Simple. Elegant. Modern. Such is the tableware, designed by the architect, the winner of the Pritzker Prize, British Lord Norman Foster, for the Danish brand Stelton.
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“There is an amazing ambiguity in the power of a curve and a line that determines both the appearance of a person and a building, a bridge or a vessel. In a sense, they are all part of one. And the issues of quality, craftsmanship and texture are common to all of these different scales, ”said Norman Foster.

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Stelton has provided unique characteristics and quality: a rich collection of items based on a combination of materials - stainless steel, porcelain and glass. The famous architect, as always, thought globally and was able to harmoniously combine the needs for a beautiful breakfast and dinner. The collection includes wine glasses, a decanter, a tray, tea and coffee sets, a thermos, a water jug. The premiere of Norman Foster x Stelton was held at the Ambiente exhibition in Frankfurt in early February 2018. The collection will go on sale in June 2018