The distance from the house to the fence

House locationToday, the fence of private property is its business card and an essential attribute that can tell a lot about its owner. However, building a fence is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because every homeowner must adhere to certain rules that must be followed when building a house and organizing the entire site. The question of the distance from the house - both its own and the neighbor's - to the fence being erected among them.

The fence is the most familiar and understandable option. territory designations plot. The need for such a fence is dictated by many reasons:

  • intrusion protection on the site of unauthorized persons, animals;
  • protection of his private life from outsiders, often unfriendly, eyes;
  • for clear separation territories of neighboring sites in order to avoid conflicts between their owners.


  • 1 We have a house on the plot according to the plan.
  • 2 Fencing plot
  • 3 Определяем место for забора
  • 4 SNiP dictates norms and requirements

We have a house on the plot according to the plan

FenceAnyone who has ever encountered housing construction is well aware of what it is. difficult and troublesome отнимающее большое количество сил и материальных ресурсов. Нередки здесь for человека неопытного в таких делах и ошибки. Чтобы их избежать, необходимо подойти к этому делу serious as much as possible и вдумчиво ещё на этапе планирования постройки и благоустройства территории, carefully определить не только величину и внутреннее содержание здания, но и то, как будет posted structure Location on.

Too close location residential construction to the fence - one of the most common errors. In order to save space, quite often householders take into account only the distance from the red line to the building and lay the foundation here, completely losing sight of integral elements future home:

  • porch;
  • flight of stairs;
  • fencing

Upon completion of the construction and installation of all added elements and fencing, their density and significant inconvenience during operation. However, to fix this is no longer possible. To avoid this situation, even before construction begins carefully calculate everything, mark all future elements of the construction on the site including the distance between the house and the fence, and only then begin foundation laying and construction. This is especially important to pay attention to when building a house with a high base, when a monumental porch with a bulky staircase will be constructed.

In accordance with the building rules and building codes, the distance from the border of the neighboring plot to the side wall of the house should be not less than three meters. If you strictly comply with this requirement, without increasing the distance taking into account the width of the fence itself, you will get uncomfortable narrow passage between the house and the fence. Conclusion: you need to slightly increase this interval in order to move freely around the site. Of course, this advice does not apply to sites with a very small area, when every meter counts.

Plot Fence

Fence выполняет две основные функции:

  • marks the boundaries our possessions;
  • divides the plot on functional areas.

Plot FenceSome fences are built for centuries, it capital facilities others are lightweight designs that can be quite easily moved to the right place.

Each section has its own face, so each fence - whether it is an external contour or internal fences - should match common landscape design concept. This means that even at the design stage of the fence construction everything follows. carefully спланировать and prepare both a place for the construction of the fence, and the necessary materials, as well as find out how much it will cost.

Nowadays, the question of the availability of material acquisition is not worth it, therefore, only purpose of the fence homeowner's taste preferences and cost. Sometimes during the construction of a capital protective structure, the taste preferences of the owners are secondary, since architectural features main building or design style of the landscape of the dacha or manor dictate their own.

You can build a fence on your own, if you allow available skills and knowledge. With their absence or lack of time, you have to hire a master. However, regardless of who exactly will carry out the construction work, it is necessary to have a plan for the future structure, corresponding established building codes and cost estimates for its implementation. Each region has its own standards, and to learn about them and obtain the appropriate permission for the construction of structures should be in the department of architecture of the local administration.

Определяем место for забора

Место for забораWhere exactly the fence will be located, as already noted, determined by its purpose, but not only. There are construction restrictions of local importance, for example, the boundaries of the site, which are unacceptable to violate. There may be more than one regulation of construction activities in your specific area, and should be respected so as not to have further problems with local authorities.

To begin the choice of the place of erection of the fence you need to establish the exact boundaries of the estate, This is necessary to avoid conflicts with neighbors. And you need to set the fence exactly on its territory without going to the land of the neighbor, if you want it to be exclusively in your property. And the neighbor on the rights of the owner of the land, on which the fence partly enters, would not claim it as sharing with you own. Of course, ideally, it would be good for you and your neighbor to coordinate and execute the decision to build a fence on an equal footing, dividing the costs for its construction.

The next step is to find out restrictions on construction, which you will need to take into account. In the local administration, there are regulations for the construction of various structures, including fences, so that, say, a single building style is not violated. Either a single passage to the estate, which is behind your possessions, passes through your site, and it cannot be closed tightly. Then you have to to supply fencing gate or wicket. Having dealt with all these subtleties, you can finally move on to practical actions.

SNiP dictates norms and requirements

Building codes (SNiP) - are not a set of laws, it is only collection of recommendations regulating the construction work and reconstruction of previously constructed objects. Nevertheless, it is in the SNiP that one can find answers to the questions:

  • what height should be erected fence;
  • what material the fence should be built in this or that case;
  • what distance should be between the house and the fence of the neighbors' homestead;
  • at what distance from the fence of neighbors should be planted trees and shrubs and stuff.

Fence heightSo, what height is it permissible to build a fence? The answer to this question is quite specific in the above document. RF SNiP (from 30.02.97 p changes to it 12.03.2001), where it is said that it is allowed to erect barriers with a height no more than 1.5 m. At the same time, fences erected between adjacent areas should be made of transparent materials — any kind of grid or mesh — so that not to obscure someone else's plot. Deaf fence is allowed only from the outside, that is, from the side of the carriageway.

Oral agreement reached between the neighbors about changing the height of the fence and violating the norms of transparency of the fence, it will be safer to consolidate the relevant agreement since such a document is legally binding and can decide the outcome of a dispute in court.

Reflected in the SNiP and sanitary standards, regarding which states the following:

  1. Between the building and the fence of the adjacent area should be saved a distance of 3 m. This distance is measured from the base of the house to the boundary line, bearing in mind the size of its individual elements - the roof canopy, the porch, the flight of stairs. If they protrude more than 0.5 m relative to the base, then it should be measured from them.
  2. Those buildings should stand on the fence of a neighbor for 1 m, and its slope is performed to the side his yard.
  3. Planting shrubs and trees should be from the fence of the adjacent plot at a distance of 1 m and 4 m respectively.
  4. To the red line of the street from any buildings should be no closer 5 m. In case this is not a road, and the passage is allowed to decrease the distance to 3 m.

In conclusion, a review of the sanitary and living standards of the SNiP, I would like to remind you that indenting from these rules is fraught with serious enough administrative fine. Well, the one who was warned has every chance to avoid these troubles.