В городах все привыкли к центральному водоснабжению, но не у каждого имеется такое благо цивилизации на дачах. Конечно, это вызывает определенные неудобства, но проблема вполне решаема. При помощи умывальника можно вымыть не только руки, но посуду и овощи. Такое устройство просто незаменимо в быту, с ним комфортно и удобно. Washbasins столь удобны, что могут стать заменой полноценного водопровода. В приведенном ниже материале вы узнаете о разновидностях умывальников, сколько будет стоить купить готовый умывальник, и как их изготовить своими руками из подручных материалов. Дачный умывальник вполне реально сделать своими руками и эта статья вам в этом поможет.
- 1 What are the types of sinks to give
- 1.1 Simple suspended cottage washbasin
- 1.2 Washbasin, смонтированный на стойке
- 1.3 Washbasin дачный с тумбочкой
- 1.4 Country washbasin with heating
- 2 How much does a ready washbasin cost to give?
- 3 How to make a country wash basin on your own
What are the types of sinks to give
There is a large number of different washbasins, which one you choose is for you, relying on your own needs. Consider their main varieties:
- simple suspended country wash basin;
- washbasin mounted on the rack;
- cottage dacha with a bedside table;
- country washbasin with heating.
Simple suspended cottage washbasin
A wash basin consists of a container that resembles the shape of a keg with a small pressure spout. The amount of water that can be poured into the tank is not more than 5 liters. This cottage washbasin will be easy to attach to the wall using simple tools.
Fill the tank with water manually. You can organize a drain system in various ways. A convenient option would be a bucket placed under the sink or a rubber hose removed from it, the water from which will be poured out in a specially designated place. If you use the sink rarely, then you can not substitute anything for it, the water will quickly soak into the ground.
This type of washbasins are very often used in our time, as it allows you to quickly wash your hands after various summer works. But the small volume of the tank does not allow it to be used for regular washing dishes.
There are other sinks of this type with volume up to 18 litersIt’s not so often to pour water, so they are much more convenient. The shape of the tank can be divided into rectangular and oval. These suspended washbasins are made of plastic or stainless steel. Availability valve tap - One of the advantages of this sink.
Washbasin, смонтированный на стойке
Unusual and original version of the summer washbasin. The tank is mounted on metal stops on top. You can install a washbasin both in the garden and near the house, it will be stable.
At the bottom of the washbasin stand is a crossbar, with which it is fixed when recessed into the ground. The volume of this type of washbasin water tank is 8–15 liters.
Washbasin дачный с тумбочкой
Этот дачный умывальник состоит из тумбочки, раковины и barrel для воды. Он отличается special functionality, because it can be installed both inside your home and outside. It is larger and heavier than other models of summer washbasins, but much more convenient. In the nightstand put a bucket for drains or other capacity. Since there is a sink in such a washbasin, it can be freely used for washing dishes.
To place the washbasin, you can choose with a wooden bedside table, but if you use the model on the street, the tree will quickly lose its appearance and become useless. For street use Washbasin with a metal housing.
Country washbasin with heating
Washbasin с функцией подогрева — это усовершенствованная модель умывальника с тумбочкой. Основным отличием от предыдущей модели является наличие THANKS in the water tank, it heats the water to the desired temperature.
Such a washbasin model is especially relevant in the cold season, when it is impossible to heat water in the sun. Using the thermostat, you can set the required water temperature to + 70 ° С. The water tank is made of special plastic and has a volume from 10 to 20 liters.
How much does a ready washbasin cost to give?
On the market there is a huge selection of sinks for every taste and at different prices. It is necessary to initially understand what kind of model is needed for your site and how much you are willing to spend.
Simple suspended country sinks, of course, the most cheap. To do this, do not have to spend too much. The price of plastic sinks with a water tank of 3 liters will be only 120 rubles. With a volume of 5 liters - 150 rubles.
Дачный умывальник с тумбочкой значительно удобнее, и цена на него гораздо выше. Стоимость умывальника будет завесить от материала, из которого выполнена раковина и тумба. Также важную роль при выборе этой модели умывальника играет объем бачка для воды. Washbasin с пластиковой мойкой и оцинкованным корпусом будет стоить 1900–2800 rubles. With stainless steel sink can be purchased for 2000−4800 rubles. The price difference is, of course, significant, but it also depends on the manufacturer and the dimensions of the washbasin.
Country most heated sinks expensive, the sink can be chosen both from qualitative plastic, and from stainless steel. In demand and sink with enamelled coating. The washbasin frame can be made of steel or wood. Prices for such sinks are within 3100−5500 rubles.
How to make a country wash basin independently
Если вы решили не тратить на готовый умывальник деньги, то можно сделать его самостоятельно, используя are simpleе и доступные всем способы, and материалы, которые всегда можно найти на даче.
1 option. You can make a budget fixture like a sink. plastic bottle volume of 5 liters. You do not need special tools for this sink. So, to make a simple fixture, you need to take a plastic bottle out of the water and cut the bottom from it, fix it with wire or clamps on a tree or wooden fence. To start using the wash basin, you need to pour water into the bottle and open the cap. Make such a wash basin you will not be any difficulties.
- Option 2. If you have containers at hand that do not come in handy, you can try to make a more complex device. For this perfect plastic or metal canister, bucket, and barrel. Перед тем как начать над самодельным умывальником, необходимо определить место, где он будет устанавливаться. Не стоит забывать и о месте для слива. Для изготовления умывальника вам потребуется сгон, несколько прокладок, гайки, and зажимы. Приобретите это все необходимо заранее в магазине сантехники. Наметьте в выбранной емкости отверстие и вырежьте или высверлите его. Поместите в вырезанное отверстие сгон, а затем наденьте rubber pads on both sides and tighten the tension with the nuts. After that, you need to install a crane and install the tank itself.
3 option. Washbasin на стойке можно изготовить самому, нужен только tank with faucet. For this homemade product you will need a grinding machine, steel pipes, as well as a welding machine. In order for the rack to be sufficiently stable, you need at least two pipes, the distance between which must be no more than 25 cm. Для начала необходимо отмерять нужную длину труб для опор, а затем отрезать две трубы при помощи шлифовальной машины. Чтобы стойка хорошо была зафиксирована, трубы необходимо обрезать под углом, тогда острый конец легко войдет в землю. Затем необходимо отрезать перемычку внизу, and планку, что будет прикреплена к умывальнику. Приварить срезанную перемычку и планку к трубам, которые будут служить опорами. Готовый умывальник можно поставить в любое удобное местечко, где есть open ground. Such a device is mobile, since it can be removed and installed in any other place.
All the above options for making a washbasin are very are simple, and almost everyone can make them.
A washbasin is an indispensable thing in everyday life, as it is very convenient to open the faucet and wash your hands or dishes with running water. The choice of sinks is huge and everyone will be able to choose a model to their taste, whether it is expensive or cheap. Of course, it is better that the wash basin was equipped with a heater, but if you use the sink only in summer, you can do without it.