Yard and plot

Construction of the russian bath with their own hands

The history of the Russian village bath has more than one century. For centuries, people steamed in the baths. The Russian bath is not only a good rest after a busy day of work, but also a great way to spend time with friends, as in the film “The

Making your own playground

In summer, children spend most of their time on the street. Well, if in the yard for them there is a playground. On its territory it is possible to both have fun and develop physically. Well, if you live in a private house or at the cottage, then you

Polycarbonate canopies

Sheds made of polycarbonate are a group of various structures, which include sheds over the loggia or balcony, sheds over the parking lot or sheds over the pool. In addition, canopies or visors from this building material are used as an element above

Garage doors with their own hands

Before any technological novelty appears in the construction world, it becomes necessary to use it. It was the same with the garage doors. There was a fence, there was a gate, there was a car. But then someone came up with a terrific idea - and what

Wash basin for giving the hands

В городах все привыкли к центральному водоснабжению, но не у каждого имеется такое благо цивилизации на дачах. Конечно, это вызывает определенные неудобства, но проблема вполне решаема. При помощи умывальника можно вымыть не только руки, но посуду и

Phlox drummond - landing and care

The bright and original flower Phlox Drummond got its name in honor of its discoverer - the Scottish traveler Henry Drummond. Gardeners in this plant are attracted by ease of care, lack of demanding of soil and weather conditions, as well as minimal

Photo canopies of the profile pipe do it yourself

It is economical and very easy to make canopies from a metal profile or a pipe with your own hands. In this case, a profile tube is used for the device of the support frame, a canopy and a wall of the structure are made of the metal profile. Metal

Tracks in the country with their own hands

Красивые, ухоженные дорожки на даче — показатеlь хоlености и уюта. Tracks удобно соединяют ваш дом с другими строениями (огородом, баней, беседкой, садом и др.). Кроме своей функционаlьности дачные дорожки выпоlняют еще и декоративную функцию,

Vertical gardening features

Those who seriously engaged in the ennoblement of the dacha or backyard plot, probably thought about the possibility of creating vertical gardening - an unusual way of decorating buildings. Beautiful vine or flowers of the plant, wrapped around the

Design flower beds with their own hands

A garden without flowers is impossible to imagine. They fill it with energy and deprive facelessness, delight the eye, spiritualize, relieve fatigue. Flower care has a psychotherapeutic effect, successfully relieves depression and neurosis. A key
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