Португальско-французский дуэт Oitoemponto образуют два таланта с очень разными корнями. Артур Миранда — португалец, Жак Бек — француз. Первый — человек действия, второй — перфекционист. Один увлечен скандинавским дизайном (семь лет прожил в Швеции), другой влюблен в орнаментальное богатство XIX века. 20 лет назад они основали бюро и с тех пор не испытывают недостатка в заказах. Главной отличительной чертой своего стиля декораторы называют работу с антиквариатом. Артур и Жак — завсегдатаи аукционов. Уверяют, что самое их любимое занятие — рассматривать предпродажные каталоги. Вещи с историей, в духе тренда mix&match — из разных веков и десятилетий — представлены в каждом из их проектов.

“We are consistent,” says Arthur and Jacques. - We love the modernist design of the mid-XX century, but classic items, exquisite or, on the contrary, kitsch, always find a place in our projects. We love the mix, this is a proven technique that we apply from project to project. We also like the feeling of being worn, as if things and the interior have already lived for some time. Of course, all this is always complemented by modern art. ”

As the authors themselves say, they prefer a monochrome base. “We love the combination of black and white. But we do not suffer from color-phobia: all paints are good, provided that they are used in the right proportions. We often use pleasant natural colors, shades of foliage from different seasons: from spring yellowish-green to saturated summer, nuances of sand, stone, sea wave. The landscape outside the window is a full component of the interior; the palette of the house should be coordinated with it. ”

“In the work of a designer, schooling and education are crucial. After all, this is a technical profession, without special knowledge in it is impossible. So just having good taste is not enough. And in general - what is good taste? What are his criteria? For someone, the more gold the better, the works of art are important to another. We try to strike a balance between the client’s lifestyle and our ideal. A luxurious interior is, above all, a comfortable interior. ”