Driving a car in any weather cannot do without unpleasant surprises for owners who like cleanliness. The settled dust, transformed by the first rain into patterns of bizarre streaks and streaks, insidious puddles that turn out to be much deeper than they seem from the side, clots of dirt sticking to the most noticeable places, and other “charms” seem to cause a lot of trouble.
How to protect the presentability of the appearance of the "iron horse" without spending astronomical sums on visiting car washes and not standing up for hours with a bucket and rag in front of the car? The answer is simple - use minisink. This useful machine will provide full care for the exterior of your car.
- 1 Features and characteristics of the mini car wash
- 2 Minisink construction
- 3 How to make a mini-wash with your own hands
- 4 Rules of operation and maintenance of homemade minisink
Features and characteristics of the mini car wash
The prefix "mini" refers not to the quality of cleaning and the capabilities of the device, but only to its size. Due to its compactness, the minisink is very convenient to use and weighs relatively little, some models can be carried with you in the trunk.
Shops offer pretty wide range of minisinks. How to decide on a purchase? Or maybe you will be able to make a homemade sink, which will be no worse than the chosen one? First, examine the characteristics that determine the capabilities of the units:
- Water intake. Вода может попадать в минимойку либо из plumbingа, либо из ёмкости. Изначальную подачу под давлением обеспечивает только plumbing. Есть агрегаты, не способные создавать напор воды «с нуля» — приобретя такой экземпляр, вы не отойдёте от крана дальше длины шланга. Обязательно уточняйте, насколько эффективно будет работать минимойка без plumbingа поблизости.
Pump pump material. One of the most vulnerable places in the minisink is the head of the pump, namely it is subjected to the maximum water pressure. The strength of the material from which it is made, often determines the service life of the entire device. Plastic heads are the cheapest, but predictably unreliable. Their limit is the pressure of an average force of no more than half an hour per day. More frequent use destroys plastic. In the event of a breakdown, the price of repair is comparable to the cost of a new minisink, so the benefit of such a purchase is very relative. Metal heads are made of silumin or brass, they are more durablebut also expensive. Brass is resistant to corrosion and is highly durable; it is used in professional models, silumin is inferior to it only slightly and is used in the production of high-quality household mini-washers.
- The presence of heated water. A very important feature if you plan to use the mini wash in the cold season. It is not only comfortable to wash the car with high-temperature water during this period, but it is highly recommended to avoid spoiling the appearance of the car. The fact is that cool water, falling under pressure in microcracks, can freeze in them and subsequently destroy the paintwork of the machine.
Performance. Calculated as the volume of water pumped by the pump per minute. From this indicator directly depends on the force.
- Pressure. To clean a heavily soiled machine, a lot of pressure is required. If you often encounter the need to wash anything more serious than road dust, you should pay attention to the units that guarantee the impact of a jet of water on the surface in the range of 100 bar.
- Total Stop. This is an automatic minishear shutdown system that works if a person releases the gun handle. Allows rationally expend resources.
- Filter. It protects the pump pump from damage by microparticles contained in "hard" water. Filters come with replaceable cartridges and reusable.
Depending on the various combinations of the above factors, minisinks are divided into apparatuses of primary, secondary, high and higher (extra) classes. But many of the manufacturers are developing their classifications for mini-cookers (as a rule, broader).
Minisink construction
The device is very simple and consists of the following elements:
- Providing water pumping pump.
- Electric motor.
- Flexible hose. The narrower its diameter, the greater the pressure.
- Nozzlethrough which the jet flies, clearing the dirt from the car.
- Nozzles and other additional equipment - a drum for winding a hose, jet tubes, foam sprays, pressure regulating guns, all kinds of brushes
How to make a mini-wash with your own hands
In order to collect minisinkwe will need:
Pump. You can use an external electric pump from an old car compressor, but it is better not to save on this part and purchase a plunger model with high performance, which develops pressure up to 200 bar. Pay attention to the material of the pistons (metal or high-strength ceramics) and the heads of the blocks (brass). The bearing area of the crankshaft bearing bush should be large enough.
- Power source - the second most important element. You can use electric single phase 220 W engine, but it all depends on the pump. Some specimens are quite suitable and a standard cigarette lighter at 12 V.
- The motor and pump are fixed by "Soft" coupling.
- Hose. Preferably reinforced. Length up to 5 m.
- Clamps
- Switch.
- Nozzles, пистолет, имеющий форсунку, чтобы регулировать напор.
- Plug
- Two two-core wires, для pumpа и для питания, длиной не меньше шланга.
- 20 L canister или другой бак, на выходе из которого можно установить сетку-фильтр. Ёмкость подпитывается от plumbingа либо наполняется автономно. Внутрь добавляют автомобильный шампунь или другое моющее средство.
- Frame from curved hollow tubes. Serves as the basis for fastening all the elements. For the convenience of moving the mini-machine, a pair of small wheels and an emphasis are mounted on the bottom of the frame.
Take care of hose, pump and brush attachments. Where necessary, use sealant.
Standard sequence connection details:
Capacity + filter → hose → pump + engine + regulator → hose → gun, nozzle.
The right side of the diagram shows an example of the simplest homemade mini wash.
Principle of operation конструкции таков: когда включается pump, вода из канистры идёт в шланг, оттуда — в пистолет, и вырывается тонкой струёй под давлением 150−200 бар.
As a result of the assembly, you get an autonomous and compact minisink.
Rules of operation and maintenance of homemade minisink
Purchased minisinkers have a specific cycle duration specified in the instructions: 20, 30 or 60 minutes. If it is not followed, the car wash overheats, which can lead to breakdown. You can keep the lower limit of 20 minutes, or calculate the time yourself, based on the materials used in the assembly. The general rule: the more plastic, the shorter the cycle.
Do not use river or process water unless absolutely necessary. Just in case, set a good one. water filter - what flows from the tap can also sometimes present an unpleasant surprise.
Take care of grounding all electrical equipment. This task will cope three-core insulated flexible wire and plug with ground terminal. The power outlet must also be grounded.
If you purchased for your sink nozzle that has lamellar structuredo not forget to clean it regularly. Needs periodic cleaning and filter.
High pressure minisink can be used not only for washing cars, it can easily cope with other household tasks, the device will be especially useful to owners of houses with the land plot. It is convenient to clean away fungi, moss and dirt from roofs, walls, fences, garden paths with a directional hot jet.