Mvrdv: library in china
In China, a library has been opened, designed by the Dutch bureau MVRDV. Related: MVRDV: giant staircase in Rotterdam The Tianjin Binhai Library’s library room resembles the human eye: in the center is a “pupil” sphere, surrounded by curved
Group a: amsterdam crematorium
In Amsterdam, opened the building of the new crematorium. The authors of the project, the Dutch Studio Group A, say that the traditional model of “home for cremation” has exhausted itself and offer a new approach to the ritual of farewell. Studio
Modernism week 2018: 7 points of the festival
Palm Springs Modernism Week (February 15-25, 2018) is a festival that not only residents of the California Valley are waiting for. Related: California Getting to Modernism Week in a city in the middle of the Coachella desert is a dream of modernists
House inside the house: 10 projects
Apartments, Gregoire De Lafforest, Paris, France Мансарду в Париже оформил французский дизайнер Грегуар де Лаффорест (Grégoire De Lafforest). Одна из ее особенностей — кухня, заключенная в павильон со стеклянной крышей. Он зонирует пространство,
Incredible architecture of cyril lancelan
Frenchman Cyril Lancelan (Cyril Lancelin), art director of the bureau Town and Concrete, designs unexpected buildings, more like sculptures. Related: Ice Cream Museum in Los Angeles The architect’s fantasy erects pyramids of pink balloons and chapels
Mirror pavilion in porto
Portuguese architects from the depA studio set up a pavilion on the lake in the Serralves Museum Park in Porto, Portugal’s second largest city. Liquid Pavillion - a special gallery for showing films. Nearby is the art museum Serralves, designed by
The best cities in the world in 2018
Ranking cities is a risky business. How can a rating be objective, if 7.6 billion people on earth are unlikely to agree on its criteria? Nevertheless, the global consulting firm Resonance Consultancy, decided to create such a study, based on the
Ginza six: the best mall in 2017
“There are two kinds of people who can control the future: politicians and designers. The task of the designer is to actually create it. Everything we do is like a drop of water that pulses to infinity. Imagine the responsibility and freedom that
House printed on a 3d printer
The project of architect Massimiliano Locatelli, CLS Architetti in collaboration with Arup, Italcementi and Cybe, received the award for sustainable design. 3D Housing 05 - a house of 100 sq. M. meters printed on a 3D printer was installed in
The wooden pavilion of peter pichler
Italian architect Peter Pichler, Peter Pichler Architecture, author of the glass house in Bolzano, designed the structure of 1600 wooden beams stacked on top of each other. An installation called “Future Space” is installed in the courtyard of the
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