little bit in construction, probably know that screw piles are easy, convenient and reliable. Beautiful high-quality modern fence is installed using just such supports. However, those who first encounter such a phrase,
The distance from the house to the fence
Today, the fence of private property is its business card and an essential attribute that can tell a lot about its owner. However, building a fence is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because every homeowner must adhere to certain rules
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