Nothing tones the industry like the stars who invented artistic images. In the design of such enough. Gothic witch, French architect Odile Deck, English designer Bethan Laura Wood and Slovenka Nika Zupants, Milanese gallery owner Rossana Orlandi and an American diva, collector and curator Iris Apfel are among the most brave and inventive in their own outfits and make-up. Age does not matter, the woman-holiday attracts eyes both at 25 and at 96. A successfully found style, like noble drinks, over the years has only improved its properties. The message of all disguises is obvious: for these ladies, the energy hits over the edge and they are always ready to share it.
Betan Laura Wood loves to dress up and make up in order to provoke the audience with its eccentricity. Motley as a hummingbird London diva is always in the spotlight.
Related: Bethan Laura Wood: inspired by color

Айрис Апфель in his 97 years fearlessly experimenting and not afraid to overdo it. She is ready to carry on her paradise gardens, kilos of jewelery and kaleidoscopes of rich color.
Related: Iris Apfel in Paris

Rossana Orlandi chose an image for herself and follows it strictly. The white frame makes it look like a dragonfly, and yoga classes allow you to maintain a beautiful posture.
Related: Spazio Rossana Orlandi: Ocher Girls

Talented and very hard working Nika Zupants could easily make a career top model. Slovenian beauty loves to be photographed and with pleasure puts her portraits in instagramm.
By topic: Nika Zupants: between boudoir and nursery

Rebellious architect Odile Deck Shocks the public in a gloomy manner and creates expressive projects, often using red and black colors. But at the same time cares about the comfort of those for whom it builds.
По теме: Odile Deck наградили Jane Drew Prize 2016