Имея загородный дом или дачу с камином, вас непременно коснется вопрос заготовки дров. Кроме этого, дрова необходимы и в домах с печным отоплением, ведь в некоторых деревнях еще сохранилось такое жилище и этот вопрос является одним из жизненно важных. Ведь чтобы наколоть дрова вручную, необходимо иметь хорошие физические данные, приложить достаточно усилий, что по плечу немногим. Для того, чтобы облегчить данную операцию уже достаточно давно придумали такой аппарат, который называется дровокол. Woodblockы были известны давно, их использовали на крупных заводах и предприятиях для заготовки дров в качестве топочного материала. Благодаря этому механизму можно без особых усилий и за короткий срок заготовить большое количество дров, дровокол несложный в управлении, а некоторые мастера могут сооружать такую конструкцию самостоятельно.
- 1 What is a wood splitter?
- 2 How does a splitter and the principle of its work
- 3 Types of wood splitters
- 4 Advantages and disadvantages of wood splitter
- 5 How to use a wood splitter
- 6 Making a wood splitter with your own hands
What is a wood splitter?
Woodblockом принято считать modern machinewhich is intended for the procurement of firewood in large and small quantities. Very often, such equipment is called colons or wood shredding machines. In addition to splitting logs, they perform trimming.
Work splitter performs quickly and efficiently, and also much safer than the usual ax, which is important. It is quite practical, effective and convenient device. In order to procure firewood for 5-7 days, you need to work with an ax for 4 hours during the whole week, and the wood splitter will cope for 3 hours, and you will only need to fold the logs neatly. Wood splitters are used at cottages, in private country houses for the procurement of firewood, more complex models are often used in industrial enterprises, woodworking plants, etc.
How does a splitter and the principle of its work
Punchers differ in the way they work: a mechanical wood splitter, a hydraulic splitter and a wood splitter.
Mechanical wood splitters simple and easy to use are sufficient, they are mainly designed for splitting short chocks, about 50 cm. Their basis is a special, so-called conical screw, it is screwed into the log and splits it. In addition, one of the important elements of this wood splitter is the engine, you can use both gasoline and electric. For domestic purposes it is best to use electric. The principle of its work is as follows:
- Woodblock ставят на твердую поверхность
- The stopper's handle lifts and moves the support, opposite the splitting blade.
- Between the cleaver and the stop place the log, the stop is lowered.
- The Zetas press the pedal, it is located at the bottom, and the log will crack.
- Woodblock-шуруп was a less well-known model that came up with an unknown self-taught master. Thanks to its ease of use and operating efficiency, the machine is gaining popularity. This unit consists of станиныon which a special engine is attached. The gearbox drives the shaft, a working cone is fixed on it. Some masters do the experiment and fix the screw directly to the motor, for such a construction a reduction gear is necessary, this model is not always good at work.
Perhaps the most powerful can be called hydraulic axes, they can easily cope with any wood species, as well as they can’t even dry and wet wood. These wood splitters are designed for harvesting a large amount of firewood of any thickness, perform work quickly and efficiently. They are actively used for industrial purposes, and also quite often in the household. The whole structure is simple, you can easily cope on your own. Its basis is the hydraulic cylinder, which pushes the log or knives, depending on the model, in the process. Compressed liquid energy is used, which helps split wood.
Types of wood splitters
Woodblockы разделяются на бытовые и промышленные:
- Household axes they work according to the standard scheme, they are not designed for large volumes, when using them in work, a break is necessary. Very often used in the household, for the preparation of firewood in fireplaces, stoves
etc. - Industrial wood splitters very powerful, able to cope with huge volumes, are used for harvesting a large amount of firewood. Pretty complex structures, produce not only sawing logs, but also its feeding, trimming
etc. Designed for a long time of continuous work. Of course, the price of the above two types is different. Industrial have a fairly high price, and household can be purchased at an affordable price.
By way of laying the log wood splitters are also divided into several types:
Horizontal. Bookmark log goes horizontally, in a special chute, and the log is sawn horizontally. This is the most common form, it is quite convenient and practical. The scheme is as follows: either the log moves in the direction of the knife, or vice versa.
- Vertical. The mechanism is the same as in the previous version, only the log is laid vertically. The knife moves from above and presses on the log. This is a very compact design, takes up much less space than the horizontal one is mainly used in industry.
- Mixed models - combine in themselves two types of bookmarks: both horizontal and vertical. These models are considered to be professional, used for a large flow of firewood. Widely used in woodworking enterprises.
You should also distinguish between wood splitters and the principle of engine fuel consumption. Differ electric and petrol shovels. Electric are best suited for domestic purposes, the obligatory point is the presence of electricity. A gasoline is often used in industry, it is a very powerful model. Wood splitters also exist. on tractor tractor. Such units are connected to the tractor hydraulic system, intended for enterprises and large industrial complexes. In addition, there are also combined models, they are used less frequently, although they also find their application.
According to the method of movement wood splitters are qualified for stationary and mobile. Stationary models are more bulky and powerful, they are mostly industrial machines. And mobile designs are quite compact, convenient in transportation and movement.
Advantages and disadvantages of wood splitter
- Much save time and effort, as well as the cost of this process.
The mechanism is quite powerful and reliable, for a small amount of time can handle with large amounts of work.
- Quite a large number of different models. You can choose for any purpose.
- Wood splitters are very convenient and simple in operation. Do not require special skills and knowledge.
- The design is universal.
- It can be used both indoors and outdoors.
- Virtually all types with proper care have long service life.
- There are some models that have large dimensions It is not very convenient and practical.
- Some models are very expensive, so when working they consume a lot of electricity or fuel.
- On engine power depends firewood performance and the amount of fuel consumed.
- Not all types of wood splitters can cope with strong and thick wood.
- Industrial wood splitters have high cost price.
How to use a wood splitter
It is rather simple to use a household wood splitter, in particular it concerns the small mobile designs which are so necessary in country houses and private houses. In order to split the log and get firewood, you need to put the splits in the chute. The hydraulic piston presses the log and pushes it towards the knife, thanks to which the knife splits the log into wood. In this case, the wood remains on a special tray, they must be removed, or they face the following split firewood. In the event of an emergency, there is Danger button and the unit can be easily stopped.
After reading this information, the conclusion is one - the best assistant in the country, in a private house, as well as in production