Does the bath look like a sofa? The German company Bette presented at the exhibition iSalone in Milan its vision of a fashionable suite: put on a bath in luxury textiles, turning it into a kind of soft bed or sofa. The upholstery was supplied by JAB. Special impregnation protects the fabric from the inevitable moisture - a similar composition is used for outdoor furniture of the last generation. The basis of the structure of steel-enamel - a material whose unsurpassed master is Bette. The original idea was implemented together with the designer Dominique Tessero, the creator of Tesseraux + Partner design, which is based in Potsdam. Designers reasoned like this: fabrics are the first means to bring the feeling of fashionable decor into a room, whether it be a living room, a bedroom or a bathroom. While the development is at the prototype stage, but there are all the prerequisites in the near future to see the model on sale.