Corner desk

Corner desktop, whether it is computer or just written, looks amazing in any interior. The photo below shows the most interesting and stylish evidence of this fact.

The content of the article
  • Advantages of the corner table over the usual
  • What material to choose?
    • Glass table
    • Metalический стол
    • Plastic table
    • Wooden table
    • Chipboard / MDF desk
  • Corner desk as a multifunctional piece of furniture
    • Desk with add-in
    • Desk with a curbstone
    • Desk with shelves
    • Desk with light
  • Selection of the corner table depending on the destination
    • For student
    • For two children
    • For an adult
  • Corner desk under the order

Advantages of the corner table over the usual

A table is an extremely important component of any workplace, and it doesn't matter where it is located - in a living room or in an office room.

Productivity and work efficiency directly depend on how comfortable your desktop is, but more importantly, mood, well-being and enthusiasm.

However, it is often very difficult to find a comfortable desk, both for home and office space, since space is extremely limited. Forced table sizes greatly affect its convenience. But what to do if the space does not allow to roam, and a comfortable workplace is extremely necessary? Choose a corner table!

Here are just the most basic advantages:

  • First, the expansion of the boundaries of the standard working surface. Even if you have a personal computer (PC) installed on your desk with a whole arsenal of various gadgets and additional devices, thanks to the additional niche in the corner, you will be able to place them as ergonomically as possible. This will preserve the space in which you can engage in other types of work not related to PC (note-taking, modeling, reading).
  • Secondly, the preservation of vision. Even if at first glance it may seem that the shape of the table in no way affects your vision - this is a misconception. The angle of view, the distance to the working surface and even the degree of natural lighting directly depend on which table you work at! At the corner table, the distance between the monitor and the eyes is greater, which means less harm. In addition, the corner table is much easier to place even near the smallest window, which increases the level of natural lighting.
  • Thirdly, with the help of an angular table, the space visually expands, because the tabletop is somewhat narrower than the standard table. And since there is enough square meter per meter to accommodate such a table, the space is not only visual, but also really saved.
  • Fourthly, what is directly noted by the users of the corner tables themselves (especially office workers who do not have their own offices) - this form allows you to “fence yourself off” and immerse yourself in your own work, because only the working space is in sight.

Advantages of the corner table over the usual

Advantages of the corner table over the usual 2

Advantages of the corner table over the usual 3

Advantages of the corner table over the usual 4

Advantages of the corner table over the usual 5

Advantages of the corner table over the usual 6

Advantages of the corner table over the usual 7

What material to choose?

Modern materials for the manufacture of furniture differ in a variety of textures and properties. And innovative technologies for their creation and processing make even the most capricious material functional. Therefore, choosing from which your future desk will be created, it is appropriate to focus on the style of the room. Recommended combinations can be viewed in the table below.

Recommended materials in different styles




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Plastic (quality !!!) will be appropriate for the manufacture of children's furniture in any style.

Consider the materials for the manufacture of writing or computer desk in more detail.

Glass table

Такой стол, как правило, маленький, компактный. Он не отягощен лишними надставками и мощными тумбами. Glass – один из любимых материалов дизайнеров для создания интерьера в стиле минимализм. Кроме того, благодаря прозрачности этого материала, мебель становится почти невидимой, что существенно облегчает внешний вид комнаты.

The disadvantages of the glass table include:

  • harsh sound when touching hard objects
  • markiness
  • cold surface (it can be a significant problem if you need to be at the table for several hours, especially during the cold season).

Glass table

Glass table 1

Glass table 2

Metalический стол

It is difficult to find material for the manufacture of furniture that would be stronger and more versatile than metal. Among the advantages of a metal desk are the following:

  • Длительный срок эксплуатации. Metalическая мебель прослужит вам не один год и даже не одно десятилетие, ведь средний срок использования мебели, которая изготовлена из металла, составляет около тридцати лет.
  • Strength. Virtually no external influences (whether scratches, bumps or spilled drinks) are not afraid of the metal desk.
  • Incombustible. This quality is especially important for a desk, because in it and on it is usually stored a whole pile of important documents. Due to the fact that metals do not burn, nothing threatens your documentation.
  • Stylish modern look. Here, as they say, no comment.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Cold work surface
  • Heavy construction, resulting in limited mobility.
  • Unwanted use in the children's room in terms of safety.

Metalический стол

Metal table 2

Plastic table

In contrast to the metal, plastic desk is not only permissible, but also desirable to use for a children's workplace.

  • First, plastic (quality!) Is safe. Even if your child hits during stormy pranks and dynamic games, the likelihood of injuries is reduced as much as possible.
  • Secondly, plastic furniture can be of the most incredible color (white, yellow, crimson!) And the most unimaginable form. Therefore, it will easily fit into the most fantasy interior of the children's room.
  • Thirdly, the plastic desk is easy to wash, so young artists will not spoil its appearance even during the million-colored decoration.

Plastic table

Plastic table 2

Wooden table

Wood - the most traditional material for the manufacture of furniture, but its relevance, he has not lost today. If you are an adherent of classic style, a wooden writing desk is ideal. But also in other styles of an interior the table from a tree quite organically will fit. The wooden surface is natural, and therefore pleasant to the touch, so it will be comfortable to work at such a table at any time of the day and in any season.

Wooden table

Wooden table 2

Desk with add 2

Desk with add 3

Desk with add 5

Desk with a curbstone

The curbstone can be both open and closed. In the first case, this addition will be an ideal space for placing the processor from a personal computer, and in the second - a convenient place to store trifles. If you make a cabinet with drawers, then everything you need can be removed from the table in seconds.

Desk with a curbstone

Desk with a curbstone 2

Desk with a curbstone 3

Desk with shelves

If it is necessary to keep books, textbooks or large folders in the reach of the table, then the option of a corner table with hanging shelves would be appropriate. In this case, the surface will not be cluttered, but everything you need will be at hand.

Desk with shelves

Desk with shelves 2

Desk with shelves 3

Desk with light

Additional lighting is a solution for those who can not put a table near the window. This design will preserve vision and make work easy even at the farthest wall.

Desk with light

Desk with light 2

Desk with light 3

Selection of the corner table depending on the destination

For student

Desks for schoolchildren - the most popular. They must be of appropriate size, located near a source of natural light or be equipped with equivalent lamps. In addition, it is desirable that all teaching materials and stationery are at hand.

Table for the student

Table for the school student 2

Table for the school student 3

Table for the student 4

Table for the school student 5

For two children

Corner desk for two children allows you to most comfortably accommodate work areas for two kids, even in the tiniest room. It is better to keep teaching materials separately, but accessories for drawing and other creative work can be stored in the same cabinet or drawer.

Table for two children

Table for two children 2

Table for two children 3

Table for two children 4

Table for two children 5

For an adult

A desk for an adult should correspond to two main points: the growth of the worker and his needs / hobbies. By adhering to this rule, you can create the most suitable working area.

Table for an adult

Table for an adult 2

Table for adult 3

Table for adult 4

Table for adult 5

Corner desk under the order

If for some reason you cannot select the desired corner desk model in the catalog (for example, Ikea), you can choose to make it to order. In this case, it is desirable to consider:

  • Placement of the table, its size
  • The average height of all who will work at the table
  • Dimensions and location of office equipment
  • Dimensions of the chair or chair near the table
  • Requirements for the availability of certain additions (shelves, cabinets, drawers). Consider that the more of them, the more expensive the manufacture will cost.

But the most important pricing factor is what the table will be made of.

Approximate prices for making a desk


from 2 000 rub.


from 25 000 rub.


from 8 000 rub.


from 8 000 rub.

Corner desk under the order

Corner desk - photo 1

Corner desk - photo 2

Corner desk - photo 3

Corner desk - photo 4

Corner desk - photo 5

Read the same way as choosing a coffee table!