Features and the creation of mixborders

Creating a mixborderWhen was the first time a man started planting flowers next to his house? We do not know, and are unlikely to know. Everyone has the need to see nature's delights next to them, which is why many centuries there are flower gardens, parks and gardens in our cities. The most colorful, of course, flowers, especially if they are combined in one area. Flowerbeds, rabatki, rock gardens and mixborders are all kinds of flower gardens, differing in shape, layout and way of planting ornamental plants.


  • 1 What is a mixborder?
  • 2 Types of mixborders
  • 3 Flowers in mixborders
  • 4 Practical tips for creating a mixborder

What is a mixborder?

The flower garden stretched along a walkway or wall is called a miksborder. Particular attention when creating a mixborder is paid to ensure that all plantscollected in it, matched each other in a number of parameters.

In order for ornamental shrubs, herbs and flowers to please the eye and harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape, it is necessary to take into account the growth of plants, the timing and time of flowering, as well as the compatibility of the color gamut.

So called scheme mixborders help create the right flower garden. First of all, the location of future landings is taken into account. If a mixborder is to be placed along a wall, then a one-sided view is applied. That is, the plants will have to be planted taking into account the height of the stems: from the tallest ones by the wall, to the very small ones - by the edge of the mixborder. Accordingly, if the mixborder is located in a place that is accessible to the survey from several points, then the largest plants will occupy the central line, their lower counterparts will decorate the border of the flower garden.

From illumination the plot that will be decorated with a mixborder depends on the set of plants forming it. So, for example, light-loving plants are suitable for a mixborder where flowering should last continuously throughout the warm season. For the shade, flowers and ornamental crops are chosen, loving the diffused sunlight.

Types of mixborders

Creating a mixborderExists four The main types of mixborders differing from each other in a number of ways:

  • English. Это классический вид миксбордера, так как основоположниками этого типа цветника стали англичане, обладатели тонкого вкуса и любители природы. Под стать своим создателям, английские миксбордеры сдержанны, не приемлют ярких красок, но создают спокойное настроение. Основой этого вида цветника являются plants с красивой, чаще удлиненной, формой листа нежно-зеленого или серебристого цвета. Но, зато flowers можно сочетать, казалось бы, несочетаемые. Величественные розы и скромные маргаритки вполне уместны в английском миксбордере.
  • Lugovoi. Его отличительной особенностью является набор трав и цветов, которые создают очарование открытой солнцу и ветру лужайки. Декоративные злаки, садовые формы таких цветов, как ромашки, нивяник, лен, маки, позволят to create нежный, не слишком яркий, но очень выразительный цветник. Lugovoi миксбордер выручит тех, кто еще окончательно не определился со своим выбором в стиле миксбордера, потому как его можно to create только из однолетних растений.
  • Rustic. The name itself speaks about where this mixborder will be appropriate. A country house, made in the national style, a dacha, a hotel for ecotourists will be very elegant surrounded by decorative sunflowers, mallows, lupins. A riot of greenery, unrestrained jubilation of color, surrounding small and somewhat heavy currant bushes and viburnum will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort of a country manor.
  • Garden. It sounds a bit strange, but in fact it is a beautiful and at the same time useful mixborder. Decorative cabbage planted near the house in any form, nasturtium, curly parsley, fiery red beans, lemon balm will delight all its inhabitants. Someone will pinch a mint leaf, someone will enjoy the view of the multi-colored heads.

Flowers in mixborders

Creating a mixborderAn overwhelming number of types of mixborders have in their composition flowersand, despite the fact that flowering plants may be much smaller than decorative leafy ones, the main focus is on them.

Миксбордеры могут быть поразительно яркими и очень сдержанными в цветовой гамме, но, в любом случае, необходимо соблюдать несколько условий. Среди цветов существуют антагонистические отношения, то есть некоторые виды не могут нормально сосуществовать рядом друг с другом, поэтому перед посадкой стоит удостовериться, что plants не навредят друг другу. Желательно, чтобы миксбордер цвел непрерывно, исключение — сезонные миксбордеры и декоративно-лиственные.

Color gamma A flower bed can be chaotic or, conversely, orderly, but not necessarily annoying. Perennials, biennials, annuals are perfectly combined in any kind of mixborders and allow from year to year to maintain a variety of colors.

Practical tips for creating a mixborder

In order to properly to create beautiful mixborder, you must adhere to the following algorithm works:

  1. Choosing a place for a flower bed;
  2. Создание scheme миксбордеров;
  3. Selection of plants for a flower bed;
  4. Soil preparation for planting;
  5. Direct landing.

First you need to choose a place under the future flower garden, bearing in mind that a miksborder is an elongated planting, straight or arbitrarily curved. Then it is desirable to make a qualitative analysis of the soil, which will allow to choose the decorative leafy crops and flowers for this soil.

Having decided on soil и освещенностью участка, можно приступать к созданию scheme миксбордера, где будут отражены места посадки кустарников и многолетников, составляющих основу цветника. А теперь самое трудоемкое и приятное: непосредственный подбор цветов, трав, кустов. Это как работа художника — написание эскиза картины, подбор красок и, наконец, создание самого полотна.

Практическая часть претворения scheme на участок земли начинается с preparation soil for planting and beautiful decoration borders miksborder. Then planting the selected crops in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology. The result will be the praise of the audience and the pride of the work done.

So the creation of mixborders is a whole art. The process is not very easy, but it is fully justified. Mixborder, unique, smoothly changing its color during the summer, but always attractive - that's fine.