A table for a collector, equipped with a mobile plasma panel with a lifting mechanism, is a subject for an “advanced user,” says Luigi Bruno, art director of the Santo Passaia factory

Magazine: Decor N11 (188) 2013
Luigi Bruno reflects on why several leading trends, both interior and “existential”, are combined in one subject: modern life makes new demands, including in terms of technology. But how to combine all this in one subject? We made it. Our factory created furniture “with a secret” for collectors. This composition is from a triangular table and a semicircular rack, from which a TV-panel may appear by the wave of a hand. Retractable display cases are operated in the same way as the TV, by means of a lifting mechanism. The collector — say, porcelain — can easily take any object from a display case and place it on a table of a convenient triangular shape. Super modern video technology, controlled from the console and hidden in the depths of the classical style of furniture, is a trend. I am an architect, and I am impressed by a systematic approach. Therefore, I want to draw your attention to the context that we created for this furniture group: the entire interior of the cabinet, right down to the coffered ceilings, is “dressed” in a tree of valuable species ”