The history of the Russian village bath has more than one century. For centuries, people steamed in the baths. The Russian bath is not only a good rest after a busy day of work, but also a great way to spend time with friends, as in the film “The Irony of Fate ...” , isn't it? And most importantly, the use of the Russian bath is invaluable for the preservation and enhancement of our dear health.
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The benefits and harms of the Russian bath
The healing effect of the bath is that the body temperature becomes much higher than normal. If the temperature in the Russian bath is about 90 degrees, then the body temperature may rise sharply (up to 39 degrees). And this, as many doctors believe, has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Under stressful conditions, bath procedures perfectly calm the nervous system and provide a charge of vivacity and freshness.
Кроме того, парная служит отличным способом профилактики заболеваний сердца, аппарата опорно-двигательной системы и многих других. Stove heater позволяет создать легкий пар русской бани, это пар высокой диспергированности (оптимальный размер взвешенных в воздухе капель воды), который очень полезен для организма.
As for the harm, it all depends on how to steam in the Russian bath. As they say, with a fool you can break anything. However, if there are serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is better to refrain from visiting the steam room.
The peculiarity of the Russian bath is that at a relatively low temperature there is a very high level of humidity. This circumstance interferes with perspiration and, accordingly, heat exchange deteriorates. Therefore, in the steam room is undesirable for more than 15 minutes.
What you need to do in the first place, where it is better to place a bath, how to plan the room - this article tells about it.
Choosing a place for a Russian bath
Practically any place will be suitable for the placement of a bath if properly arranged. It can be located on a country site, or exist as an extension to the house in the form of a separate room. Some lovers prefer to steam bath inside the house. There is a definite advantage in this, it will not be necessary to think about the organization of the lighting, to thoroughly think over the sewage outflows, since all this should already exist in the house itself.
All options for the location of the bath have the right to life.
Think over the insulation of the bath
Is the bath a separate room, or is it located in the annexe, or built into the interior of the house, it depends on how much it is necessary to warm the room. If the bath is located directly in the house, then special attention, perhaps, should be paid only to the steam room. Provided, of course, that people live in this house permanently, and it is heated all the time.
If you are building a bathhouse on a section of a summer house, which is not often visited, then it is better to build it separately (assuming good insulation). This must be done in order not to subsequently heat the whole house for the sake of a couple of hours in a steam room.
The main options for planning Russian baths
Almost all the projects of Russian baths have two main components: a waiting room and a steam room. In the configuration "comfort", it can be already four rooms: soapy, steam room, dressing room and vestibule.
The platform is located directly behind the door of the bath. Its main purpose is to become an obstacle to the passage of cold air into the interior. Then there is a waiting room where you can relax and change clothes.
As the name implies, people wash in the soapy. Here are hot and cold water tanks, as well as other bath accessories. In this room should be a bench so that if necessary you can lie down.
The steam room is usually made small, square (from 9 sq. M and above). In this case, heat loss will be minimized. In the steam room there should be a stove-heater in which a tank is built for heating water. Along the walls have a bench.
As for the height of the Russian bath, it should be extremely small. This is necessary in order to reduce the time for heating the room.
The logic here is simple: the larger the room, the more time is needed to warm it up. The optimum height is considered about 2.2 m.
The device of ventilation in the Russian bath
Good ventilation is one of the prerequisites to ventilate if necessary and reduce the temperature of strongly heated air. One of the simplest options is to make holes in the floor behind the stove. The stove will stand in the way of the cold air flow and will warm it up quickly and also dry it. In order for the air to flow out, it is also necessary to make the outlet diagonally across the room. One should be located at a height of 1 meter, and the second is best done under the ceiling. These openings should be brought to the attic or to the main ventilation.
On the issue of lighting
You should not do bright lighting, the best option would be spot moisture-proof lamps. They can be wall-mounted, but that's a matter of taste.