Perhaps each person spends his first ten, or more years of life on the playground. That is the first feeling of joy and the first taste of victory, when you can fully go through the "hill" and the proud glances of mother and grandmother for the first feat in life. Therefore, the playground has an important place in the life of each child.
- 1 What is a playground?
- 2 What is a playground for?
- 3 What are the playgrounds on the site?
- 4 Children's playground projects
- 5 Ideas for the playground (video)
What is a playground?
Traditionally, a playground is a place where children of preschool and primary school age play. Accordingly, the younger-oriented playgrounds will not contain any complex elements, such as stairs and ropes, so children of this age have hardly learned to walk.
Playgrounds are aimed at mental and physical development children in active play form. Sites can be both sports type and thematic.
Modern Russian playgrounds must comply ГОСТ Р 52169-2003which regulates how they should be equipped and what kind of safety tests should be carried out just before children begin to play.
Playgrounds should be fenced off from the carriageways, be well lit, there should be enough free space around each game element. All equipment must be made of hypoallergenic materials, the height of structures must be safe and permissible for certain age groups.
The length of the tunnels should not exceed 75 centimeters, and elements suggesting a possible fall of the child should be no higher than 50 centimeters.
The slides should be equipped with special crossbars, and at the end should have a soft rounding. Game items must not be exposed. corrosion and moisture, temperature and frost.
In addition, the cover of playgrounds should be rubberized and have a cushioning effect, softening the blows in the fall, as children are active and often fall.
What is a playground for?
The playground is a place reserved for the simulation of adult life. Communicating with each other, children "rehearsing»Various life situations that they will certainly encounter in adulthood. On the playground, children learn to resolve conflicts, make friends, and build relationships, including family ones.
Thanks to various game elements, such as houses, sandboxes, slides, rockets
What are the playgrounds on the site?
Modern children's playgrounds have recently been produced from plastic, but sometimes in areas you can find a platform made of wood or metal. Playgrounds usually look bright and colorful from different colors.
Sites at the sites are usually universal and are visually divided into sections:
- sandboxes;
- sport equipment;
- balancers;
- simulators;
- swing on a spring;
- swing;
- carousel;
- slides;
- gazebos or children's houses;
- benches.
It is important to calculate the size playground and the approximate number of children who will spend time on it, based on the place where it will be located.
Детские площадки целесообразно также устанавливать на территориях детских больниц. Несмотря на небольшие пространства, с учетом современных технологий можно организовать игровое пространство любого the sizeа. Играя, дети отвлекаются от напряженной больничной обстановки и быстрее идут на поправку.
Children's playground projects
It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the children of the new generation have a different “push-button” thinking, different from their parents, therefore it is useful to develop playgrounds for them that meet the conditions modern society.
Modern manufacturers offer playgrounds for every taste and budget. They can be thematicSo, for example, a toy ship can be placed on the playground, combining all of the above elements.
Или же, например, проект детской площадки на противопожарную тему или на оказание скорой медицинской помощи. На такой детской площадке дети, играя, обретут необходимые и важные для жизни навыки и опыт. Children's playground projects, повторяющие сказки и мультфильмы позволят детям ощутить себя в роли любимых героев.
So, here are some tips from experts regarding children's playground equipment:
Sports playgrounds will help develop to certain sports. interest at an early agewhich in the future may develop into a serious hobby.
- A good idea to do in the playground sandbox under a canopywhich will protect the sand from moisture and rain. Such sandboxes are particularly suitable for coastal cities or in playgrounds located near the sea. The quality of fenced sand will not deteriorate, as it will not dampen. The canopy also prevents dirt, dust, leaves and other objects from entering the sandbox.
- The most that not a trivial building material concrete is suitable for creating interesting projects of playgrounds. Sensible designers are able to pour slides, climbing walls, stairs from concrete, and all game elements should be covered with special protective materialto ensure the safety of children.
- Anything can be converted into a playground, for example, a small plane that was decommissioned, by converting the cabin of the aircraft into a playroom or training room. Such playgrounds, close to modern life, cause stormy delight in a child and develop children's imagination.
- An interesting variant of the playground is presented by modern designers in the form of hobbit houses. Such options for indoor playgrounds are suitable for almost any weather conditions.
- Recent studies of child psychologists have revealed that it is not at all necessary for children to build playgrounds of acidic and bright colors. The color of natural wood has a positive effect on the psyche of children; therefore, playgrounds should be made of natural materials and use neutral colors.
- Moreover, the playgrounds should surprise the child, and not consist of a standard set of swings and slides. So, it will be interesting for children to play in specially built for them towers, lighthouses and ships.
An interesting project is dragon playgroundwhose torso has two slides on both sides, each of which is designed for a specific age, respectively, young children will not be able to climb there on their own, and inside, instead of the classical Swedish walls, there are horizontal bars and ropes hung.
- Instead of the usual stairs, there are special boxes, which are not so easy to get into, you have to try a little. That is, all elements are designed to, with age physically develop a child.
Thus, modern playgrounds develop children, have a good effect on their health, and also decorate the courtyards. And it is important that the playgrounds have zones for different ages, as well as a harmoniously allocated place for parents.