Disk okuchnik for the motor-block

Дисковый окучник для мотоблокаAgricultural work associated with the hilling of certain crops (such as potatoes, corn) is considered the most difficult. Of course, hilling can be done manually. However, everyone who tried to spud potatoes with a chopper or a manual hiller remembers their not very pleasant sensations. Therefore, such means of small-scale mechanization as hillers for motoblocks are widely used today.


  • 1 ATиды окучников для мотоблока
  • 2 Disc hiller construction
  • 3 The principle of the disc hiller
  • 4 How can I make a disk hiller independently

ATиды окучников для мотоблока

There are several types of hillers:

  • with a specific, fixed width;
  • with variable width;
  • active propeller type;
  • disk.

Hiller with constant widthHillers with constant width make furrows of unchangeable width of 20−30 cm. The fact that the width of the grooves cannot be adjusted is not always convenient. Such hillers more convenient to use with motor-cultivators with a capacity of less than 3.5 liters. with. and weight not exceeding 30 kg. Also, these tools have thin racks and are not suitable for solid soil. In addition, they are inconvenient to use in wet soil.

Hillers с изменяемой шириной захвата как раз позволяют регулировать ширину борозды. Подходят они для мотоблоков not less than 30 kg weight and power above 4 horsepower. Such devices are one of the most common, despite the fact that after the passage of such an excavator part of the earth falls back into the furrow (which means their energy intensity is quite large).

We should also consider the so-called Dutch Hillers (having a variable width). They are deprived of this disadvantage. Their wings are regulated both horizontally and vertically. Connect them to motor-blocks weighing more than 30 kg and with a capacity of at least 4 liters. with.

Hillers active in use are very convenient to use. propeller type. They have a different principle of operation (propellers crush the soil, weeds comb and pile up plants with loose soil), and they can only be used with tillers and tillers with two forward gears.

Disk okuchnik are much more common, they are not less convenient and comfortable in work. What are these units?

Disc hiller construction

ATнешне дисковый окучник выглядит как рама на двух колесах с двумя подвешенными к ней дисками. Эти устройства могут выполнять several tasks: soil cultivation before sowing and after harvesting, inter-row cultivation, hilling. It is possible to install such okuchnik on the motor-block or a cultivator.

AT composition disk hiller includes:

  • T-shaped leash;
  • two screw lanyards (they adjust the angle of rotation of the disks around the vertical axis);
  • two stands;
  • two disks.

Adjustable disc hillerBy adjusting the racks you can change distance between the edges of the disks. This allows you to set the width between rows as you need (from 35 to 70 cm).

It is also necessary to set the same rotation angles for the discs (this is done by adjusting the lanyards). Without this, the spider will be pulled to the side. The inclination of the discs to the vertical is not adjustable and is almost always constant.

Recommended for wheels diameter about 70 cm и 10−14 см ширина. AT этом случае колеса не повредят растений при окучивании.

The principle of the disc hiller

Okuchnik attached to the walker on the hitch bracket without a foot. Do this with a stopper, two bolts and flat washers. It is more convenient to work with an okuchnik for the motor-block on the first downshift. This will increase traction by lowering the forward speed.

Operation disk hillerThe principle of the disc hiller прост: диски при движении захватывают грунт и создают при окучивании валик, подсыпая грунтом растения. ATращение дисков позволяет измельчать грунт дополнительно и рыхлить его.

Disc hiller has certain advantages in front of his other brethren: he makes ridges smoother and taller, in work he is easier and more pleasant, while the energy costs are much less. The operator with such a device is easier to work with.

Конечно, не все так замечательно. ATсегда за комфорт приходится платить. И цены на дисковый окучник — еще одно тому подтверждение. Стоит удовольствие пользоваться удобным и легким в использовании дисковым окучником примерно в три-четыре раза больше, чем другими видами. Price The same on this tool depends on some parameters. Among them:

  • diameter and thickness of the disks;
  • production material: plain steel or alloyed;
  • use in the design or sleeves sliding or rolling bearings;
  • adjustment mechanism.

При покупке дискового окучника для мотоблока все эти факторы стоит учесть. ATыбрав устройство, приемлемое по цене и качествам, вы сможете наслаждаться комфортом в работе с ним.

Considering that this technique is not cheap, a reasonable question arises: is it possible to make a disc hiller for the motoblock itself?

How can I make a disk hiller independently

In order to build this tool, you will need two covers from old unused pans. Their optimum diameter is in the range of 50–60 cm.

Covers need to sharpen along the entire circumference. This will be the work surface. Then we bend the covers with a hammer: on the one hand there should be a bulge, on the other - a concavity. This is necessary so that the disk lifts the soil and sprinkles the bushes nearby. You can also use discs from an old drill. In addition to them, you will need two screw lanyards, two racks and a T-shaped leash.

Elements of the device are bolted together or welded. The disks themselves connect adjustable adapters.

Homemade disc hillerTalrepy will give the chance to regulate disc rotation angles vertically. The disks should be set so that they are symmetrical and the distance between their edges coincides with the width of the rows.

The assembled structure is attached to the bracket of the motoblock via bolts with flat washers and a stopper through a leash.

Thus, if you have certain skills and the required elements among the unnecessary old things, the disc hiller is quite possible to assemble yourself, and to save quite a decent amount.

AT любом случае, купите вы дисковый окучник для мотоблока или сделаете его сами, этот замечательный инструмент способен значительно облегчить тяжелый труд на приусадебном участке и повысить урожайность выращиваемых культур.