Fabio Novembre (Fabio Novembre, p. 10/21/1966) surprises the whole world with outrageous objects, fascinating boutiques and installations that explode our ideas about the usual.
By topic: The world of dreams on the beds of Fabio Novembre
“The meaning of the life of an individualist designer is in communication with others. You buy not only shoes, but also beautiful boxes, and most importantly - you buy experience. I like to design spaces where a lot of people gather - places of countless meetings. ”

Novembre was born in 1966 in a large family in the city of Leche in the very south of Italy, and made his way in life on his own. He assures that he acted purely by chance in the Milan Polytechnic: simply because he came to his brother in Milan and he liked the city. In 1992, he received a degree in architecture, by his own admission, without learning how to draw. After that he went to New York to study filmmaking. However, there, Novembre met with fashion designer and founder of the fashion brand Blumarine Anna Molinari. And, believing in his talent, she entrusts to a completely unknown at that time, but having a very bohemian young man, the design of her boutique in Hong Kong.

Novembre did something incredibly glamorous, bright, with a touch of insanity for Blumarine - Anna Molinari liked the job, Fabio received a new order: now she was given her London boutique, at the entrance to which he put giant female legs, which of course looked like slap public taste on prim Bond Street. And so began his fame. In 1994, he opens his own design studio in Milan.

“I feel that the longer I live, the more I become a technocrat. And the more I am in the power of technology, the more my objects are connected with feelings, with instinct. The sophistication of the world around me makes such a protest in me that I try to simplify everything to the maximum, inventing objects that are extremely simple. ”
Но на сцене интернационального промышленного дизайна появляется лишь в 2001-м, когда представил для Cappellini стол ORG: стеклянная столешница на множестве тонких ножек, похожих на спагетти. Потом было еще много предметов, запоминающихся найденным в них образом: шкафы Spicchi di Memoria для Morelato, замаскированные под стволы деревьев; диванный ландшафт AND в виде закрученной ленты, напоминающий молекулу ДНК или ленту Мёбиуса, для Cappellini; биоморфная сантехника Void для Flaminia, вазы в виде пилюль Happy Pills для Venini и те самые стулья Him&Her для Casamania, напоминающие знаменитые пантоновские кресла, но с отпечатком мужского и женского зада...

In 2000–2003, Fabio Novembre was the art director of Bisazza and designed its showrooms around the world. He likes to use mosaic in his interior, exhibition projects and installations. And there are not enough of them in his career. Prestigious brands and popular brands often invite Novembre for their promotional presentations. He made bright and unforgettable exhibitions for Pepsi, Lavazza, Philips, BMW and Mercedes.

In 2009, 20 parked 500 Fiats appeared on the streets of Milan — a tree grew from each. In fact, it was the exhibition project of Novembre To make a Tree (“Make a Tree”), created by him in conjunction with the City Office of Fashion and Design and Fiat, and the trees were fiberglass, but looked like real ones. Everyone liked the project so much that in 2015 it was repeated at the Expo exhibition (November, by the way, was chosen by one of its ambassadors).

In 2010, Novebre made an installation for Moscow Design Week: 40 colorful Nemo masked chairs created for Driade symbolized 40 robbers from thousands and one night fairy tales. The stories he tells about his works often resemble fairy tales themselves. According to the legend invented by Novembra for the Moscow installation, the robbers wanted to kidnap a rainbow and hide it in a treasure cave and themselves became part of it.

When in 2013 he made the skull chairs for Gufram, calling them Jolly Roger ("The Jolly Roger"), he began to tell everyone that this is a tribute to the memory of his grandfather, who was a pirate. "It seems to me that I myself began to believe in it ... Everyone in the family should have at least one grandfather-pirate: this will be the strongest branch in the pedigree, which you can always grab onto, if that."

He really loves words (his blog, in which he describes his projects, takes up half of the site). All projects — from Stuart Weitzman boutiques in Rome and Milan to the Meltin’Pot hanger — are kitsch stories about life, death and love. In addition to Fellini’s films, the main source of inspiration is Novembre calling the female body. Nude models are an indispensable attribute in all advertising photos of his subjects. In the early 2000s, Novembre designed the interiors of the Milan Divina disco (“Divine”): giant digital copies of the most famous female nudes in the history of world painting, from old masters to impressionists, to the walls.

In 2015, Novembre became the art director of the famous Milan football club, and now he has decorated the main showcase of the legendary Milan store La Rinascente, which has just been named the best department store in the world. A year earlier, he created the interiors of the new club headquarters.

His style is eccentric. And not only in creativity, but also in life. Novembre appeared on advertising posters in the image of Christ, in the costume of Adam (i.e., naked) and in the mask of a gorilla, and says that he likes to walk in such a form at home. To the daughters whom his wife gave birth to him, the Argentinean beauty Candela, he gave not the most banal names - Celeste (“Heavenly”) and Verde (“Green”). The Internet and magazines circled the photo of the courtyard of his Milan studio, where he grows a tree of knowledge, to which the huge serpent tempter, made of metal, stretches.

“A good thing is a powerful individual effort. I do not believe in trends, but I believe in people of genius. Such as Mark Newson, Ron Arad, Tom Dixon. Hailing from different countries, they now live in England, and work all over the world. They and I, we tell stories with our things, emotional and exciting.

When special "stories" take possession of the minds of many, then new trends are born. The 1960s, 1970s, 1980s were the time of scandalous creative groups (Superstudio, Archizoom, Pentagram), who believed they could change the world. Nothing happened. High design is formed by individual strong personalities. ”
«Для меня важна преемственность творческих принципов. Я, например, очень ценю наследие Вернера Пантона. И мое кресло HIM & HER посвящено ему. Я был пленен масштабными инсталляциями Кристо: полностью обернутыми в ткань Новым мостом в Париже и Рейхстагом в Берлине. Под его влиянием мне захотелось сделать бутик в виде подарочной коробки».

In the Palazzo dell’Arte of Milan, at the XXI Triennale, his room-installation Intro was shown, one of the 11 rooms of the Stanze exhibition project. A round room, upholstered in red skin, with figures of gilded Vestal girls at the entrance should cause a long chain of associative connections with the human head, the egg as the beginning of life, the mother’s womb and the bedroom, where we are like carefree babies. Fabio Novembre, as always, came up with a whole philosophical concept for his project, full of paradoxical maxims and unexpected conclusions.