The interior in the Tuscan style is a kind of “interior with history”, especially suitable for our cold country, designer Alexey Smirnov believes.

A photo: Dmitry Livshits
Interview prepared: Julia Sakharova
Magazine: Decor N6 (183) 2013
What do we mean by this expression - “Tuscan style”? - It seems to me that the Tuscan style was originally formed, bringing some exterior details to the interior. These colors and textures that we are talking about are not from our climate and not from our reality, but that is why this interior will be comfortable for those who love Italy. When we say "Tuscan style", we do not mean none of the pure styles, it is a number of features that are united by geography. I can name a few main things, without which, in my opinion, the interior in this style does not work out. Removal of structures (for example, beams) outside; lack of excessive decor, simplicity; materials - natural; colors are natural; textures - aged. The leading mood is a classic, but in this field there are partly modern things. This combination makes it possible to create an “interior with history”, with a feeling of continuity of generations, inhabited and alive.
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