Every lover of suburban life thinks about how to make your garden more attractive. A flower garden of continuous flowering is exactly what you need, because it is a piece of land where flowers bloom from early spring to late autumn.
There are plants that can delight the eye with their flowering views all season long. This feature is perfect for a bed of continuous flowering.
These plants include:
- decorative yarrow (blooms in late spring and blooms until October);
- Kraspediya (its buds stand up to the frosts);
- decorative bow.
When such plants become dried flowers, they will still decorate the flowerbed even under the snow.
A flower bed of several types - 2 or 3 - will be very beautiful. But to create it will require different varieties of one plant, with different periods of flowering. Chrysanthemums are great, both early and late. Earlier flowering can be obtained if the seeds are planted at the end of winter.
More important to choose place for freezers, sleep-grasses or woods. For the spring season, daisies, daffodils, forget-me-nots. A chamomile perfectly dilute the flower bed. The main emphasis is given by perennial long-flowering plants.
In particular, the badans and astilbe will look beautiful. Another worth noting is Erigeron, catnip, garden geranium, sage and delphinium. So, let's take a closer look at the creation of such incredible beds of continuous flowering.
- 1 Kinds of flower beds непрерывного цветения
- 1.1 Spring flower bed
- 1.2 Summer Flower
- 1.3 Autumn flower bed
- 1.4 Winter flower bed
- 2 Continuous flowering flower schemes
- 3 Works to create a bed of continuous flowering
Kinds of flower beds непрерывного цветения
In order to create a flower garden of continuous flowering, you need different types of plants:
- annuals;
- biennials;
- perennials.
The best choice would be a flower bed of perennials. Every year it will be supplemented with more and more beautiful annual flowers. But do not forget about the ornamental plants, among them may be deciduous and cereal. They perfectly complement the flower garden.
All flower beds of continuous flowering can be divided into 3 types:
- Spring bloom.
- Summer bloom.
- Autumn bloom.
Consider them in more detail.
Spring flower bed
In the place set aside for the flower bed, you need to plant the plants, blooming in spring. Usually these are flowers with a bulb. The ideal option would be to buy plants such as muskar, crocuses, proleski, daffodils and tulips. In addition, it is possible to note Erantes, brunner, hellebore, etc. There are still beautiful two-year-olds: pansies, daisies, viol.
Perennials bloom after small. These include primrose, iris, bathing vessel, you can still plant phlox.
Summer flower bed
The flower garden in the summer is a true color bulgebecause the choice of flowering plants is very wide. Yes, they all and do not list. Note only the most beautiful of them:
- garden geraniums;
- phlox;
- delphinium;
- carnations;
- roses;
- lilies;
- bells.
Среди perennials прекрасно будут себя чувствовать цинния, бархатцы, астры, лобелия, петуния. Biennials are among the most popular. These include: mallow, bells, daisies, foxglove.
Autumn flower bed
In the autumn period, the beds of continuous flowering are especially good in combination with bright foliage. For making such beds, the most popular are: chrysanthemums, asters, which are usually planted away, and the anemone looks beautiful in front. The eryngium, molinia will also delight in the special flowering.
Winter flower bed
And there is one too. And let it be noticeably different from the above, but it has its features. On a white background of snow looks good hellebore. He is able to bloom even at zero temperature, and the limit is -5−6 degrees.
The main principles of creating a beautiful flower bed of continuous flowering:
- It should be in a convenient place, beautifully equipped.
- You need to carefully select materials for planting.
- Scheme need to think in advance.
- Care should be simplified to the maximum.
Continuous flowering flower schemes
There are many options for schemes such flower beds. Consider the main aspects:
- in the middle of the beds planted high flowers;
- then sit down undersized;
- The summer flowers (usually bulbous) are planted in a circle (edges) of a flower bed at a distance of 15–20 cm: tulip, lily, muskar, crocus, etc.
- daffodils need to sit in separate groups among the pions;
- Along the edges of the flower bed, you can leave spaces, which will then be filled with roses or other types of ground cover flowers.
If you create a flower garden along fence or fences, then plants of medium height are planted along its length, and ground cover and bulbous plants are added along the edges. For any flowerbed it is better to make a scheme in advance, it is better even on paper. So you can distribute flowers in shades, sizes, taking into account the light and the flowering period.
If you have a dacha pond on the plot, you can use the following scheme:
- белая ива;
- silver goof;
- basil;
- Lucky IRA;
- valerian;
- зонтичный сусак;
- yellow lineman;
- Lucky magnolia;
- Siberian iris;
- bathing suit.
Still as a variant of a bed of continuous flowering:
- geraniums are planted along the edges (the first 2 months of summer blooms) and stonecrop (flowering in September);
- then comes the iris (different flowers, its flowering period is May-June);
- further planted peonies with roses (May-July);
- near the fence planted high plants: mordovnik and millet (bloom in August).
Each scheme is good and beautiful in its own way, the main thing is correctly place the plantsso that they please the eye and combine with each other.
Works to create a bed of continuous flowering
To create such a flower garden you will need:
- garden tools;
- compost;
- sand;
- perennials;
- fertilizer.
Creating a flower bed on your own is not very difficult. The main thing - choose a place, где цветник будет располагаться. Желательно, чтобы там было достаточно света. После выбора места нужно составить четкий план, где у вас будут расти perennials. Это делается на бумаге, рисуется очертание клумбы, пронумеровываются растения. С наступлением весны нужно готовить клумбу к посадке. Для начала удаляются все сорняки, снимается слой дерна.
Soil enrich with compost and add to it baking powder: expanded clay, river sand, vermiculite, brick chips. In addition, do not forget about fertilizers.
After you have prepared the soil, and also bought perennials, you need to mark the place for the plants. This is done by sand, which is scattered by thin tracks. If perennials are bought in containers, then it is important that the land is not over dried; need to water it if necessary. Often the plants are planted in peat, so it’s better gently shake off, in order not to damage the roots, and then straighten the roots of the plant and plant in the hole.
First time flower bed should not dry out. The soil should be wet, but not too wet. Pouring water into plants is no less harmful than overdrying. Further care is reduced to the removal of weeds, faded flowers, timely watering, loosening the soil. If you have fertilized the soil before planting, then in the future it is already undesirable.