
Minisink for car

Driving a car in any weather cannot do without unpleasant surprises for owners who like cleanliness. The settled dust, transformed by the first rain into patterns of bizarre streaks and streaks, insidious puddles that turn out to be much deeper than

Trailer for motoblock do it yourself

The motor-block - the universal agricultural car, very necessary in a personal farm. It can be used to transport various things: tools, country garbage, seedlings, crops, they can mow the grass, remove snow in winter, and also plow the land. You can

Centrifugal pump for water to the country

Every year, an increasing number of people move from cities to the city. Naturally, they have the need to provide the site with water. It is good if the centralized water supply is brought to the country house. However, even in this case, problems

Electric garden vacuum blower

Each summer resident has to solve many problems, and among them should be kept the site clean. To make this work easier to perform, it does not hurt to have such a device as a garden vacuum cleaner. Usually, after mowing garden grass with a lawn

Garden shredder with your own hands

Gardeners who regularly tidy up their site know how much waste is left after such procedures. Of course, it would be easier to just throw it all away as unnecessary garbage, but a caring and economical summer resident will try so that nothing is

Metal braziers do it yourself

Brazier for lovers of barbecue and get-togethers in a friendly company is almost a fixture. Without it, fans of fun-filled outdoor activities are like without hands. It seems that you can live, but something is still not that ... This article is

Disk okuchnik for the motor-block

Agricultural work associated with the hilling of certain crops (such as potatoes, corn) is considered the most difficult. Of course, hilling can be done manually. However, everyone who tried to spud potatoes with a chopper or a manual hiller

Diy homemade mini tractor

As a rule, many of us associate the agricultural sector with land cultivation. However, for sowing crops and growing vegetables, berries and fruits, it is necessary not only to plow the soil and apply fertilizer, but also to ensure regular watering

Tractor for giving

To spend time at the cottage is always nice. In winter, you can walk through the snow-covered forest or spend time soaking up by the fireplace. In the summer you can read a book, lying in a hammock and admiring the flower beds with flowers, sunbathe

Wood splitter: types and features of use

Имея загородный дом или дачу с камином, вас непременно коснется вопрос заготовки дров. Кроме этого, дрова необходимы и в домах с печным отоплением, ведь в некоторых деревнях еще сохранилось такое жилище и этот вопрос является одним из жизненно
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