In the framework of the Dutch Design Week 2016, Maarten Baas (Maarten Baas) shows an interdisciplinary project - MAARTEN BAAS MAKES TIME (“Maarten Baas determines the time”). “The MBMT idea is to show how design can be a unifying factor between different creative disciplines and diverse talents,” says Baath. In addition to well-known authors from the field of object design and visual arts, the exhibition is attended by Chef Sergio Herman (Sergio Herman).

Among the designers participating in the MBMT project are Atelier NL, Jurgen Bey, Just van Bleyzvik and Kiki van Eyck. Sergio Herman, head cook of PureC’s Michelin-based restaurants in Satzande and The Jane in Antwerp, creates their specialties at the temporary restaurant, whose design was created by Martin Baas. All places have been booked in advance.