ресторан "Анис" в Санкт-Петербурге Igor Sushkov

Text: Olga Gvozdeva
A photo: Peter Lebedev
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Project author: Igor Sushkov
Designer: Irina Aleshina
Magazine: (102)
New St. Petersburg restaurant "Anis" occupies two floors. The architect claims that the name is secondary here, the main thing was the image that in the format of the pre-project task was: “to create the interior of a Japanese restaurant without using traditional methods”. Indeed, there is no Japanese-Japanese here, either on the ground floor or on the second floor, although they are different from each other. The first floor is a bistro zone (comfortable, but still chairs were chosen for it), the second is a private and imposing, designed for a long stay (because there are comfortable sofas and chairs). The black color prevails everywhere, but the huge shades of white fabric make the interior of the second floor particularly cozy. Spectacular wallpapers with black leaves on a golden background complete the picture. They, like lamps, play the role of a bright emotional spot.