Leopard in the living room

Classic furniture with predatory upholstery

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Ekaterina Morgunov

Text: Julia Sakharova

Magazine: Decor N7 (140) 2009

If the living room is furnished with soft furniture. Colombostile upholstered under a leopard, then the carpet of zebra skin and curtains from the "python" there will already be redundant. In addition, it is better to choose furniture in the spirit of the Empire style and silk draperies.

"Leopard" pieces of furniture look theatrical and even somewhat pretentious, and this feature of theirs should be strengthened by putting together a whole group of such things in one interior. And let them all be different: a sofa, an armchair, a chaise longue, a pouf, a dress seat - so much more fun. Light must also apply effectively. It can be a large table lamp on a small gilded table.

Drapirovki It is best to make multi-layered, made of silk organza and at least two types of thick silk. And preferably in contrasting colors. But not black and white, but, for example, creamy and dark brown or white and gold. The picture of the fabric should not be bright and dense, and the more "bestial" - it will be overkill