Thuja is a genus of perennials belonging to the cypress family. It is very popular among landscape designers, because it has a decorative crown shape, does not make high demands on its growing conditions, and also has a great variety of varieties. Tuyu are planted as separate groups, and as part of hedges.
- 1 Thuja forms
- 2 Requirements for pruning certain varieties of thuja
- 2.1 good foundations
- 2.2 Variety of Fastigia and Columna
- 2.3 Variety Brabant
- 2.4 Varieties Danica, Khozeri, Woodwardi
- 3 Rules of pruning tui
Thuja forms
On the territory of the Russian Federation, western thuja is most common. She has several basic forms:
- Pyramidal (Smaragd variety).
- Cone shaped (varieties Columna, Yellow Ribon, Fasgiata, Brabant).
- Sharobraznoy (Globozum, Woodward, Khozeri, Danika).
Requirements for pruning certain varieties of thuja
Is it worth cutting an individual thuja plant to be judged based on how organically it fits into a specific design plan? Sometimes it happens that some individuals initially have the ideal form of the crown, then you should not waste time on its refilling. However, most often you have to take garden shears and correct the shape of the crown of the plant. And now more about pruning individual varieties of plants.
empathy foundations
This variety is most common on land plots of Russians. It owes its popularity, including its original regular pyramidal form. Thuja Smaragd acquires a fairly correct and beautiful appearance on its own, even without interfering with the gardener's process. However, sometimes it has to be cut in order to give the crown more correct proportions.
Often, Smaragd is used to create original living garden figures:
- Spirals.
- Chess pieces.
- Balls on the legs and much more.
This kind of plant easily tolerates branch removal. Well, if the decision is made to use Tui Smaragd for growing a hedge, then it is simply necessary to cut it off. Otherwise, there will be neither flat nor dense plant massif. When forming a hedge, it is necessary to start cutting the plant in accordance with the intended appearance immediately after it is planted in the ground. No need to wait until the thuja grows in width and height to the specified condition, and then take up the shears.
The plant is trimmed annually, with a gradual increase in size.
Variety of Fastigia and Columna
Pruning of these plants is carried out according to the same principles as the Smaragd variety. That is, if the plant begins in its development begins to deviate from the conceived appearance, you should immediately proceed to the shaping or decorative pruning.
Sort Brabant
Unlike previous ones, this variety needs compulsory pruning. Without carrying out this work, the plant grows sprawling, friable, not beautiful enough. Therefore, immediately after the thuja Brabant lands in a permanent place, it should be trimmed in accordance with the form intended. Further, each year, the correction of its crown. Only by adhering to such tactics can one achieve a well-stuffed plant.
With regard to the use of Tui Brabant for the formation of hedges, in this case, its pruning is done exactly according to the same rules that apply to the variety Smaragd.
Varieties Danica, Khozeri, Woodwardi
These plants belong to the spherical thuja. They, as a rule, do not need carrying out cutting. The only case where their crowns should be actively shaped is planting these varieties in the composition of undersized, living, curb hedges. At the same time, they will have to be trimmed regularly until a uniform border is obtained.
Tuyu Woodwardy should be cut every two to three years, in order to obtain a more packed, dense ball.
Rules of pruning tui
Thuja plants should be cut off not only with the aim of forming the crown, but also to remove damaged and dried branches. And do it should in strict accordance with the instructions:
The cutting of a thuja, as a rule, is made in the first decade of April or in the last decade of June. But often, the maintenance of the necessary form has to be carried out monthly from the first summer month until the onset of cold weather. Crop thuya is also carried out in the fall, the only important condition is dry weather.
- All damaged branches are removed from the plant first. In addition, the western thuja needs thinning of the crown, for which it is necessary to cut out part of the healthy living branches. This measure helps to improve air circulation between the branches of the crown, and also reduces the risk of pests.
- In order to correct the direction in which the tree will grow, its upper part must be cut at the required level. As a result, comes thuya, growing in breadth. And in order to form a dense spherical shrub, for those plants whose species provides such an opportunity, it will be necessary to remove from the thuja those branches that differ from the majority of the shoots crown in length.
- In the case when it is planned to conduct a decorative haircut supporting an already formed crown, a certain part of annual shoots should be cut from the tree. More intensive pruning often leads to the formation of areas in which there are only old branches devoid of fresh greenery, which causes the plant to lose its decorative effect.
- In the case when pruning has to be carried out more often than usual for this sort of standards, you should reduce the amount of mineral and organic fertilizing plants.
- If the formation time is missed, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning during the summer months, during which it will get rid of frozen branches, and also to thin the crown.
- Tui growing in a shaded area, usually there is no need to thin out, because their crowns are often not thick enough.
- When transplanting adult plants, you should try to preserve the earth roots surrounding them. It should be remembered that the younger the tree, the easier it is to transfer the transplant. It is best to produce it in the fall.
- After the trimming of a tree is over, it needs to be poured over with water, treated with a growth stimulant solution and fed. Forming pruning of this plant is carried out no earlier than the next season, after it has gained strength well enough.
After completing all the work on clearing and shaping the crown of the thuja, its condition must be monitored for some time, in order to detect diseases or pests, quickly take all necessary measures to destroy them.