Wallpaper for painting (80 photos)

Probably everyone knows the feeling when they want to change the interior without much effort. Or, when you want to create a textured wall design, and the size of the room does not allow to roam. What can help in this case? Wallpaper and paint! And you can appreciate the amazing result of this combination in the photo below.

The content of the article
  • The delights of using wallpaper for painting
  • Which wallpaper for painting is better to use?
    • Paper based wallpaper
    • Wallpaper on non-woven base
    • Fiberglass based wallpaper
  • How to decorate the interior with these wallpapers | do it yourself?
  • We combine color
  • Wallpaper for painting in the interior of rooms for different purposes
    • In the living room
    • In the bedroom
    • In the nursery
    • In the kitchen
    • In the hall
  • Wallpaper in the interior: more ideas

The delights of using wallpaper for painting

Modern manufacturers of finishing materials offer a variety of options for decorating walls - plaster, paint, wallpaper, liquid wallpaper, panels, etc. You can always pick up what you have, not only to taste, but also on the wallet.

Painted walls - a fashionable trend of recent years. If you use paint, you have the opportunity to paint your home in a perfect shade (whether it be the color of the growing wheat in the rays of dawn, the color of the thunder sky in Barcelona in July - the main thing is to refer to the catalog or an experienced consultant on coloring and paint selection). However, if you do not use textured plaster, painted walls will be just smooth, not interesting. In addition, the paint does not even minimally perform the function of heat and sound insulation.

Wallpapers make the walls not so cold, easy to use. However, you can only choose from what the manufacturers offer (with the exception of photowall-paper designed according to an individual project). And if you want to change the design of the room or its color scheme, you will have to go through the entire repair process with a new one - remove old wallpaper and putty, re-plaster the walls, stick new ones ...

What to choose if the advantages and disadvantages are there and there? One of the ways out of such a difficult task may be the choice of special wallpaper for painting.

Thanks to the wallpaper for painting you can change the color scheme in your home up to 7 times!

Apply a fresh coat of paint - and get an updated interior without much effort and cost. Walls will not be boring and "bare" due to the texture of wallpaper. In addition, an order of magnitude better will be kept warm in the room.

What wallpaper for painting is better to use?

Not every wallpaper can be painted. Regular wallpaper, when you try to paint on them, begin to bubble, peel off, become limp. Therefore it is necessary to use only special ones.

There are three main types of wallpaper for painting:

  • glass wallpaper;
  • non-woven;
  • paper.

As a rule, they are all white or light neutral shades.

Photo wallpaper for painting

Photo wallpaper for painting - 1

Photo wallpaper for painting - 2

Wallpaper for painting - photo

Wallpaper for painting - photo 1

Wallpaper for painting - photo 2

Wallpaper for painting - photo 3

For the manufacture of these types of wallpaper, fundamentally different materials and technologies are used, as a result, materials for decorating walls that are different in properties and achievable tasks are obtained. That is why different types of wallpaper for painting so significantly differ in density and cost per roll.

Comparison of the density and cost of different types of wallpaper

Type of wallpaper


Cost of


95-135 g / m²

500-900 руб. / Rul.


100-150 g / m²

700-1200 руб. / Rul.

glass wallpaper

110-265 g / m²

900-1800 руб. / Rul.

Paper based wallpaper

Paper wallpaper - the very first type of wallpaper for painting. They are easily glued even on a surface imperfect from the point of view of smoothness. As a rule, they consist of two layers, in contrast to ordinary paper wallpaper - thicker and more durable. In order that the wallpaper does not bubble and do not lag behind the walls during the first and subsequent paints, they are impregnated with a special water repellent. With the help of paper wallpaper for painting it is convenient to decorate not only the walls, but also the ceiling.

Wallpaper on non-woven base

Флизелин, в отличии от бумажной основы для обоев, на порядок плотнее и прочнее. Кроме того, несомненное его достоинство состоит в том, что он не мнется. При помощи трафаретов на non-woven обои наносится вспененный винил, поэтому такое покрытие для стен отличается особой рельефностью и разнообразием фактур.

When choosing non-woven wallpaper for painting, pay attention to the quality of vinyl. Vinyl plating is very fragile and the lower its quality, the more likely it will get scratched or worn off during pasting.

The main advantages of this type of wallpaper:

  • durable;
  • smooth all irregularities;
  • restrain the cracks of the walls.

Поэтому при создании интерьеров в новостройках специалисты используют именно их: из-за так называемой «усадки стен» новых домов, на них нередко появляются трещинки и неровности, а non-woven обои благодаря своей структуре не только не порвутся, но даже помогут сдержать изъян и не дать расползтись ему дальше.

В отличии от обычных флизелиновых обоев с виниловым покрытием, non-woven обои под покраску, после нанесения на них защитного слоя краски, на много меньше царапаются.

Fiberglass based wallpaper

Fiberglass yarn or fiberglass as a basis for wallpaper began to be used relatively recently. Basically, they are in demand in the production of photo wallpaper.

Fiberglass yarns are made of lime, quartz sand, dolomite and soda, after which they are integrated on a paper base. Such wallpapers can have different structure and density (from 110 g / m2 to 265 g / m2). Threads can be intertwined in the most fantasy patterns and reliefs, among which the most popular are rhombuses, gossamer, herringbone and gunny. This type of wallpaper is incredibly durable and durable, so its price is quite justified.

If you are frightened by the cost of a roll of glass wall coverings for painting, remember how much money to update the interior of the room you will save in the future.

Даже частое мытье с чистящими средствами и щетками им не страшны! Это отличный выбор не только для жилых помещений, но и для офисных. Они достаточно легки в поклейке, однако правильно приклеить придется с первого раза: оторвать glass wallpaper от стены - задание не из легких.

How to decorate the interior with the help of such wallpapers?

There is nothing in the world that could not be done by hand. This also applies to self-design of the premises using wallpaper for painting. Moreover, self-sticking wallpaper for painting has a very significant plus: the repair team, working with wallpaper for painting, takes double pay - separately for sticking and separately for dyeing.

Wallpapers for painting are glued just like usual. How to glue the wallpaper correctly - look at the video below.

Interior using wallpaper for painting

Interior with wallpaper for painting 1

The more colors your wallpaper has survived, the less its texture will be noticeable.

If you combine 2 or more colors, draw the borders of the colors with a brush.

The optimum temperature for painting is from 17 to 22 degrees Celsius.

More recommendations on how to paint the wallpaper - below.

Photo wallpaper for painting в гостиной

Living room interior

Living room interior - фото

Living room interior - фото 2

Living room interior - фото 3

In the bedroom

Unlike the living room, the bedroom should correspond exclusively to your tastes and needs. This room should not be the object of interest to outsiders. The bedroom is a place of relaxation, so when painting wallpaper for painting it is better to choose quieter, pastel shades, and with bright colors make accents, for example, highlighting niches or drawing panels.

Wallpaper for the bedroom

Bedroom interior

Bedroom interior photo

Bedroom interior photo 2

Bedroom interior photo 3

Bedroom interior photo 4

Bedroom interior photo 5

In the nursery

Children's room - the real paradise for a riot of fantasy! It is here that it is allowed to apply the most incredible shapes, colors, painting techniques, because children must be interesting!

Wallpaper for painting is ideal for a child's room, because even when a child begins to draw painting on wallpaper, this will not be a problem - you can repaint this wallpaper at any time, instead of having to re-glue them for a long time. Moreover, there are even special coloring wallpapers, with small images of cartoon characters, which not only can, but also need to be decorated. Well, or you can just leave one wall of white, so that you can draw on it. Believe, your child will be satisfied!

Do not forget that the walls in the nursery will most likely have to be washed occasionally, so choose a paint designed for washing.

Children's interior photo

Child's interior photo 2

Children's interior photo 3

In the kitchen

Обои для кухни должны быть максимально прочными, влаго- и термоустойчивыми и предназначенными для мытья. Поэтому идеальный вариант – glass wallpaper.

Wallpaper for painting in the kitchen

Wallpaper for painting in the kitchen 1

Wallpaper for painting in the kitchen 2

Wallpaper for painting in the kitchen 3

In the hall

Although the walls in the hallway are less affected than in the kitchen, however, a lot of dirt is put on shoes and clothes from the street and it settles primarily on the walls of the corridor. Therefore, it is also advisable to wash them periodically. In addition, if you have a small child and you often walk with a stroller, the wallpaper must be strong enough not to get spoiled by accidental clues.

Interior hallway

Interior hallway 2

Interior hallway 6

Interior hallway 7

Interior hallway 8

Wallpaper in the interior: more ideas

If you still doubt whether the wallpaper for painting in the interior will look good - pay attention to the photo below.

Wallpaper for painting in the interior

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 2

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 3

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 6

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 7

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 8

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 9

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 10

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 11

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 12

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 13

Wallpaper for painting in the interior 14