One of the most spectacular techniques of landscape design is the arrangement of a dry stream, which, with the right approach, can rather realisticly simulate a very recently dried water source. The main advantage of such a decision can be called the lack of boundaries for the manifestation of their creative abilities, which allows you to create only original landscapes. But to adhere to certain recommendations aimed at maintaining a harmonious combination of all the many elements of a dry stream is certainly worth it.
- 1 Purpose and types of dry streams
- 2 Technology construction of dry creek do it yourself
- 3 Care for dry streams
- 4 What else should you know about dry streams?
Purpose and types of dry streams
We owe the emergence of dry creeks to the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun, since it was them who from ancient times were engaged in the art of creating stony gardens, которое и по сей день успешно развивается ландшафтными дизайнерами во всём мире, в том числе и на территории нашей страны. Простота сооружения в сочетании с изумительным результатом способствовало широкому распространению данной техники среди владельцев дачных участков. Для благоустройства сухого ручья не требуется изменять ландшафт и нести большие финансовые затраты. А care за ним сводится к нескольким irregular manipulation.
Dry streams can serve not only as an excellent decorative addition to your site, but also fulfill an important functional role. Using them is quite simple. to veil Not too aesthetic objects in the form of manholes or drain holes. Also, such designs are often used as drainage systems designed in a stylistic form.
There is no clear breakdown into certain types of dry streams, since the flight of fantasy plays a key role here and directly affects the final appearance of the composition. But still, depending on the design of the channel emit three main types dry streams, namely:
- A meandering reservoir. It implies the presence of one channel, which is prone to natural expansion and contraction along the entire length. The creation of such a stream is aimed at the most accurate imitation of the movement of an ordinary river, therefore, the relief of the chosen territory is quite significant;
- Branched channel. This is a more complex construction from the point of view of planning, since here it is important to harmoniously combine several channels that can connect, and then diverge again in several directions. A special feature is the use of sand jets with a width of no more than 20 cm, which imitate the waves well, if carried along with a rake;
- Waterfall or cascade. Для такого варианта потребуется наличие возвышения, на котором будет располагаться исток реки в виде оформленной скалы, колодца или большого кувшина. Таким образом, ручей будет как-бы ниспадать в извилистой форме. Чтобы сделать рукотворные пороги используют большие flat камни.
Technology buildings dry creek do it yourself
By itself, the process of building a dry stream is literally reduced to several procedures. Much longer last preparatory work, on the quality of the performance, which depends on the appearance of the future design. To facilitate the understanding of the technology of arranging a dry stream, let us examine in more detail each of the stages of this process, namely:
- Making the contours of the future stream. In order for the dry stream to fit perfectly into the existing landscape, it is necessary to draw its outlines with the help of sand. It is important not to save time and to achieve the most pleasant arrangement of lines. To make the stream natural, clear boundaries should be avoided. After the length, width and location of the riverbed is scheduled, you can proceed to the next stage.
- Selection of materials and the calculation of their required amount. Here fantasy has no boundaries, since both large blocks and small pebbles will be required. It is very important to choose the right color scheme and not to combine the incompatible. So, if you decide to stick gray blue scales, then the stones should be selected appropriate, for example, slate or gneiss. If you want to achieve sand brown It is recommended to use limestone, granite and marble. Picking up the stones, they can be pre-treated by painting with a waterproof paint (to create a flickering effect) or varnish (for a wet effect). A scattering of glass beads or melted glass over laid stones looks very beautiful.
- Arrangement of the pit for the river bed. On the planned lines, a trench is dug out of the sand about 20-30 cm in depth, at the bottom of which it is necessary to lay geotextile, having previously tamped down the base.
- Laying stones. After the trench is ready to begin laying stones. The coastline should be spread big cobblestones, and to create thresholds are used flat stones put on the edge, preferably a lighter shade. Small pebbles can be laid out both randomly and in rows, depending on the color scheme. If the stream will perform the drainage function, then some stones should be fixed on the concrete solution.
- Planting plants. Dry creek не будет выглядеть полноценным без растений, поэтому к их выбору следует подойти основательно. С целью придания естественности водоёму, его русло стоит supplement with plantsassociated with the water element. For example, large-leaved forget-me-not, creeping live-crawl, blue fescue, obrietta and other colors with blue-green and deep blue hues. The banks of the stream can be issued by any undersized bushes and flowering plants. The main thing is that their height and abundance do not cover all the beauty of the driest reservoir.
- Dressing dry creek. Ready dry stream can also be supplemented with interesting decorative elements. For example, build wooden bridge or put a stone slab. Various statuettes and garden sculptures will surely fit into the overall composition, and low street lanterns will add a touch of romance and create a special atmosphere in the evening.
Dry streams care
Measures aimed at maintaining dry creeks in an attractive form do not imply any difficulties, but this does not diminish their importance, believe me. Generally care This element of landscape design is similar to similar procedures for alpine slides and is as follows:
- Periodic watering. It is very important not to allow the formation of excessive dryness of the soil, since a large number of stones in the sun rather strongly affect the microclimate in which the planted plants are located. This is especially true in dry and hot weather. Therefore, it is necessary to water dry streams with a sprinkler head, and to check how dry the soil is, it is enough to remove the layer of stones and check the soil under them at a depth of about 5 cm;
- Weed removal and plant trimming. To the creek is not overgrown with weeds as needed, we need to weed. Planted plants must be freed from dried leaves and buds at the end of the flowering period. The height of the grass should also be adjusted so that it does not obstruct the entire composition, so the shears should always be at hand;
- Destruction of ant houses and larvae. Ants - this is one of the most common problems of dry streams, with which you need timely fight. To do this, large stones should be regularly raised and checked for the presence of these insects and their larvae. If you do not do this, then soon the whole beautiful view, on the creation of which you worked, will be covered with sand;
- Cleaning the bed from the moss. Here you need to look from an aesthetic point of view, namely, if you are not embarrassed, but on the contrary completely satisfied with the presence of moss, then it is quite possible to leave it, but only in a reasonable amount;
- Сезонный care. In early spring, it is necessary to loosen the ground under the plants and fertilize the soil so that their appearance does not cease to please you. In autumn, the stream should be freed from fallen leaves, and in winter it should be warmed by plants that do not tolerate frosts.
What else should you know about dry streams?
Dry creek — это именно та композиция, которая может стать объектом всеобщего внимания и восхищения. А в сочетании с простотой создания и лёгкостью careа, обойти стороной данное ландшафтное решение становится просто немыслимым. Поэтому не стоит откладывать ваше желание сотворить сухой ручей у себя на даче, ведь у вас для этого есть две самые главные вещи — стремление и фантазия.